Juvenile Justice

Juvenile Justice (Law 6-226; Soc. 8-190)

Room 6 5, Monday, 3 :3 5 – 6:15 pm (3 Credit s )

Prof. Barry Feld

Fall, 201 3

340 Mondale Hall

(612) 625-9389


Office Hours: Tuesday , 10:15 – 11 :30 am

Whenever My Door is Open and By Appointment

This course/seminar analyzes juvenile justice administration and the procedural and substantive limitations on juvenile courts’ authority to intervene in the lives of young offenders. It examines critically the rationale for a separate justice system to control youthful criminality, the implications of the rehabilitative ideal for court jurisdiction and administration, and alternative ways to organize and administer a justice system for young people. We will analyze juvenile justice and the legal status of children in the broader context of youth policy, crime policy, criminology, developmental psychology, and sociology, among other disciplines.

Required course materials are Barry C. Feld, Cases and Materials on Juvenile Justice Administration (4th Ed. West 2013) [cited as JJA];

For our first class meeting on Monday, September 9 (3:35 – 6:15 pm) read Chapter 1. The Origins of a Separate Juvenile Justice System JJA 1 – 60