INDEX TO VOLUME 9 (2007-20011)

This Index lists in one sequence:

1 AUTHORS of papers, reviews and miscellaneous items in capitals

2 Titles of poems and books referred to in italics

3 Persons and places.

‘...a band of youthful friends’: Hallam. Tennyson, and an Episode in the Life of the Apostles (Shaw), 422-433

Aberdeen Journal, The, 34

Abergele (Wales, railway accident), 194, 195

Academy, The, 197, 198

Achilles, Klaus, 199

Acland, Henry, 125

Adicks, Richard, 413-414

Adonais (Shelley), 116, 416-417

Adorno Reader (O'Connor), 157-158, 158fn, 214

Adorno, Theodor W, 157-158, 158fn, 158-9, 160, 161, 162, 171, 173, 174, 214, 215, 227, 446, 450-453

Adorno's Social Lyric and Literary Criticism Today (Kaufmann), 159

Adventure at the Priory School (Doyle), 213-214

Aesthetic Theory (Adorno), 171, 452

Aestheticism, 221-222

‘A fit person to be Poet Laureate': Tennyson, In Memoriam and the Laureateship(Tate), 233-247

Africa, 432

Agazzis, Louis, 24,24fn

Age of Machinery, Carlyle, 446

Aggeler, Geoffrey, 64

Ahern, Stephen, 271, 275, 277

Aids to Reflection (Coleridge), 434, 435

Akbar's Dream, 383-384

Alas! that sometimes (Hallam), 471

Albert, Prince Consort, 243, 244, 288

Aldworth, 198, 383-384

Alexander, Sidney, 302

Alford, Henry, 119, 190

Alfred: Informal Portraits of a Poet (Stoker), 372

Alfred Lord Tennyson (Shaw), 318

Alfred, Lord Tennyson - Iconophobe (Lee), 374

Alfred Lord Tennyson: a Memoir by his Son (Tennyson), 3, 82, 84, 98, 98fn, 100, 102, 106, 238, 241, 244, 262, 274, 275, 281, 298, 330, 332, 342, 348-349, 377, 413, 414, 460

Alfred, Lord Tennyson, poems selected by Mick Imlah, 117

Alfred Lord Tennyson: The Poet in an Age of Theory (Shaw), 446, 458

Alfred Tennyson (Perry), 258, 261, 262-263, 318, 362, 458

Alfred Tennyson (Tennyson, Sir Charles), 239, 240, 242, 243, 244-245, 349, 354

Alfred Tennyson: the Critical Legacy (Mazzeno), 274

Alfred Tennyson: a Literary Life (Ormond), 66

Alfred Tennyson: Los idilos del Rey y otros relatos [review](transl. Vicente de Arana), 477-479

Alfred Tennyson: Problems of Biography (Batchelor), 60fn

Alfred Tennyson's'Bildungsroman': Notes on his Early Reading (Kennedy, Ian), 351

Alice through the Looking Glass (Carroll),


Allegories of One's Own Mind: Melancholy in Victorian Poetry [review] (Riede), 485-487

