Item ID Number: 20000000
Passage or Graphic:
Stem:If you were writing a story about your pet hamster which sentence would you use?
Option 1. Hamster fat.
Option 2. My hamster is fat.
Option 3. fat hamster
Option 4. My hamster fat.
Key: 2
RIT Range: 161-170
Copyright Info:
Idaho Standards Alignment: 690.01a
Learning Cont. Goal: Composing and Writing Process
Learning Cont. Subgoal: Prewriting Skills
Learning Cont. Bullet #: 1
Learning Cont. Page #: 1
Idaho Falls Content Alignment: Abacus 2-265
Item Entry Complete: Y
Item ID Number: 20000020
Directions:Identify the sentence that is a complete thought.
Passage or Graphic:
Option 1. My backyard the aliens landed.
Option 2. Landed aliens in my backyard.
Option 3. The aliens landed in my backyard.
Option 4. The backyard landed my aliens.
Key: 3
RIT Range: 161-170
Copyright Info:
Idaho Standards Alignment: 699.01a
Learning Cont. Goal: Composing and Writing Process
Learning Cont. Subgoal: Use Drafting and Revising Skills
Learning Cont. Bullet #: 1
Learning Cont. Page #: 1
Idaho Falls Content Alignment: Abacus 3-15
Item Entry Complete: Y
Item ID Number: 20000030
Directions:Identify the correct word or words to complete the sentence.
Passage or Graphic:
Stem:My roof leaks when it ______.
Option 1. blows
Option 2. rains
Option 3. sprinkles
Option 4. is cold
Key: 2
RIT Range: 161-170
Copyright Info:
Idaho Standards Alignment: 699.01a
Learning Cont. Goal: Composing and Writing Process
Learning Cont. Subgoal: Use Drafting and Revising Skills
Learning Cont. Bullet #: 2
Learning Cont. Page #: 1
Idaho Falls Content Alignment: Abacus 3-15
Item Entry Complete: Y
Item ID Number: 20000040
Directions:Identify the sentence that is a complete question.
Passage or Graphic:
Option 1. It is cold outside today?
Option 2. Outside is cold today?
Option 3. Is it cold outside today?
Option 4. Today cold outside?
Key: 3
RIT Range: 161-170
Copyright Info:
Idaho Standards Alignment: 699.01a
Learning Cont. Goal: Composing and Writing Process
Learning Cont. Subgoal: Use Drafting and Revising Skills
Learning Cont. Bullet #: 3
Learning Cont. Page #: 1
Idaho Falls Content Alignment: Abacus 3-30
Item Entry Complete: Y
Item ID Number: 20000050
Directions:Choose the main topic.
Passage or Graphic: hiking, animal tracks, flowers, logs
Option 1. my backpack
Option 2. my scrapbook
Option 3. my pet animal
Option 4. my nature walk
Key: 4
RIT Range: 161-170
Copyright Info:
Idaho Standards Alignment: 699.01a
Learning Cont. Goal: Composing and Writing Process
Learning Cont. Subgoal: Use Drafting and Revising Skills
Learning Cont. Bullet #: 4
Learning Cont. Page #: 1
Idaho Falls Content Alignment: Abacus 3-10
Item Entry Complete: Y
Item ID Number: 20000060
Directions:Fill in the correct missing word.
Passage or Graphic:
Stem:The ______storm.
Option 1. lion
Option 2. water
Option 3. blue
Option 4. thunder
Key: 4
RIT Range: 161-170
Copyright Info:
Idaho Standards Alignment: 699.01a
Learning Cont. Goal: Composing and Writing Process
Learning Cont. Subgoal: Use Drafting and Revising Skills
Learning Cont. Bullet #: 5
Learning Cont. Page #: 1
Idaho Falls Content Alignment: Abacus 3-5
Item Entry Complete: Y
Item ID Number: 20000070
Passage or Graphic:
Stem:Which sentence best describes this picture?
Option 1. The barn door fell off.
Option 2. Trees fell on the barn.
Option 3. The barn fell on the tree.
Option 4. The top of the tree broke off.
Key: 2
RIT Range: 161-170
Copyright Info:
Idaho Standards Alignment: 699.01a
Learning Cont. Goal: Composing and Writing Process
Learning Cont. Subgoal: Use Drafting and Revising Skills
Learning Cont. Bullet #: 6
Learning Cont. Page #: 1
Idaho Falls Content Alignment: Abacus 3-5
Item Entry Complete: Y
Item ID Number: 20000080
Passage or Graphic:
Stem:Identify the gerund phrase.
