Town of Mantua Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting January 11, 2018
The Town of Mantua Planning and Zoning Commission
Held on January 11, 2018
6:30 p.m. at Town Hall
Planning Commission Members in attendance: Harper Johnson, Kyle Duncan, Jerry Bushman, Don Wallentine, John McAllister and Jan Palmer-Recorder
Planning Commission Members absent: Lisa Olsen and William Shoemaker
Audience in attendance: None
Opening Prayer: Kyle Duncan
Approval of Bill Jeppesen Phase 9 Subdivision: Harper explained we approved the preliminary for this subdivision back in September and there were a couple items Bill had to address, first we needed permission for Bill to use the temporary turn around on Steve Jeppsen’s property. The Town did receive the permission in writing from Steve Jeppsen for Bill to have the hammerhead on Steve’s property. Bill will have the letters to serve from Rocky Mountain Power and Dominion Energy at the Council Meeting before approval next week. The land for the park will be dedicated in this phase. There was a discussion on when they can start building on those lots. Harper explained that we can’t stop them once the road is ready for asphalt. He did say after talking to our attorney that once that phase has been approved it is the Town’s road, so we could close the road if we chose to, whether it be for weather, heavy truck traffic, etc. Harper said that Kevin doesn’t want anyone on his roads until they are paved.
Motion to approve the Final on Bill Jeppesen’s Phase 9 contingent on, the Letters to Serve from Rocky Mountain Power and Dominion Energy, are here before the final approval by Council.
Motion: Kyle Duncan
Second: Don Wallentine
Yes votes: Don Wallentine, Kyle Duncan, Jerry Bushman and John McAllister
No votes: none
Motion passes
There was a discussion on how lucky we have been with the developers, Bill and Kevin, how easy they have been to work with. Kyle said they have done everything that has been asked of them, and you can’t stop progress as long as they comply.
Harper explained that a few months ago when he was talking to Miles Jensen, it was brought to his attention that when we approved the Preliminary Plat for Maple Springs, at that time they said they would come in for a preliminary and final on every phase, but we required the developer to deed all the land for the park up front, we basically approved that entire subdivision. They still have to go through the phases but we have already approved the subdivision by requiring that land to be dedicated up front. He thinks we as a Planning Commission are as guilty as the Town Council. Jerry asked if that allowed them to sell lots on the whole subdivision. Harper said no they still are going with 15 lots a year. Kevin isn’t interested in doing more than that, he still has 4 lots in his first phase he would like to sell before he starts on the 2nd phase. Harper thinks this is smart because the last thing he want to see is a few house in this phase and a few down the road a ways. If someone wanted to challenge the 15 lots a year they could probably challenge it, the Mayor has brought that up in Council Meeting. We have been lucky with the developers we have worked with understanding our situation. Jerry thinks we could still hold them to 15 lots per year, cities do it all the time, but it would be a moratorium. Harper said you have to have good grounds for a moratorium.
Changes to the Land Use Book: Harper said we have a work session with the Council on January 25th at 6:30, anyone that can come he would appreciate it. He would like the Commission to go through Section 11 of the Land Use Book. He knows in that meeting we are not going to make it through the whole list. He would like the Commission to go through the Conditional Use Permits and see if they want them permitted or not permitted. There was a discussion on what business may be conducive to Mantua.
Motion to approve the minutes
Motion: Harper Johnson
Second: John McAllister
Yes votes: Harper Johnson, Kyle Duncan, Don Wallentine, John McAllister and Jerry Bushman
No votes: None
Motion passes
Commission Comments:
Jerry said there is a lot of building going on all over. He asked how many building permits have been issued on Indian Trial Road. Harper said one.
Kyle asked what Brigham City is going to do about parking where they put the fence around part of their parking lot. He was told they did turn in a plan, to add more parking,it would come south through the grass area.
Harper said it is time to reappoint the Planning Commission. So between now and next Thursday if anyone doesn’t feel like they want to continue to serve, now would be a good time to speak up.
Motion to adjourn
Motion: John McAllister
Second: Kyle Duncan
Yes votes: John McAllister, Kyle Duncan, Don Wallentine and Jerry Bushman
No votes: None
Motion passes
Meeting adjourned at 7:16 p.m.