Allen, John, 411, 413

Allen, Peter, 426-427

Allen, Thomas, 379

Allingham, Helen, 275, 291-292

Allingham, William, 23, 275, 330

Allusion to the Poets (Ricks), 79, 87, 88

Alter, Robert, 259

Altick, Richard D., 239, 240

Alton Locke (Kingsley), 126-127, 481

America, 436

American Quarterly, The, 28fn

Amours de Voyage (Clough), 304

Anacaona, 486

Anastasis (Turner), 150

Ancient House, Peasenhall (Suffolk), 96

Ancient Sage, The, 35, 384

Ancient Sage, The, and Other Poems, 204

Anderson, Jessica, 481

Anglican Church, 4, 14

Anglo-Catholicism, 6

Animi Figura (Symonds), 183

Anne of Green Gables (Montgomery), 488-489

Annotated Alice, The (Gardiner), 52 n

Anonymity vs. Signature in Victorian

Reviewing (Maurer), 43, 43fn

Another Time (Auden), 226fn

Anthony Burgess: the Artist as Novelist (Aggeler), 64

Antibarbarus der Lateinischen Sprache (Krebs), 378

Apocalypse, 352-353

Apocalypse (Lawrence), 262-263

Apocalypse and the Writings on Revelation

(Kalnins), 262-263

Apocalypse in Renaissance Thought and

Literature, The: Patterns, Antecedents and

Repercussions (Patrides & Wittreich), 265

Apocalyptic in History and Tradition (Rowland & Barton), 261

Apocalyptic Literature (Russell), 255

Apocalyptic Movement, The: Introduction & Interpretation (Schmithals), 261

Appreciating Memorialisation: In Memoriam

A.H.H.(Wright), 77-95, 458

April Love (Hughes, painting), 288, 366, 368

Arana, Vicente, De (translator), 299, 477-479

Archetype that Waits, The (Day), 127

Arethusa (Shelley), 283-284

Argyll, George Campbell, Duke of (1823-1900), 22, 68, 69, 72

Aristotelian Philosophy, 448

Armageddon, 315-329, 353

Armstrong, Isabel, 82, 126, 234, 235, 274,

305-306, 446

Arnold, Matthew, 121, 219, 330

Art Newspaper, The, 374

Art of Biblical Poetry, The (Alter), 259

Art of Eloquence, The: Byron, Dickens,

Tennyson, Joyce (Bevis), 219-221, 362

Art Treasures of the United KingdomExhibition, Manchester, 1857, 289

Artemyev, Timor, 383

Arthur (Douglas), 119

Arthur (Hole), 302

Arthur Hallam Day (University of Sheffield), 408

Arthur Hallam and Emily Tennyson (Kolb), 413

Arthur Hallam's Centenary: a Bibliographical Note (Motter), 409

Arthur Hallam's Fragments of Being (Tate), 454-462

Arthurian, 3, 4, 13, 17, 18, 20, 70, 119-120, 253-269, 298-300

Artist on Penmaenmawr, The (Turner), 151, 194-195

Artistry and Tradition of Tennyson's Battle

Poetry, The (Lovelace), 345

Arts and Crafts Movement, 212

Arts Council, The, 114

As When with Downcast Eyes (Hallam), 77-95, 471

Ascent of Snowdon (Turner), 151

Ashley Library: a catalogue of printed books, manuscripts and autograph letters (Wise), 139

