New Life Bible College and Seminary

PO Box 1268, Hillsville, VA 24343

Phone: 276-730-0706 Fax: 276-730-0705 Email:

Application for Admission

If you are in the area of a NLBC&S extension college, we recommend that you attend there. Please see an attached list of areas that have extension colleges.

Name ______Male or Female ____Birth date ______

Address ______

______ (Street) (City) (State) (Country)

Home Phone (___)______Business Phone (___)______

Email Address ______

Best Time To Contact ______Social Security # ______

High School ______Date Graduated ______

City/State ______

Colleges/Universities/Vocational Schools Attended:

______Location ______Date ______Credits ____

Degree Earned There: ______

______Location ______Date ______Credits ____

Degree Earned There:______

______Location ______Date ______Credits ____

Degree Earned There: ______

Ordination Date ______License Date ______

How Long In The Ministry? ______years Local Church:______

Church Denomination Affiliation:______

Please include 3 letters of reference from pastors, or ministers that you have worked with. If possible, we prefer letters of reference from someone who is associated with NLBC&S such as students, or former students. Please list references below, their name, position, ministry or church, and emails.

Name and Email:______

Name of ministry or church they are affiliated with, their position, how long they have known you:


Name and Email:______

Name of ministry or church they are affiliated with, their position, how long they have known you:


Name and Email:______

Name of ministry or church they are affiliated with, their position, how long they have known you:


Name and Email:______

Name of ministry or church they are affiliated with, their position, how long they have known you:


Name and Email:______

Name of ministry or church they are affiliated with, their position, how long they have known you:


Please provide a complete resume of your ministry experience. Please see attachment as to what this requires.

Check the degree program you wish to qualify for:

____ Associates ____ Bachelors ____ Masters ____Doctorate

Please note that we must have copies of all transcripts for all past degrees. We do not under any circumstance admit students for higher degrees without their presenting transcripts from lower degrees. Copies of certificates, etc, will not be accepted. Students must prove that they completed courses for all past degrees.

Please Note:

NLBC&S does not issue any type of student ID.

We believe that if a student does these courses too quickly, they will not be able to prayerfully and thoroughly digest all the material. Therefore, we restrict students from being able to do more than two courses each month.

The application process is lengthy as we are strict about the students that we accept.

I certify that I am enrolling in this Degree program for my own personal and private academic improvement and that all information submitted to this college and seminary is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I understand that New Life Christian Schools and Colleges International (NLBC&S accrediting agency) is not registered with the US Department of Education, and because of this it may not be recognized by other countries Departments of Education, and not recognized for state jobs, or positions. However, these degrees are religious in nature and for the sole purpose of training workers in God’s kingdom. Not being recognized by the government does not affect this.


Applicants Signature Date

Sample Resume

George Fuller

2003 Riverside Drive | Hillsville, VA 24502 | 434-528-4671 |


Strong relationship building skills utilized to recruit and retain volunteers. Experienced speaker and team player engaging groups ranging from 5 to 150 people. Organizational and research skills in LOGOS 5. Diverse experience in cross-cultural ministry, leadership training, and evangelism.

EDUCATION (sample)

B.A. in Biblical Studies, New Life Bible College, Hillsville, VA Anticipated May 2016 Other Education completed: Courses through my Denomination

Computer Skills: Microsoft Office 2015, LOGOS.


Put details of your Ministry Experience. Include dates and length of time for each segment.


Include other experiences you have had related to ministry work.

List of Locations of Extension Colleges


Chucky, TN

Staten Island, NY

Siler City, NC

Florissant, MO

La Grange, GA

Shaw, MI

Newark, NJ

Charlotte, NC

Brooklyn NY

Columbia, SC

Fayetteville, NC

Laurel, DE

Jacksonville, NC

Brockton, MA

Alpharetta, GA


Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Kitwe, Zambia

Accra, Ghana

Somolu, Lagos

Kibaha, Tanzania

Kumasi-Ashanti, Ghana

Monrovia, Liberia

Takoradi, Ghana

Nairobi, Kenya

Yangon, Myanmar

Thika, Kenya

Osun State, Nigeria

Punjab Pakistan



Akim Oda, Ghana

Asawasi Kumasi, Ghana

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Ahafo Region, Ghana