Monday 4/11

Standard(s): / SS7H3 The student will analyze continuity and change in Southern and Eastern Asia leading to
the 21st century.
a. Describe how nationalism led to independence in India and Vietnam.
b. Describe the impact of Mohandas Gandhi’s belief in non-violent protest.
c. Explain the role of the United States in the rebuilding of Japan after WWII.
d. Describe the impact of Communism in China in terms of Mao Zedong, the Great Leap
Forward, the Cultural Revolution, and Tiananmen Square.
e. Explain the reasons for foreign involvement in Korea and Vietnam in terms of containment of
Essential Question: / What are the major themes in S and SE Asia’s history?
Opening (Journal): / Copy the question and the CORRECT answer:
What was the end result of the US intervention in the Korean War?
A. Korea was united and became democratic.
B. Korea was united and became communist.
C. Korea remained divided; the North is still communist, the South is democratic.
D. Korea remained divided; the North is still democratic, the South is communist.
Work Period: / 1.  The teacher will check IN 72-73 for completion.
2.  Students will receive their True/False Exit Ticket from before Spring Break. As we go over the correct answers as a class, students will be asked what word or phrase would turn each false statement true.
3.  We will play Kahoot! to review the history concepts for our test tomorrow.
Closing / Anyone have any questions on the study guide?
Homework / STUDY — History Test TOMORROW.
Passport Check on Wednesday!

Tuesday 4/12

Standard(s): / SS7H3 The student will analyze continuity and change in Southern and Eastern Asia leading to
the 21st century.
a. Describe how nationalism led to independence in India and Vietnam.
b. Describe the impact of Mohandas Gandhi’s belief in non-violent protest.
c. Explain the role of the United States in the rebuilding of Japan after WWII.
d. Describe the impact of Communism in China in terms of Mao Zedong, the Great Leap
Forward, the Cultural Revolution, and Tiananmen Square.
e. Explain the reasons for foreign involvement in Korea and Vietnam in terms of containment of
Essential Question: / What are the major themes in S and SE Asia’s history?
Opening (Journal): / What were the similarities between Vietnam and India’s independence movements? (bullet point list)
Work Period: / 1.  Students will take the test on S and SE Asia’s History.
2.  Afterwards, they will get a Government and Economics Review Crossword. This is due Friday and worth 5 extra credit points on the passport check this week.
Closing / Passport Check is tomorrow— do NOT forget!
Homework / Passport Check tomorrow.
Work on Extra Credit Crossword.

Wednesday 4/13

Standard(s): / SS7CG1-7
Essential Question: / What are the major themes in government and economics we’ve learned this year?
Opening (Journal): /
Work Period: / 1.  Students will turn in their passports.
2.  After discussing the journal, students will independently complete the 5 “Way Back Wednesday” Questions. Students will then receive their graded answers from last week. We will go over the correct answers and discuss as a class.
3.  Domino Flashcard Game! Every student will receive a flashcard that contains a definition and term. The definition and term are not the matching. One student’s card has “Start” and a definition on it. Students listen to their classmate read the start card and determine if their definition on their card matches. If it does, they read their definition and term, which refers to a definition on another card. We work through the cards form student to student. I will record them for time on the second round.
4.  Group Review: Students will work with the group they are sitting with. Each group will receive a map challenge. Together, they must work to complete the map challenge. When completed, they will show the teacher to check their work and may receive a new set of maps.
Closing / Reflect: What areas do I need to focus my studying?
Homework / History Concepts Crossword Extra Credit. Due Friday. Worth 5 bonus points on this week’s passport check.

Thursday 4/14

Standard(s): / Today we will be reviewing for the Milestones, so all standards learned thus far will be applied.
Essential Question: / What are the major geographic, historical, government, and economic themes we learned this year?
Opening (Journal): /
Work Period: / 1.  After discussing the journal, students will independently complete the 5 “Throw back Thursday” Questions.
2.  We will complete one round of Domino Flashcard for time to compete against the other classes.
3.  Students will be divided into teams, and using electronic buzzers, will play a Jeopardy-style review game to prepare for Milestones.
Closing / Extra Credit Crosswords are due TOMORROW.
Homework / Extra Credit Crosswords are due TOMORROW. Practice Quizlets!

Friday 4/15

Standard(s): / Today we will be reviewing for the Milestones, so all standards learned thus far will be applied.
Essential Question: / What are the major geographic, historical, government, and economic themes we learned this year?
Opening (Journal): /
Work Period: / 1.  After discussing the journal, students will individually complete “Flashback Friday” review questions. They will turn both the journals and these in.
2.  We will complete a round of Domino Flashcards for time to compete against the other classes.
3.  Students will receive their graded History Tests back. We will go over as a class.
4.  We will continue the review game from yesterday. If the buzzers are unavailable, we will play trivia-style in the same teams.
Closing / Look over the milestone study guide this weekend!
Homework / Look over the milestones study guide this weekend! Pick at least 3 quizlets to play.

** The teacher reserves the right to adjust the lesson plans to accommodate the needs of the students.

*Going into standardized testing, our schedule in the next weeks will be a bit uncertain. Because we are not allowed to “review” while tests are in the building, we are completing review activities this week and will proceed to wrap up our final unit on S and SE Asia’s Governments and Economies in the two weeks until the social studies Milestone exam.