Assembly Rooms, Lincoln, 296

At the Temple the Lawyers no more can declare... (Turner), 155

Athenaeum, 193, 236, 240, 242

Atlas, The, 238

Atwood, Margaret, 481

Auden, W.H., 225, 226, 226fn, 227, 305, 316, 362

Audley Court, 107, 345

Augustan Books of Poetry, The (Benn,publisher), 146, 199

Auldjo, John, 22

Aurora Leigh (Browning), 304

Austen, Jane, 66, 67

Autobiographies(Yeats), 440

Avalon, 120

Avillion, or the Happy Isles: a Fireside Fancy (Craik), 119

Ax, Emanuel, 112

Aylmer's Field, 70

Bachelard, Gaston, 271, 272, 273, 275, 317

Bacon, Francis, 67, 330

Bailey, Leslie (obituary), 474

Baillie, Alexander, 194

Baillie, Rev. Terry, 470

Baker, F.T., 417

Bakhtin, Mikhail, 303

Balin and Balan, 14, 15, 201-204

Ballad of Glastonbury (Alford), 119

Bamber, David, 408

Banham, Joanna, 271fn

Baring, Charlotte Rosa Duncombe, see Shafto,

Charlotte Rosa Duncombe

Baring, Rosa, 65, 294

Barlow, Thomas Oldham, 290

Barmouth Sea-Bridge, The (Turner), 166-167

Barraud, Herbert Rose, 290

Barrett, Elizabeth, see Browning, Elizabeth


Barthes, Roland, 214

BARTON, Anna, 42-59, 129, 249, 300-302,

387-389, 408

Bassenthwaite, 295

BATCHELOR, John, 60-76, 123-125, 129

Bate, W. Jackson, 439

Baudelaire, Charles, 162, 447

BBC Radio, 408, 470

BBC Television, 113

Beardsley, Aubrey, 479

Beau Nash and the Roman, or the Two Eras

(Turner), 155

Bebbington, David, 354

Beckett, Samuel, 225

Beer, Gillian, 385

Beer, John, 434, 439, 440

Begg, S., 373

Beisly, Martin, 291-292, 296, 383

Benjamin, Walter, 214, 215, 446, 447, 449, 450, 485

Benn, Ernest (publisher), 146, 199

Bennett, Arnold, 484

Bennett, James R., 56fn

Benson, Arthur Christopher, 243, 244, 419-420

Bentham (Mill), 434

Bentham, Jeremy, 434

Bentley, George (Publisher), 281

Bentley, Richard, 281

Beowulf, 428

Bergland, Lisa, 47fn

Bergson, Henri, 446

Berkeleian Philosophy, 448, 446

Betjeman, John, 146-147, 199, 332

Bevis, Matthew, 219-221, 362

Bible and the Age, The (Murray), 24fn

Bible, The, 24, 25

Bible: Authorized King James Version, The, (Carroll & Prickett), 83

Bibliography of Charles Tennyson Turner's

Published Works, A (Evans), 136-156

Biographia Literaria; or Biographical Sketches of myliterary life and opinions (Coleridge, ed. Engell & Bate), 434, 439, 440, 441, 442

Biography, 123

Birch, Dinah, 408

Blackdown Heath, 383

Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, 44fn, 45fn, 53fn, 381

BLAIR, Kirstie, 120-123, 234, 302-304

Blake, William, 266, 267

Blakesley, Joseph W., 68, 422, 423fn, 424, 425, 429

Bloch, Ernst, 216

BLOCKSIDGE, Martin, 408, 409-421,423,449, 476-477, 490

Bloom, Harold, 480

Bodleian Library, 105fn, 411

Boer War, 215

Bohme, Hartmut, 173

Book of Kells, 383

Book of Revelation, The: Apocalypse and Empire (Thompson), 258, 262

Book of the Sonnet (Hunt), 196

Boos, Florence, 272fn

Boscastle, Cornwall, 206

Boulge, Suffolk, 96

Bourne, John, 348-349

Bourne, Mary (Aunt), 261, 348-354

Bow and the Lyre, The (Paz), 162-163

Bowden, Marjorie, 298, 299, 478

BOYCE, Rosalind, 111, 129, 294, 474

Boyd, Robert, 423fn, 428-429, 432

Bradbury, Agnew & Co (printer), 142

Bradley, A.C., 115

Bragg, Melvyn, 408

Brancepeth Castle(Co. Durham), 472

Break, break, break, 71

Bridal Farewell, A (Turner), 149

Bride of the Lake, The (Hallam), 449

Bridges, B (publisher)

Brighton, 435

Brilliant Day, A (Turner), 159-160

Brimley, George, 42fn, 222, 222fn, 223, 223fn

Bristol Grammar School, 470

Bristow, W., 37-41

British Empire, 303, 432

British Library, 386, 411, 413, 417, 463

British Museum, 192, 372

British Quarterly Review, 236

Britons Guard your Own, 217

Broadus, Edmund Kemper, 242, 244

Bronte Sisters, 290

Brookfield, William, 191

Brown, John, 410

Browning, Elizabeth Barrett, 71, 121, 125, 193,290, 304, 486

Browning, Robert, 71, 124, 290, 307, 332, 473, 487

Brumby, Robin, 96, 97, 207, 294, 295

Bryce, David & Son (Publisher), 103, 103fn,

104, 106

Bryden, Inga, 119-120

Buckler, William E., 18

Building of the Idylls: a study in Tennyson, The (Anon), 100fn

Bullen, J. B., 278

Bulwer-Lytton, Edward George Earle Lytton,

1st Baron Lytton, 119, 351, 487

Buoy Bell, The (Turner), 173-174

Burgess, Edith, 400

Burke, Edmund, 219, 410, 416, 425

Burma Past and Present with Personal

Reminiscences of the Country (Fytche), 150

Bush, Julie, 364

Bushell, Sally, 394-397

‘But Arthur spied the letter in her hand'

