
Regulation and Governance of HealthCare: Alternative Practices, Theories and Visions

March 2-3, 2007

Venue: Fluno Center, Madison

Sponsored by the Health Care Project, University of Wisconsin Law School, Global Legal Studies Institute, European Union Center of Excellence, WISGAR, WAGE Governance Circle

An interdisciplinary and international symposium that focuses on health care governance and regulation will be published by a new journal, Regulation and Governance, in Oct. 2007. A workshop is to be held at the University of Wisconsin on March 2 and 3 2007 that will feature the papers to be published in the special issue. The papers will be discusses in a series of session that are organized around health care regulatory sites and systems: medical research, hospitals, clinics, and national systems. The session participants are the paper writers and commentators. Each paper explores an alternative set of regulatory tools and mechanisms currently being utilized or envisioned in these arenas, such as public/private collaboration, consumer participation, industrial standardization and new types of courts. In some cases there are competing alternatives in a single arena, in other cases the alternatives may co-exist with the traditional regulatory structures. The papers will be presented in short overviews with responses by UW and Wisconsin practitioners and researchers. Each session will allow for ample discussion.

Preliminary Program .

Thursday, March 1 – Arrival of participants

Dinner at a local restaurant (time and location TBA)

Friday, March 2, 2007

8.30-9.00 / Registration and continental breakfast
9.00-10.45 / Session 1 – Regulating Medical Research: Institutional Review Boards
·  Scott Burris
·  Sydney Halpern
·  Commentators - Dr Norman Fost – UW Medical School
·  Nichelle Cobb-UW IRB
10.45 – 11.00 / Break
11.00-12.30 / Session 2 – Regulating the Quality of Health Care of Professionals
·  Michelle Mello and Ed Dauer (co-authors)
·  Ruth Horowitz
·  Commentators - TBA
12.30 – 1.30 / Lunch
1.30-3.00 / Session 3 – Translating Knowledge into Practice
·  Carol Heimer
·  Louise Trubek and Laura Dombourian (co-authors)
·  Bryce Hoflund and Marybeth Farquhar (co-authors)
·  Commentators – Dr Maureen Smith and Dr Jeff Grossman, Greg Nycz Marshfield Clinic
3.00-3.15 / Break
3.15-4.45 / Session 4 – Governance of Hospitals
·  Joe Rees
·  John Blum
·  Commentator – George Quinn, Wisconsin Hospital Association, Chris Queram, Wisconsin Collaborative for Healthcare Quality
4.45-5.30 / Concluding Note - Governance of Health Design: European Union in Transition
·  Tammy Hervey
·  Commentators
7.30 / Dinner at the home of Louise and David Trubek for all commentators and speakers

Saturday, March 3, 2007

9.00-11.00 / Continental breakfast
Discussion of papers and logistics by participants and editors
11.00 / Conclusion