Option 1. Ellen’s job was cleaning her room.
Option 2. While cleaning her room, Ellen became ill.
Option 3. Ellen was cleaning her room.
Option 4. Ellen was told to clean her room.
Key: 1
RIT Range: 161-170
Copyright Info:
Idaho Standards Alignment: 699.01a
Learning Cont. Goal: Composing and Writing Process
Learning Cont. Subgoal: Use Drafting and Revising Skills
Learning Cont. Bullet #: 7
Learning Cont. Page #: 1
Idaho Falls Content Alignment: Abacus 3-5
Item Entry Complete: Y
Item ID Number: 20000100
Directions:Identify the correct punctuation in the blank.
Passage or Graphic: Shaun and his friend went to the beach. Shaun said, “Give me your hand__ Let’s go check on renting a boat.”
Option 1. .
Option 2. ?
Option 3. !
Option 4. ,
Key: 1
RIT Range: 161-170
Copyright Info:
Idaho Standards Alignment: 699.01a
Learning Cont. Goal: Composing and Writing Process
Learning Cont. Subgoal: Use Editing and Proofreading Processes
Learning Cont. Bullet #: 1
Learning Cont. Page #: 1
Idaho Falls Content Alignment: Abacus 3-30
Item Entry Complete: Y
Item ID Number: 20000120
Directions:Choose the correct present tense word or words.
Passage or Graphic:
Stem:Jeremy always ______his new set of markers.
Option 1. uses
Option 2. will have used
Option 3. has used
Option 4. is using
Key: 1
RIT Range: 161-170
Copyright Info:
Idaho Standards Alignment: 699.01a
Learning Cont. Goal: Composing and Writing Process
Learning Cont. Subgoal: Use Editing and Proofreading Processes
Learning Cont. Bullet #: 3
Learning Cont. Page #: 1
Idaho Falls Content Alignment: Abacus 3-30
Item Entry Complete: Y
Item ID Number: 20000140
Directions:Identify the correct category.
Passage or Graphic: pages, chapters, paragraphs, pictures
Option 1. Parts of a story
Option 2. Parts of a title
Option 3. Parts of a book
Option 4. Parts of a dictionary
Key: 3
RIT Range: 161-170
Copyright Info:
Idaho Standards Alignment: 699.01a
Learning Cont. Goal: Composing and Writing Process
Learning Cont. Subgoal: Use Editing and Proofreading Processes
Learning Cont. Bullet #: 5
Learning Cont. Page #: 1
Idaho Falls Content Alignment: Abacus 3-10
Item Entry Complete: Y
Item ID Number: 20000150
Directions:Identify the correct audience.
Passage or Graphic:
Dear Mr. Jones,
We are writing to ask permission. We want to have a pajama day on
Thursday, November 13th. This will be a great day to celebrate meeting
our six-week Accelerated Reader goal.
Students of Room 12
Option 1. President
Option 2. Park Ranger
Option 3. Principal
Option 4. Friend
Key: 3
RIT Range: 161-170
Copyright Info:
Idaho Standards Alignment: 699.01a
Learning Cont. Goal: Composing and Writing Process
Learning Cont. Subgoal: Use Editing and Proofreading Processes
Learning Cont. Bullet #: 6
Learning Cont. Page #: 1
Idaho Falls Content Alignment: Abacus 3-135
Item Entry Complete: Y
Item ID Number: 20000160
Directions:Identify the correct missing words.
Passage or Graphic:
Stem:______is our family dentist.
Option 1. dr. John a. Cowman
Option 2. Dr. john A. Cowman
Option 3. Dr. John A. Cowman
Option 4. Dr. John a. Cowman
Key: 3
RIT Range: 161-170
Copyright Info:
Idaho Standards Alignment: 699.01a
Learning Cont. Goal: Composing and Writing Process
Learning Cont. Subgoal: Use Editing and Proofreading Processes
Learning Cont. Bullet #: 7
Learning Cont. Page #: 1
Idaho Falls Content Alignment: Abacus 3-30
Item Entry Complete: Y
Item ID Number: 20000170
Passage or Graphic:
Stem:Which sentence uses the period correctly?
Option 1. We plant seeds in our garden
Option 2. We plant. seeds in our garden
Option 3. We plant seeds. in our garden
Option 4. We plant seeds in our garden.