(Cameron,photograph), 118

Butler, Belinda Norman- (obituary), 297

Buxton Advertiser, 154, 196

Byatt, A.S., 481

Byron, George Gordon, Lord, 190, 219-221,

301, 304, 318, 435, 477, 478

Byzantium (Hallam), 418

Cabanillas, Ramon (translator), 299

Caine, [Thomas Henry] Hall, 199

Calculating Loss in Tennyson's In Memoriam (Hsiao), 249

Calvinism, 348-354

Calvus to a Fly (Turner), 155

Cambridge Apostles at a Spanish Tragedy (Sambrook), 426

Cambridge Apostles, 68, 97, 190, 305, 318, 415, 419, 422, 423, 424, 425, 426, 427, 431, 432, 434, 436

Cambridge Apostles, The, 1820-1914 (Lubenow), 424, 433

Cambridge Apostles: The Early Years, The (Allen), 426-427

Cambridge Companion to English Poets,


Cambridge Companion to Victorian Poetry, The (Bristow), 162

Cambridge Introduction to Victorian Poetry (Hughes), 391-394

Camelot Regained: the Arthurian Revival and Tennyson (Simpson), 119

Camelot, 3, 4, 7, 11, 15, 17, 20, 89

Cameron, Julia Margaret, 12, 111, 118, 288, 290, 291, 292, 293

Campbell, Matthew, 172, 174, 408, 486

Campbell, Nancie, 332

Campbell, Patrick, 155

Campbell, Thomas, 43

Campion, Edward, 400

Canonical and Sensational: Arthur Hallam and Tennyson's 1830 Poems (Dillon), 452

'Captain Swing' Riots, 1830s, 426

Card, Rev. Henry, 468

Carisbrooke Castle (Isle of Wight), 291

Carlyle, Thomas, 4, 5, 212, 214, 304, 308, 344, 426, 429, 446

Carroll, Lewis, 52 fn

CARROLL, Ray, 112, 399-401

Carroll, Robert, 83

Carter, J., 100, 102

Casa Guidi Windows (Browning), 304

Castle, The (Das Schloss) (Kafka), 214

Catalogue of Books published in the United Kingdom during the year1850, 240

Catholic Church see Roman Catholicism

Cattle Train, Penmaenmawr, The (Turner), 151

Cauteretz (Spain) 429-430, 431

Celebration of Friendship, A: Reading In Memoriam A.H.H (Wright), 470-471

Centre for Editing Lives and Letters see University of London

Chadwyck-Healey Literature On Line, 139, 142, 143, 379

Chancellor's Gold Medal in Poetry, 380, 418, 436-437

Chandler, James, 445

Chapman, Raymond, 4fn, 6

Charge of the Heavy Brigade at Balaclava, 331

Charge of the Light Brigade, 217, 288, 368, 370

Charles Tennyson Turner (Spedding), 155

Charles Tennyson Turner and his Audience (Evans) 188-200

Charles Tennyson Turner: a biographical outline (Evans), 134-135

Charles Tennyson Turner: lyricism and modernity (Ebbatson), 157-176

Charles Tennyson Turner: Untersuchungen zur nachromantischen Lyrik in England (Achilles), 199

