The two main ghosts are that of Lady Catherine (The Grey Lady), and Alexander Ramsay of Dalhousie. Ramsay was imprisoned here and left to starve; some say he survived two weeks merely by eating bits of grain that fell through the cracks.

Partially located within some of the city’s many underground vaults, the Banshee Labyrinth describes itself as Scotland’s most haunted pub. It is reportedly occupied by a banshee – a group of workmen once heard a bloodcurdling scream and a few hours later one of them received a call about the death of a family member. There are also said to be occurrences of drinks flying off tables and smashing into walls.


Even the five-star Scotsman Hotel is said to have some ghosts. The Edwardian building was formerly the offices of the Edinburgh Evening News and is reputedly the home of a phantom printer. By which we mean a person who did the printing, not some possessed Laserjet.

It has a history dating back more than 2,000 years and has been the site of numerous battles and sieges so it’s no wonder there are reports of ghostly goings on at the city’s most iconic landmark. The sound of drums, unexplained knocking sounds and mysterious orbs have all been reported. In 2001, a team of scientists carried out an investigation into the paranormal experiences at the castle as part of the Edinburgh International Science Festival and said the results appeared to support the stories

First designated as a graveyard by Mary Queen of Scots in 1562, Greyfriars Kirkyard is the final resting place of a number of notable Edinburgh residents including poets, historians, architects and inventors (not forgetting the famous Greyfriars Bobby). But in recent years it’s gained a reputation for being haunted by a poltergeist, with some visitors leaving with bruises, scratches and cuts. The hauntings are said to have started in the late 1990s when a homeless man broke into the tomb of Sir George Mackenzie, who led the persecution of the Covenanters in the 17th century

In 1988 a myth about a green lady spotted at preston tower spreaded around east army was sent to preston tower to hunt down the “green lady”.it Turned out that she killed all of the army and lots more villagers in a nearby town. Many more people tried to kill her. They all failed apart from a school boy. This boy was on his way home from school when he came across the ghostly women the boy screamed and hid in a small bush. When the women found him he stuck a pencil in her throat and ran home. The next morning when he was rudely woken up he looked out his window just to see a whole new army chanting we want the boy. He rushed to the door and said “why do you want me”. “Because you killed the witch and we want you in our army”. Sohe joined them. By liam gould