OCTOBER 30th & 31st

INSHRIACH, Feshiebridge, By Aviemore

Planners : Dick & Trish Carmichael (TINTO)

Organiser: Marcella McLennan (TINTO)

Night Controller : Rob Hickling (GRAMP)

SOL 7 Day Controller : Dave Armitage (GRAMP)

Entries : Lorna Young (TINTO) and

Travel Directions:

From South leave A9 at Kingussie signposted Kincraig on B970. Travel to Kincriag village turn right through village under railway and over river to Loch Insh. Turn left after Watersports to Feshiebridge. After bridge turn right signposted Gliding Club and Lagganlia. Car park on forest road 100 meters from junction.

From North leave A9 signposted Aviemore, at south end of village take Coylumbridge road, after ½ mile turn right on B970 at Inverdruie. At Feshiebridge turn left and left again into forest. Park as directed on forest road.


In the event of an unseasonably bad weather forecast check or for late cancellation notice, which will be posted by 1900 hours Friday October 29th.


Registration and download for both events is at the entrance to the forest parking track in a caravan and tent at Feshiebruach chalet on the bridge side of the Lagganlia road. Take great care crossing the minor road between assembly and parking.

Toilets (5) will be located between the parking and assembly areas in the Forestry Commission parking zone.

String Course. Sorry no Halloween night string course. Day string 200 meters south of assembly follow taped route from main Finish.

Terrain. Challenging mature highland forest some intricate contour. Network of rides, trails, tracks and paths. Some recently thinned areas and some moraine terrain. All courses in the day event will cross the minor public roads in one or two places. Take great care crossing and obey any marshals controlling traffic.

Maps. Survey October 2010 Deeside Orienteering & Leisure Maps.

Waterproof 1:10000 scale all courses at night and courses 3-12 during the Day.

Courses 1 and 2 Sol 7 Day 1:15000. Printing Stirling Surveys.

Yellow and White competitors must collect their maps from Registration before going to the start.


Note CLOCKS go back one hour at 0200 on Sunday morning between the two events.

Night Event. 1830- 1930. Walk 500 meters along minor road to south east of assembly. Allow 10 minutes. Control descriptions on all maps and loose ones available at assembly and before pre-start. Course closure 2130 hours. You must return to assembly download.

SOL 7 Day Event. 10.30 – 12.30. Walk 300m due north from Assembly along edge of minor road turn left 700 meters along track to north. Allow 15 minutes. Control descriptions on all maps and at –2 in start lanes only. Course closure 1500 hours you must return to assembly/download.

TINTO TWIN Trophy Prize Giving 1530 hours. Last year’s winners please return.

First Aid & Safety. Saint Andrews Ambulance/First aiders will be in attendance. Safety direction at night and once road crossing has been past during the day is west to road and south to assembly. Whistles (day and night) and spare torch (night) must be carried. Cagoules must be worn or carried if weather demands and if controller requires. If in doubt see notices at assembly. There are steep banks and a fast flowing river gorge 200 meters from assembly parents beware!

Competitors take part entirely at their own risk and are responsible for their own safety.

Acknowledgements. Forestry commission for access and parking. Members and friends of TINTO O C for manpower assistance particularly members of STAG, Robin & Sheila Strain, Hilary Quick, Paul Caban, Paul Frost, Lynne Walker and many others.