Charles Tennyson Turners Leben und Werkse (Jelinek), 199

Charles Tennyson Turner's Prefatory Sonnets (Phelan), 177-187

Charming of the East Wind, The (Turner), 150

Chartism, 220

Chatham, 1st Earl of (William Pitt the Elder), 219

Check every outflash, 414

Cheltenham, 134, 135

CHESHIRE, Jim, 288, 289, 293, 364-375, 402

Chesterton, G.K., 220

Child, Angela, 111

Choric Song, 360

Christ, Carol, 236

Christ Church College, Oxford, 23, 418

Christ see Jesus Christ

Christian Reformer, The

Christian Remembrancer, The, 235

Christianity, 4, 14, 62, 63, 69, 73, 125, 126, 180, 197

Christie, Agatha, 481

Christmas, 64

Cicero, Marcus Tullius, 378, 441, 454, 455, 458

City of Dreadful Night (Thomson), 486

Clark, R & R (printers), 137

Clark, Robert, 374

Classical Tradition: Greek and Roman Influences on Western Literature, The (Highet), 99

Clay, Richard & Sons Ltd (printers), 145

Clayden, P.W., 243, 244, 414

Cleethorpes, 189

Clevedon (North Somerset), 408, 466, 470

Clough, Arthur Hugh, 187, 304, 330

Cobbett, William, 212

Coleridge, Edward, 435

Coleridge, Hartley, 198

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 127, 147, 190, 191, 192, 338-341, 345, 408, 424, 434-444

Coleridgean Wisdom, 437

Collar, The (Herbert), 226

Collected Letters of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, The (Griggs), 435

Collected Poems (Plath), 317

Collected Poems (Turner), 183fn, 185

Collected Poetry and Prose (Stevens), 317

Collected Sonnets of Charles (Tennyson) Turner, The (Pinion), 147-148, 164, 181fn, 199

Collected Sonnets Old and New (Turner), 135, 143-146, 153, 154, 155, 156, 181fn, 198, 199

Collection, The (Lincoln), 288-289, 291, 293, 364-375

Collins, Philip , 113-4, 127, 441

Colmer, John, 442fn

Cologne, Germany, 418

Coming of Arthur, The, 263

Coming Race, The (Bulwer Lytton), 487

Commentary on Plato's Symposium on Love (Ficino), 85

Common Thought and Crazy Eccentricity: Reviewing Tennyson and Browning (Dawson), 473

Commonplace Book (Moore), 410-411, 413 414

Companion to Victorian Poetry, A (Chapman, Alison, and others), 238, 241

Complete Poems, The (Empson), 316

Condition of the Working Class in England, The (Engels), 426

Coniston (Lake) 295

Conrad, Joseph, 481

Constancy to an Ideal Object (Coleridge), 127

Contemporary Review, 43, 183fn, 185, 185fn, 196

Contrasts (Pugin), 212

Conversations with Sir Thomas Dyke Acland (Hamer), 435

Corinthians (Bible), 180, 260

Cormack, Sir Patrick, MP, 296

Cornhill Magazine, The, 217

Cornwall, 206-207

Country Dance, A, 196

Court Journal, 42fn

COURTNEY, Julia, 348-355, 384, 402, 452fn

Cowper, William, 198, 343

Cox, Charles, 156, 206-207

Craik, Mrs Dinah, 119

Creation, 22-41

Crimean War, 288

Crimson Petal and the White, The (Faber), 481

Critic as Artist, The (Wilde), 225fn

Critics, Tennyson's relationship with, 43

Croker, John Wilson, 380-381

Crompton, John Crompton, Margaret, 200

Crook, Nora, 474-475

Crossing the Bar, 172, 290, 291

Cuadrno de Camelot (Camelot Notebook) (Zarandona), 298

Culler, A. Dwight, 69

Cumberland, Richard, 43

Cunningham, Valentine, 248, 420

Cup, The, 288-289

Curating Tennyson for the Bicentenary: Some Reflections on Tennyson Transformed (Cheshire), 364-375

