Youth Sailing

Request for Proposals 2018

Background & Purpose

The TK Foundation is interested in supporting nonprofityouthsailing programs that arereaching motivated disadvantaged youth. Winning programs will offer youth an up-close and personal relationship with the ocean, providethem withopportunities to challenge themselves in an ocean environment, teach responsible seamanship and stewardship, and help them develop important life skills.

The TK Foundation is looking for youth sailing programs that do this through a combination of program criteria that aim to:

1)Offer an ongoing educational experience

Programmatic elements may include:Instruction, mentoring, and educational field trips

2) Promote responsibility

Programmatic elements may include:Internships, or other types of work-related, hands-on experience

3) Promote leadership skills

Programmatic elements may include: Volunteer opportunities, peer mentorship, or advocacy

Programs that provide support services such as case-management, counseling, and/or life skills courses are especially encouraged to apply. Ideal programs should incorporate all three criteria listed above, and should operate in-line with The TK Foundation’s core values: A Hand Up and Not a Hand Out, Enduring Impact, ( i.e. lasting results), Innovation, Integrity, and Hands On (i.e. direct involvement between agencies and their clients).

The TK Foundation has set aside $200,000USD to be awarded in grants to successful applicants. Grant requests may range from $4,000 - $10,000. Multiyear grant requests of up to three years will be considered.

grant Timeline

The relevant dates are as follows:

  • Proposals due: February 1, 2018
  • Grant decisions announced: Late February
  • Grant funding period:March 1, 2018 up to February 29, 2020


Applicants can be located in, or have programs operating within, the service area of any US,UK, Canadian, Bahamian, and Bermudian city or county.

Eligible applicants must be nonprofit public benefit corporations exempt from federal income taxes under US, UK, Canadian, Bahamian, or BermudianInternal Revenue Codes.

Applicants must operate without illegal discrimination on the basis of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, national origin or disability.

If your organization is a previous or current TK Foundation Fund grantee, all reporting requirements must be current or your agency will not be considered for funding.

Grant funds may be used for

  • Implementation of a new program
  • Continuation or expansion of a program, if able to document history of compelling, quantified impact
  • Organizational capacity building, including social enterprise
  • Personnel, facility, supplies, equipment, and other direct expenses essential to the project
  • Community outreach/publicity to targeted clients
  • Staff or volunteer training
  • Justified Indirect costs

Grant funds may not be used for*

  • Lobbying
  • Annual fund drives
  • Underwriting or sponsoring social or special events
  • Fund-raising activities
  • Debt retirement or budget deficits
  • More than 25% of agency annual budget
  • Endowment campaigns

*These are generalities and are true in most grant-making situations. However, The TK Foundation may make exceptions when appropriate and after discussion with the applicant agency.

evaluation Criteria for proposals

Proposals are evaluated by a qualified review committee who will determine the extent to which they meet following criteria:

  • Disadvantaged-The TK Foundation wishes to target those youth that 1) do not have equal opportunities because of circumstances that makes achievement unusually difficult and 2) are at risk of social exclusion.
  • Youth- Between the ages of 9and 21. Applicants are requested to differentiate between “Children” (9-12) “Teens” (13-17) and “Young Adults” (18-21).
  • Proposed program is compatible with your organization’s mission and the purpose of grant program stated above.
  • Agencyshows experience with targeted community(ies) and access to the populations served.
  • The program for which you are seeking support effectively
  • Offers an ongoing educational experience
  • Promotes responsibility
  • Promotes leadership and life skills

proposal Format and Content

Please make sure that your proposal includes each of the items listed below. Do not exceed the page limit allotted for each section and the font must be a minimum of Times New Roman, 12. The proposal should be in Microsoft Word and include the following:

  • Proposal Cover Sheet (1 page, use form provided)
  • Narrative (3 pages, use form provided)
  • Financial analysis (1 page, use form provided)
  • List of members of the organization’s governing board (1 page, use form provided)
  • A copy of the project budget for the program for which you are seeking funding (1 page)
  • A copy of the organization’s current total operating budget (1 page)
  • A one-page document of how organization’s total funding is secured; please show actual numbers as well as break down into percentages (government funding, private donations, foundation grants, etc.)

In addition to the above set, please provide the following attachments as a .pdf file:

  • Government letter of tax exemption
  • Copy of the most recent available 990 (or equivalent) and independent audit including auditors’ letter

important - Submission of proposal

Proposal should be saved in the following Word format:

Proposed program acronym (or name) Organization acronym (or name) doc. For example: Youth_Program_ABCNonprofit.doc

Please submit proposals no later thanFebruary 1, 2018via email to . Proposals will only be accepted at this email address.

Please direct inquiries to the Orange County Community Foundation by contactingAustin Muckenthaler or (949) 553-4202 ext. 248.

Late or incomplete proposals will not be accepted. Proposals will be declined if the directions for formatting stated above are not followed. Information may be used or shared for reporting or promotional purposes

In the case of non-U.S. grants the exchange rate for the grant payment will be determined on the date and time thepayment is entered into Orange County Community Foundation’s (OCCF) grant management system. The exchange rate may change between the time the payment is entered into the system and receipt of payment by the grantee. However, the exchange rate is fixed by OCCF at the time of entering the grant into OCCF’s grant management system and the grantee will not be invited to request an exchange adjustment.

