November 7, 2015
I.Call to Order / Roll Call
Association Secretary-TreasurerYogi Mueller called the meeting to order at 11:20 a.m. The following persons were in attendance:
Constance Dodd, Director / Vice President
Steve Prial, Resort Manager
Kimberly Albert, Resort Assistant Manager
Gadrieal Kollaszar, Guest Services Manager
Kelsey Draves, Evening Manager
Matthew Bushweiler, Director of Marketing
Michele D’Alessandro, Association Governance
There were 2 owners present in person and 5384 owners by proxy. Dan Ott explained that he was attending the meeting again even though he was not noticed of the meeting. Michele explained that she had received an explanation on his “conversion” ownership and was told that he did not have voting rights however; she was still working on getting that changed.
II. Meeting Notice and Quorum
- Director Muellerstated that the meeting notice was posted and sent to all members in accordance with the Wisconsin statutes and Association By-Laws.
- Director Mueller stated that there was a quorum with at least 20% of the ownership present in person or by proxy.
III.Appoint a Recording Secretary
Director Mueller appointed Michele D’Alessandro as Acting Secretary for the purpose of recording the minutes.
IV.Approval of Agenda
Motions: Karen Long made the motion to approve the agenda as presented, which was seconded by Director Dodd and unanimously approved.
The CMV team introduced themselves as did the Board of Directors and Michele D’Alessandro.
VI.Approval of prior minutes
- The minutes from April 10, 2015 were presented and Director Mueller asked everyone to take a minute to review them. With no changes requested Director Mueller asked for a motion to approve the minutes as presented.
Motion: Dave Long made a motion to approve the April 10, 2015 minutes as presented, which was seconded byDirector Doddand unanimously approved.
VII.Officer Reports
- Director Mueller stated that there were no officer reports.
The Timers at Christmas Mountain Association
Annual Owners Meeting Minutes – November 7, 2015
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VIII.Nomination of Candidates
- Director Mueller asked if there were any nominations from the floor, hearing none he closed the floor for nominations.Director Mueller had each Board member/candidate tell a little about themselves.
Michele collected the ballots and announced that the 2016 Board of Directors will be Yogi Mueller, Constance Dodd and Aaron Oldenburg.
IX.Unfinished Business
- Director Mueller stated that there was no unfinished business.
X.New Business
Kimberly Albert gave an update on employee awards and achievements stating that there have been several associates promoted from within the resort and several associates have received outstanding achievement awards. Kimberly reviewed the Medallia scores for Guest Service Overall Experienceand explained how they have been steadily improving over the last three years and plans to continue to improve. In addition, she noted that there are no liability claims pending and the safety and accident prevention continues to be a top priority.
XI.Financial Business
Steve Prial reviewed the Treasurers Report as of July 31, 2015, the Variance Report and the Financial Statement.
Steve presented the 2016 budget, with a 4.33 to 4.34 % increase in maintenance fees; there was discussion.
XII.Open Forum
There was a request for an options button on the Reservation Center phone system for those trying to make UDI reservations as not all agents know how to do this. There was also a request for a call back option on the Reservations Center phone system so that someone experienced in UDI would call the owner back. Steve said he would look into both of these issues.
With no further questions or concerns from the members; Director Mueller stated there was no further business.
Motion: Karen Longmade the motion to adjourn the meeting; which was seconded by Director Dodd and unanimously approved. Director Muelleradjourned the meeting at 12:17 p.m.
Michele D’Alessandro,Acting Secretary