Curwen Press (printer), 147

Cuvier, Georges, 24, 33fn

Daniel (Bible), 255

Dante Alighieri, 190, 260, 330, 342, 343, 411, 414

Dante and Beatrice at Portinari's Evening Party (Turner), 154

Dante Gabriel Rossetti and the Late Victorian Sonnet (Holmes), 183fn

Dark Glory (Gooch), 199

Darwin (Desmond, and Moore), 466

Darwin, Annie, 466

Darwin, Charles, 22, 24, 33, 64, 68, 69, 128, 351

Darwin Exhibition, London, 2009, 351fn

Darwin family, 466

Darwin's Bards: British and American Poetry in the Age of Evolution (Holmes), 387-389

Daumal, Rene, 317

DAVIS, Philip, 219-221

Davis, Rupert Hart-(publisher), 146-147

DAWSON, Clara, 356-363, 402, 473

Day of Rest: an Illustrated Journal of Sunday Reading, 152, 153

Day, Aidan, 126-128

Day, Kathleen, 294

Daydream, The, 288, 368

De Profundis, 34

De Ryals, Clyde see Ryals, Clyde de L

DEAN, Dennis R., 22-41, 129

Dear and Honoured Lady: the Correspondence between Queen Victoria and Alfred Tennyson (Dyson & Tennyson), 244

Death and the Past (Turner), 162

Death of Lord Tennyson, The (Begg, painting), 373

Death of Oenone, 346, 431

Defence of Guinevere,The, and Other Poems (Morris), 271-279

Defence of Poetry, The (Shelley), 341

Dejection: an Ode (Coleridge), 438, 439

Dellamora, Richard, 431

Demeter and other Poems, 377

Demeter and Persephone, 346

Dempster, Charlotte, 119

DENTITH, Simon, 212-213

Derbyshire, 22

Derrida, Jacques, 214

Descriptive Catalogue of the First Editions of the Writings of Percy Bysshe Shelley, A (Grannis), 417

Desmond, Adrian, 466

Despair, 34

Development (Browning), 332

Dialectic of Enlightenment, The (Horkheimer & Adorno), 173, 215

Dialogue and Deconstruction (Michelder Parker), 157

Dickens, Charles, 113, 220-221, 290

Dickens and Crime (Collins), 113

Dickens and Education (Collins), 113

Dickens Museum, London, 114

Dickens Society, USA, 114

Diderot, Denis, 299-300

Differences(journal), 48fn

Dillon, Steven C., 452

Dipsychus and the Spirit (Clough), 187

Dirty Monk, The (Cameron), 289, 290

Disquizioni Sullo Spirito Antpapale (Rossetti), 415

Domestic and Heroic in Tennyson's Poetry (Hair), 345

Don Juan (Byron), 219, 304

Donne, William Bodham, 191, 422, 423 fn, 431 449

Dora, 98, 107, 478

Doré, Gustave, 288, 370, 479

Doughty, Charles, 304

Douglas, Christiana, 119

Douglas-Fairhurst, Robert, see Fairhurst, Robert Douglas-

Dowling, John, 367

Doyle, Arthur Conan, 213, 215

Doyle, Francis, 412, 413, 414, 463

Doyle, Richard, 289

Drama of Exile, A (Barrett Browning), 486

Dream, The (Byron), 318

Dream of Fair Women, 332, 338, 339, 346

Drowned in the Tropics (Turner), 172, 197, 200

Drummond, Henry, 354

Dualisms, 326

Dublin Review, The, 198

Dubliners (Joyce), 221

Dumfries Standard, The, 34

Dunedin Public Library, New Zealand, 423fn

Durham, 472-473

Dying Swan, The, 350, 356, 449

Dynasts, The (Hardy), 302

Dyson, Hope, 244

Eagle and the Sonnet, The (Turner), 183 fn

Earth, 33

Earthly Paradise, The (Morris), 212

Eastern Legend Versified, An, from Alphonse de Lamartine's Travels, (Turner), 150, 153

EBBATSON, Roger, 157-176, 199, 207, 213-216, 229, 271, 294, 384, 391-394, 394-397, 408, 445-453, 466-469, 485-487