Key: 4
RIT Range: 161-170
Copyright Info:
Idaho Standards Alignment: 699.01a
Learning Cont. Goal: Composing and Writing Process
Learning Cont. Subgoal: Use Editing and Proofreading Processes
Learning Cont. Bullet #: 8
Learning Cont. Page #: 1
Idaho Falls Content Alignment: Abacus 3-30
Item Entry Complete: Y
Item ID Number: 20000180
Directions:Identify the correct use of adjectives.
Passage or Graphic:
Option 1. The hummingbird is the smaller bird I’ve seen.
Option 2. The hummingbird is the most small bird I’ve seen.
Option 3. The hummingbird is the more smaller bird I’ve seen.
Option 4. The hummingbird is the smallest bird I’ve seen.
Key: 4
RIT Range: 161-170
Copyright Info:
Idaho Standards Alignment: 699.01a
Learning Cont. Goal: Composing and Writing Process
Learning Cont. Subgoal: Use Editing and Proofreading Processes
Learning Cont. Bullet #: 9
Learning Cont. Page #: 1
Idaho Falls Content Alignment: Abacus 3-30
Item Entry Complete: Y
Item ID Number: 20000190
Passage or Graphic:
Stem:Which sentence uses the exclamation mark correctly?
Option 1. Sharks swim in circles!
Option 2. Watch out for sharks!
Option 3. Sharks have large fins!
Option 4. Sharks’ teeth can grow back!
Key: 2
RIT Range: 161-170
Copyright Info:
Idaho Standards Alignment: 699.01a
Learning Cont. Goal: Composing and Writing Process
Learning Cont. Subgoal: Use Editing and Proofreading Processes
Learning Cont. Bullet #: 10
Learning Cont. Page #: 1
Idaho Falls Content Alignment: Abacus 3-15
Item Entry Complete: Y
Item ID Number: 20000200
Directions:Choose the correct word to complete the sentence.
Passage or Graphic:
Stem:______is coming to my party.
Option 1. They
Option 2. She
Option 3. It
Option 4. You
Key: 2
RIT Range: 161-170
Copyright Info:
Idaho Standards Alignment: 690.01a
Learning Cont. Goal: Composing and Writing Process
Learning Cont. Subgoal: Use Editing and Proofreading Processes
Learning Cont. Bullet #: 11
Learning Cont. Page #: 1
Idaho Falls Content Alignment: Abacus 3.30
Item Entry Complete: Y
Item ID Number: 20000210
Directions:Identify the correct missing word.
Passage or Graphic:
Stem:Yesterday I ______to my friends.
Option 1. spoke
Option 2. have spoken
Option 3. speak
Option 4. will speak
Key: 1
RIT Range: 161-170
Copyright Info:
Idaho Standards Alignment: 699.01a
Learning Cont. Goal: Composing and Writing Process
Learning Cont. Subgoal: Use Editing and Proofreading Processes
Learning Cont. Bullet #: 12
Learning Cont. Page #: 1
Idaho Falls Content Alignment: Abacus 3.30
Item Entry Complete: Y
Item ID Number: 20000230
Directions:Identify the correctly written sentence.
Passage or Graphic:
Option 1. The students wants to go swimming.
Option 2. Her parents wants to go bowling.
Option 3. Suzy wants to go swimming.
Option 4. Amy want to go bowling.
Key: 3
RIT Range: 161-170
Copyright Info:
Idaho Standards Alignment: 699.01a
Learning Cont. Goal: Composing and Writing Process
Learning Cont. Subgoal: Use Editing and Proofreading Processes
Learning Cont. Bullet #: 14
Learning Cont. Page #: 1
Idaho Falls Content Alignment: Abacus 3.30
Item Entry Complete: Y
Item ID Number: 20000240
Directions:Identify the correct pronoun in the following sentence.
Passage or Graphic:
Stem:______forgot to bring my book.
Option 1. me
Option 2. you
Option 3. him
Option 4. I
Key: 4
RIT Range: 161-170
Copyright Info:
Idaho Standards Alignment: 699.01a
Learning Cont. Goal: Composing and Writing Process
Learning Cont. Subgoal: Use Editing and Proofreading Processes
Learning Cont. Bullet #: 15
Learning Cont. Page #: 1
Idaho Falls Content Alignment: Abacus 3.30
Item Entry Complete: Y
Item ID Number: 20000270
Passage or Graphic:
Stem:Which contraction is written correctly?