Banks often charge both outgoing and incoming wire or transfer fees. OCCF and the TK Foundation pay applicable fees for outgoing international wire transfers. OCCF and the TK Foundation are not responsible for any bank, wire or transfer fees that may be incurred by the grantee in the process of receiving an international wire transfer.

proposal cover sheet

Name of Organization:
Name of Program:
Mr./Ms. / First Name: / Last: / Job Title:
E-mail address: / Phone #: / Ext.
Organization Address:
Grant Amount Requested: / $ / Total Budget for Proposed Program: / $
Agency’s Total Budget Per Year______

Number of individuals served by proposed program: (per session or per year)

Organization’s Website:

GEOGRAPHIC AREA SERVED (City/County/State or Province:)


PROPOSAL SUMMARY (no more than 100 words):

 By checking the box you attest that you are authorized on behalf of your agency to submit a proposal to The TK Foundation Fund, that your agency meets all eligibility requirements, and that all information provided in this proposal

is true and accurate.


The narrative information must be presented in the text boxes below (which can be made smaller or larger as needed.) Please respond directly and succinctly to the questions. The answers may vary in length, but the total narrative page count may not exceed three (3) pages. The minimum font size is Times New Roman, 12.

1.Please provide a brief history of your organization. Include a description of current and past programs, legal status, main purpose of organization, and how it is currently funded. Describe staff and organizational qualifications that relate to the proposed program.

2.Describe the proposed program. Include implementation of program, intake, case management, program services, placement in jobs or continuing education, and follow-up.

3.Describe the youth that will benefit from the program and their needs and/or issues.Include any demographic information and the number of youth to be served per program period and indicate if the program targets specific disadvantaged youth populations (such as pregnant teens, offenders, youth with mental health issues,etc.). Please include the percentage or number of kids in your program that struggle with financial, social, or physical disadvantages.

4.Based on your description of the disadvantaged youth population you intend to serve, please describe your outreach and engagement strategies to ensure these youth access your program.


6.Please describe your agency’s past experience with serving disadvantaged youth.Please be specific.

7.Describe the qualifications and/or training of key leadership, personnel/staff, and volunteers involved with the program.

8.Program Objectives. List the objective(s) of the program, the action that will be taken to reach this objective, and how this action will be evaluated and assessed. Be specific. The objective(s) needs to be measurable; describe the “who” and “how”, and be time bound. A minimum of one objective is required;additional objective boxes may be added below if needed.

Objective 1:
Objective 2:

9.Does the program include collaboration with other agencies? Describe the history of this relationship.

10.Explain any special features of the program – what makes it effective? Is there anything else you would like to share about the organization and/or program?

11.Describe how the program will be sustained after TKF support has ended. Please be specific.Include a description of any social enterprise activity which the organization is currently engaged in or plans to become engaged in.How will the organization conduct programming if not all requested funding is received?. Please be specific.If the request is greater than 10% of your program budget, please explain how the program will be supported.

12.Based on your request - can you show specifically how TKF funding will be utilized? We would like to know specifically how funds will be applied. E.g. "to purchase 3 boats, fund instructor training" etc - not simply that "funds will be used to support our program".
Nonprofit Financial Analysis

The purpose of this form is to present an overview of an applicant organization’s financial health. This will be reviewed and taken into consideration along with the grant proposal. Please provide all theinformation requested on your entire organization, along with any notes that may explain any extraordinary circumstances. This information should be from your most recent 990 and audit.

Organization Name: / Most Current Fiscal Year: / / /

Program to Total Expenses Ratio: This looks at the percentage of expenses used to support programming versus how much is spent for general management and fundraising. A general rule is that at least 75 percent of total expenses should be used to support programs – the higher the percentage the better.

Program Expenses / /Total Operating Expenses / = Program Expense Ratio
$ / $ / %


Quick Ratio: This measures the level of liquidity and measures only current assets that can be quickly turned to cash. A generally standard Quick Ratio equals 1 or more.

Cash / + Accounts Receivables / /Current Liabilities / = Quick Ratio
$ / $


Excess or Deficit for the Year:

Excess or (Deficit)
Most recent fiscal year end / Excess or (Deficit)
Prior fiscal year end
$ / $

Notes (please explain any deficits):


Use the template below to show the cost and proposed income for the program:




TK Foundation


Other Income:



TOTAL INCOME PER FUNDING SOURCE (please add the secured and proposed columns)



TK Foundation


Other Income:



Personnel, benefits
1List all sources of program revenue secured. Be specific, for example, if total foundation support is from several foundations, please list the names of each foundation here:
2List all proposed sources of project revenue pending. Be specific, for example, if total foundation support is being requested from several different foundations, please list the names of each here:

Governing board

List the Board members, their backgrounds, and how they contribute to the organization (financially, time spent and/or expertise).

Name / Position on the Board / Profession &Contribution to Board / Years on the Board