Ebb-Tide, The (Stevenson), 214

Ecclesiastes (Bible), 83

Eclectic Review, 236, 241, 244

Ecos de las Montanas, Los (Zorrilla), 298

Ecrits (Lacan), 127

EDGECOMBE, Rodney Stenning, 283-284, 311, 380-382, 402

Edinburgh Review, The, 44, 44fn, 45fn, 193

Edward Fitzgerald, Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam (Karlin), 307-310

Edwardian, 62

1832: Tennyson and the Critique of the Poetry of Sensation (Armstrong), 274

Electric Meters: Victorian Physiological Poetics (Rudy), 447

Elgar, Edward, 302

Eliot, George, 262

Eliot, T. S., 115, 117, 126, 174, 305, 316, 362

Elizabeth I, Queen, 182

ELLIOTT, Brent, 386

Elton, Julia, 470

Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 191

Emily Tennyson: the Poet's Wife (Thwaite), 66

Emma (Austen), 67

Empson, William, 316

Enchanted Moan, The (magazine), 386

Endymion (Keats), 436

Engell, James, 439

Engels, Frederick, 426

English Association Studies (series), 212

English Civil War, 416

English Common Reader, The: a Social History of the Mass Reading Public 1800-1900 (Altick), 239, 240

English Idyls, 97-110

English Idyls and Other Poems (David Bryce edition), 103, 103fn, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108

English Poems, The (Herbert), 317

English Poetry: the English Poetry Full-Text Database (Chadwyck-Healey), 139, 142, 143

English Review, The, 237

English Society, 72

English Sonneteers: Mr Charles Turner (Hewlett), 183fn, 185, 185fn

English Sonnets (Dennis), 198

English Studies, 56fn

Englishman's Magazine, 414, 415, 440, 441, 445

Enid Serves Geraint (Taylor, illustration), 370, 371

Enlightenment, The, 126

Enoch Arden, 70, 104, 112, 283-284, 346, 430, 478, 479

Enquiry into the Nature of Certain Nineteenth Century Pamphlets, An (Carter & Pollard), 100, 102

Epic, The, 345

Epic: Britain's Heroic Muse 1790-1910 (Tucker), 302-304

Epilogue, 35

Erickson, Lee, 43, 43fn, 238, 239, 240

Esher, Viscount, 243, 244

Essay concerning Human Understanding, An (Locke), 447-448

Essay on Classification( Agazzis), 24fn

Essay on English Metrical Law (Patmore), 122, 171

Essay on the Philosophical Writings of Cicero (Hallam), 414, 415, 454, 455, 456, 458

Essays on Lord Tennyson's Idylls of the King(Littledale, 3, 6, 10, 19)

Eton College, 419, 477

Eton Miscellany, The (periodical), 409

Eudes-Longchamp, Jacques-Amand, 22fn

Evangelicalism in Modern Britain: a History from the 1730s to the 1980s (Bebbington), 354

Evangelicals: Women and Community in Nineteenth Century Britain (Wolffe), 353

EVANS, Roger, 134-135, 136-156, 172, 188-200, 207, 229, 408, 413, 417-418, 423 fn, 424, 430, 463-465, 476-477

Eve of St Agnes (Keats), 408, 436

Exact Imagination, Late Work (Nicholsen), 159

Excursion, The (Wordsworth), 304

Exhibition Preview: Tennyson Transformed, Lincoln (Clark), 374

Eyre & Spottiswoode (printer), 142

Ezekiel (Bible), 255

Faber, Frederick, 119

Faber, G.S., 351

Faber, Michael, 481

‘Fading Away' (Robinson, photograph), 195

Faerie Queen, The (Spenser), 265, 266

Faerie Queen, The: an Elizabethan Apocalypse (Sandler), 265

Fagles, Robert, 344

Fair Rosamund (Waterhouse), 293

Fairhurst, Robert Douglas-, 293, 315 fn, 331 , 389-391, 408, 422 fn, 480

Faith and Revolt: Studies in the Literary Influence of the Oxford Movement (Chapman), 4fn, 6

