October 9, 2014

Dear Parents,

Greetings from the Social Studies department! Our unit on Mesopotamia is finished, and on Monday we will be advancing to another ancient river civilization called ancient Egypt. The purpose of this letter is to inform you that all six grade students will be evaluated by means of a really exciting 3-D pyramid project on this new unit rather than a standard summative or test. In class, teachers will introduce or teach a daily lesson, and following that introduction, the students will work independently on an assignment demonstrating their understanding of that content. It is important for students to be focused and on task as each day a new assignment will be introduced. If a student is absent, he or she is responsible for making up that assignment. If a student did not complete his or her daily work, advisory or lunch times are options for needing extra time or help.

The ten day pyramid project will be completed in school. It might be beneficial to have a pep talk with your child about staying organized, using his or her SS project folder, putting papers in the correct place when finished with work, and being willing to give up free time is additional time is needed. Students do find this project enjoyable, but it can be overwhelming if a student lacks self-discipline. Your encouragement is appreciated.

Thank you,

Mrs. Johanns

Student______Parent signature______

October 9, 2014

Dear Parents,

Greetings from the Social Studies department! Our unit on Mesopotamia is finished, and on Monday we will be advancing to another ancient river civilization called ancient Egypt. The purpose of this letter is to inform you that all six grade students will be evaluated by means of a really exciting 3-D pyramid project on this new unit rather than a standard summative or test. In class, teachers will introduce or teach a daily lesson, and following that introduction, the students will work independently on an assignment demonstrating their understanding of that content. It is important for students to be focused and on task as each day a new assignment will be introduced. If a student is absent, he or she is responsible for making up that assignment. If a student did not complete his or her daily work, advisory or lunch times are options for needing extra time or help.

The ten day pyramid project will be completed in school. It might be beneficial to have a pep talk with your child about staying organized, using his or her SS project folder, putting papers in the correct place when finished with work, and being willing to give up free time is additional time is needed. Students do find this project enjoyable, but it can be overwhelming if a student lacks self-discipline. Your encouragement is appreciated.

Thank you,

Mrs. Johanns

Student______Parent signature______