Option 1. wo’nt
Option 2. wasn’t
Option 3. wer’ent
Option 4. is’nt
Key: 2
RIT Range: 161-170
Copyright Info:
Idaho Standards Alignment: 699.01a
Learning Cont. Goal: Composing and Writing Process
Learning Cont. Subgoal: Use Editing and Proofreading Processes
Learning Cont. Bullet #: 18
Learning Cont. Page #: 1
Idaho Falls Content Alignment: Abacus 3.30
Item Entry Complete: Y
Item ID Number: 20000280
Directions:Identify the correct word or words to show future tense.
Passage or Graphic:
Stem:I ______to soccer practice every day.
Option 1. goed
Option 2. went
Option 3. go
Option 4. will go
Key: 4
RIT Range: 161-170
Copyright Info:
Idaho Standards Alignment: 699.01a
Learning Cont. Goal: Composing and Writing Process
Learning Cont. Subgoal: Use Editing and Proofreading Processes
Learning Cont. Bullet #: 19
Learning Cont. Page #: 1
Idaho Falls Content Alignment: Abacus 3.30
Item Entry Complete: Y
Item ID Number: 20000290
Directions:Read the topics.
Passage or Graphic: Glacier, Redwoods, Mount Rushmore, National Park
Stem:Which would be the main topic in an outline?
Option 1. Glacier
Option 2. Redwoods
Option 3.National Park
Option 4. Mount Rushmore
Key: 3
RIT Range: 171-180
Copyright Info:
Idaho Standards Alignment: 708.01a
Learning Cont. Goal: Composing and Writing Process
Learning Cont. Subgoal: Prewriting Skills
Learning Cont. Bullet #: 1
Learning Cont. Page #: 1
Idaho Falls Content Alignment: Abacus 4.157
Item Entry Complete: Y
Item ID Number: 20000300
Passage or Graphic:
Stem:Which would you write to thank your godparents for the gift they sent?
Option 1. poem
Option 2. play
Option 3. list
Option 4. letter
Key: 4
RIT Range: 171-180
Copyright Info:
Idaho Standards Alignment: 708.01a
Learning Cont. Goal: Composing and Writing Process
Learning Cont. Subgoal: Prewriting Skills
Learning Cont. Bullet #: 2
Learning Cont. Page #: 2
Idaho Falls Content Alignment: Abacus 4.156
Item Entry Complete: Y
Item ID Number: 20000310
Directions:Read the passage.
Passage or Graphic: Soft white clouds rolled in
Large raindrops fell from the clouds
Smooth white shells wash in with the waves
While rains pound the surf.
Stem:Which genre is this passage?
Option 1. short story
Option 2. poem
Option 3. nonfiction
Option 4. autobiography
Key: 2
RIT Range: 171-180
Copyright Info: signed
Idaho Standards Alignment: 708.01a
Learning Cont. Goal: Composing and Writing Process
Learning Cont. Subgoal: Prewriting Skills
Learning Cont. Bullet #: 3
Learning Cont. Page #: 2
Idaho Falls Content Alignment: Abacus 4.175
Item Entry Complete: Y
Item ID Number: 20000320
Directions:Read the following passage and identify the audience this is written for.
Passage or Graphic: The 4th grade is having a book exchange Friday, October 14, in Room 16 at Liberty School. Come, browse, and bring a book to exchange.
Option 1. teachers
Option 2. ministers
Option 3. students
Option 4. nurses
Key: 3
RIT Range: 171-180
Copyright Info: signed
Idaho Standards Alignment: 708.01a
Learning Cont. Goal: Composing and Writing Process
Learning Cont. Subgoal: Prewriting Skills
Learning Cont. Bullet #: 4
Learning Cont. Page #: 2
Idaho Falls Content Alignment: Abacus 4.175
Item Entry Complete: Y
Item ID Number: 20000330
Passage or Graphic:
Stem:Which sentence uses correct syntax?
Option 1. The race of Blake is the winner.
Option 2. Blake the winner of the race.
Option 3. The winner of the race is Blake.
Option 4. The race of the winner is Blake.
Key: 3
RIT Range: 171-180
Copyright Info: signed
Idaho Standards Alignment: 708.01a
Learning Cont. Goal: Composing and Writing Process
Learning Cont. Subgoal: Drafting and Revising Skills
Learning Cont. Bullet #: 1
Learning Cont. Page #: 2
Idaho Falls Content Alignment: Abacus 3.10
Item Entry Complete: Y
Item ID Number: 20000340
Passage or Graphic: Imagine what it’s like to be blind.
