The Tower Insurance Plate
Port St Mary, 29th and 30th July 2017
Min £1000 Prize Fund plus 100% payout
Cash prizes for best visiting anglers.
Optional biggest fish pools.
Mannin A.C 2 day Open, Small Boats Species Hunt
Name …......
Skipper and Boat Name …......
Telephone Number …......
Mannin A.C member Yes/No
(Any boat owners not members of the Mannin A.C must include an appropriate copy of insurance documents for their vessel with their entry forms)
Entry Fee, £20 per person
Please send your forms with payment to Mannin Angling Club, 8 Auckland Grove, Douglas, IM1 3JR.
Enquiries, Martin 451272 or Graham 498017
Disclaimer: This is a recreational tournament and all entrants to the competition do so of their own free will and at their own sole risk understanding that injury, loss or death could occur. The competition organizers, event staff or any parties associated with the event will not be held liable or responsible for any problems or issues which arise from this event or be liable or responsible for any competitors’ costs, expenses or equipment at any time.
Check the relevant tides and weather reports for the competition venue before putting to sea and be prepared.
By entering this tournament, you give your permission to the Mannin Angling
Club and authorized third parties to use your image in any future promotions or articles
I have read and abide by the terms and conditions (see page below) on these forms.
Signature …......
Date …../...../......
Event Info/Rules.
Saturday 29th and Sunday 30th July, 2 day species hunt.
All boats must be inside Port St Mary Breakwater by 9.00 on both days. Boats must be
registered, all entry fees paid, and photo ID tokens collected by 9.30 both days.
Boats can leave Port St Mary Breakwater at 9.45 on both days.
Fishing will take place between 10.00 and 16.00 on both days.
All boats must be back inside Port St Mary Breakwater by 16.30 on both days. ID cards, catch sheets and pool fish certified at the Fishermen’s shelter on Port St Mary Breakwater by 17.00. Prize giving on 30th will follow result confirmation.
Pool fish. A Species will be picked out of the hat each morning prior to the start of the competition, the longest fish to be the winner.
Fish to be photographed against CLUB SUPPLIED MEASURE, 1 Picture to show whole fish, with 2nd close up to confirm length. In the event of a tie, the pool money will be shared between the boats involved.
No fish to be brought to weigh in.
• Maximum 4 anglers per boat, minimum 2 anglers.
• Maximum 4 rods and 12 hooks per boat.
• All entry money must be paid in full by 9.30 am on the 29th July 2017
In the event of a complete comp cancellation due to weather or unforeseeable
circumstances, entry fees will be refunded.
Weather may dictate the event, in the case of one of the days being un-fishable due to bad weather, a decision will be made on Friday 28th by 20.00 on how the event will be run. One day may count as the whole event if the committee sees the need due to
the weather.
We are encouraging fish conservation, so fish caught must be handled with minimum
stress, get the fish's picture with ID symbol done as soon as possible and safely return the fish to the water.
In the case of a draw on species numbers, the pool fish on the last day will be used to decide the final standings.
No fishing inside Port St Mary Breakwater (end of Alfred Pier to Carthure Rocks)
Size limits.
15cm- Dragonet, Weever, Goldsinny, Rockcook, Corkwing Wrasse, Blennies, Gobies,
Scorpion fish, Poor cod, Scad and Unclassified.
20cm- Mackerel, Herring, Dab, Plaice, Launce, Cuckoo Wrasse, Pouting, Grey Gurnard, Red Gurnard, Black Bream, Whiting .
30cm- Ballan Wrasse, Cod, Pollock, Coalfish, Haddock, Tub Gurnard.
40cm- All Rays (across wings), Dogfish (lsd) , Smooth Hound.
60cm- Tope, Bull Huss, Spur Dog, Conger, Ling.
There are no rules preventing the taking of fish for the table, but please, take only what you really need. Thank you.