Let’s Evaluate

The tune of the verse was written by Noel Coward to introduce his particular parody of this song. The chorus is by Cole Porter and is his “Let’s do it”.


Educators it’s true

Like an evaluation or two

To keep their practice in line

Vice Chancellors as well

Think the whole thing is swell

To show that teaching is fine

Even the GCEQ

Which makes so many feel blue

Is press’d to this critical task

Which leaves aging old me

With my stiff dicky knee

To take this mike and to ask


If statisticians obsessed with means do

And sociologists in thongs and jeans do it

Why not do it?

Let’s evaluate!

Young academics, in some fear do it

Conference planners over a beer do it

Let’s do it

Let’s evaluate!

Margaret Hicks, with a smile does it

And it comes from the heart

Paul Ramsden with style does it

In fact, he’s made it an art

So let’s do it

Let’s evaluate!

Spoken Rigmor George gives it her best shot, at UniSA

But Ted Nunan wants her to go the digital way


At Monash, Sid Nair does it

But it takes him offshore

(spoken) And Monash counts neutrals positively

Which certainly helps with the score

The overworked teacher, with a moan does it

At Flinders, Jan Orrell all alone does it

Let’s do it

Let’s evaluate!

On her tablet, Shirley A. does it

Though it’s not what she’d like

If she can’t do it while swimming

She’d prefer using her bike

Gail Hart, who’s simply nice does it

Without taking pause

At Curtin, Bruce Shortland-Jones does it

Though he prefers to have cause

Tom Angelo, in the US, does it

Even Brendan Nelson under stress does it

Let’s do it

Let’s evaluate!