Stem:Which sentence does not agree with the topic.
Option 1. Being deaf is not easy.
Option 2. Try putting a scarf over your eyes.
Option 3. With a blindfold walk around your house.
Option 4. With a blindfold, fix your lunch.
Key: 1
RIT Range: 171-180
Copyright Info: signed
Idaho Standards Alignment: 708.01a
Learning Cont. Goal: Composing and Writing Process
Learning Cont. Subgoal: Drafting and Revising Skills
Learning Cont. Bullet #: 2
Learning Cont. Page #: 2
Idaho Falls Content Alignment: Abacus 3.5
Item Entry Complete: Y
Item ID Number: 20000350
Directions:Read all of the sentences.
Passage or Graphic:
Stem:Which sentence does not indicate a mood or a tone?
Option 1. The house is hot and stuffy.
Option 2. I feel sleepy and tired.
Option 3. It is cold and damp outside.
Option 4. The airplane is arriving on time.
Key: 4
RIT Range: 171-180
Copyright Info: signed
Idaho Standards Alignment: 708.01a
Learning Cont. Goal: Composing and Writing Process
Learning Cont. Subgoal: Drafting and Revising Skills
Learning Cont. Bullet #: 3
Learning Cont. Page #: 2
Idaho Falls Content Alignment: Abacus 4.175
Item Entry Complete: Y
Item ID Number: 20000370
Passage or Graphic:
Stem:Which of the following is a main idea?
Option 1. I got to pet the baby calves.
Option 2. The farm had many animals.
Option 3. I visited a farm this summer.
Option 4. The farmer was busy feeding pigs.
Key: 3
RIT Range: 171-180
Copyright Info: signed
Idaho Standards Alignment: 699.01a
Learning Cont. Goal: Composing and Writing Process
Learning Cont. Subgoal: Drafting and Revising Skills
Learning Cont. Bullet #: 5
Learning Cont. Page #: 2
Idaho Falls Content Alignment: Abacus 3.5
Item Entry Complete: Y
Item ID Number: 20000380
Passage or Graphic:
Stem:Which sentence does not use vivid descriptors?
Option 1. My friends rapidly walked the track.
Option 2. I went walking down the boulevard.
Option 3. One sunny day, I went walking.
Option 4. One windy day, I went for a brisk walk.
Key: 2
RIT Range: 171-180
Copyright Info: signed
Idaho Standards Alignment: 708.01a
Learning Cont. Goal: Composing and Writing Process
Learning Cont. Subgoal: Drafting and Revising Skills
Learning Cont. Bullet #: 6
Learning Cont. Page #: 2
Idaho Falls Content Alignment: Abacus 4.179
Item Entry Complete: Y
Item ID Number: 20000390
Passage or Graphic:
Stem:Which sentence is a compound sentence?
Option 1. I fed the pigs and they snorted happily.
Option 2. I fed the pigs and snorted happily.
Option 3. I fed the pigs, they snorted happily.
Option 4. I fed the pigs. And they snorted happily.
Key: 1
RIT Range: 171-180
Copyright Info: signed
Idaho Standards Alignment: 699.01a
Learning Cont. Goal: Composing and Writing Process
Learning Cont. Subgoal: Drafting and Revising Skills
Learning Cont. Bullet #: 7
Learning Cont. Page #: 2
Idaho Falls Content Alignment: Abacus 3.30
Item Entry Complete: Y
Item ID Number: 20000410
Passage or Graphic:
Stem:What is an imaginative way to describe your uncle’s 4-wheel drive truck?
Option 1. big old green jeep
Option 2. monster on wheels
Option 3. small foot
Option 4. blue pickup
Key: 2
RIT Range: 171-180
Copyright Info: signed
Idaho Standards Alignment: 699.01a
Learning Cont. Goal: Composing and Writing Process
Learning Cont. Subgoal: Drafting and Revising Skills
Learning Cont. Bullet #: 9
Learning Cont. Page #: 2
Idaho Falls Content Alignment: Abacus 4.155
Item Entry Complete: Y
Item ID Number: 20000430
Passage or Graphic:
Stem:Which of the following states and countries are capitalized correctly?
Option 1. south carolina
Math Item Entry Form