Faithful Pastor (Turner), 153

Falkland (Lytton, Edward Bulwer-), 351

Fall of Camelot, The: A Study of Tennyson's Idylls of the King (Rosenberg), 256, 261

Fall of the House of Moxon, The: James Bertrand Payne and the Illustrated Idylls of the King (Cheshire), 370

Falmouth Art Gallery, 368

Farewell to the South (Hallam), 412

Farringford (Isle of Wight), 22, 23, 291, 296, 383

Fasti Etonenses (Benson), 419-420

Faulkner, Peter, 278

Faulkner, William, 481

Felled Oak, The (Turner), 153

Fenton, Roger (photographer), 288, 368

Ferdinand VII, (King of Spain), 97, 426

Ferrier, Susan Edmonstone, 98

Ficino, Marsilio, 85

Figuier, Louis, 37-41

Figure of Echo, The: A Mode of Allusion in Milton and After (Hollander), 317

Final Problem, The (Doyle), 215

Fire and Ice: the Influence of Science on Tennyson's Poetry (Millhauser), 331

First Hundred Years of American Geology, The (Merrill), 28fn

FISHER, Benjamin F., 281-282, 311

Fitzgerald, Edward, 68, 72, 96-97, 198, 300, 302, 307-310, 487

Fitzgerald, Penelope, 316

Fitzgerald, Rebecca, 291-292, 296, 383

Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, 410

Flaubert, Gustave, 215, 225

Flock for the Market, The (Turner), 155

‘Flute of Arcady, A': Autograph Poems of Tennyson's Friend, Arthur Henry Hallam (Evans), 413, 417-418, 424

Foley, Lady, 466fn

FONTANA, Ernest, 285-287

Foreign Quarterly Review, 416

Forest Glade, A (Turner), 163-164

Forest Lake, A (Turner), 162

Forewords and Afterwords (Auden), 316

Forman, H. Buxton, 417

Forster, E.M., 62

Fortnightly Review, The, 43

Fossils, 22

Foster, Myles Birket, 291

Foulds, Adam, 398-399

Fowler, J.H., 106

Fox, William Johnson, 235, 361, 362

Frankfurt School, The, 446

Fraser's Magazine, 141, 151, 234, 237, 241, 418

Frater, Ave Atque Vale, 201

Freeman, Michael, 36fn

French Revolution (Carlyle), 304

Frere, John Hookham, 435, 466

Freshwater (Isle of Wight), 288, 291, 292

Freshwater: a Comedy (Woolf), 326

Freud, Sigmund, 126, 214, 486

Friend, The (Coleridge), 435, 437-438, 441, 442-443

From Life: Julia Margaret Cameron and Victorian Photography (Olsen), 370

From the Great Deep: Essays on Idylls of the King (Ryals), 9

From Tieck (Hallam), 411

Frost, Robert, 478

Fry, Roger, 422

Funeral Blues (Auden), 226

Furies, 63

Further A.H.H. Memorials (Evans), 463-465

Fytche, Albert, Lieutenant-General, 150

Gadamer, Hans-Georg, 157

Garden, Francis, 68

‘Garden Trees, The': a Collaboration between Tennyson and Hallam (Adicks), 413-414

Gardener's Daughter, The, 101, 107, 309, 368

Gardiner, Martin, 52fn

Gareth and Lynette, 201, 263, 478, 481

Gaskell, Elizabeth, 481

Gaskell, James Milnes, 191, 192, 411, 412, 414, 419, 466

Gee & Bridges, Cambridge, 417

Geikie, Archibald, 35, 36, 36fn

Genesis (Bible), 23, 25, 27, 29, 256

Geological Periods, 27, 29, 28, 31, 33

Geological Society of London, 22

Geology, 22-41

Geology: Its Past and Present: a Lecture delivered to members of the Glasgow Athenaeum (Argyll), 68, 69

George IV, King, 189

Geraint and Enid, 256, 259