Read carefully
N.B. Travellers are responsible for completing this task. Failure to do so may result in travel not being approved:
There are two instances where a Travel Risk Assessment is required. The most common one is for High Risk Travel ‘Destination’ and then there is High Risk Travel ‘Activity’.
If you are in the Concur Travel booking system and have not commenced a Travel Risk Assessment the system will automatically indicate if a Risk Assessmentis required for UWA travel approval to be granted:
1)for the chosen destination/s; and/or
2)for high risk activities (a dropdown listis provided in Concurfor you to choose from).
a) Submitting a Risk Assessment does not guarantee either the travel or the activity will be approved by UWA.
b) Complex and extremely high risk destinations and activities take many hours of research over a period of time to mature and to produce an acceptable Assessment.
c) Some mitigations require resourcing to be in place prior to travel being approved.
d) Appeals are to be submitted to the Associated DirectorSafety, Health and Wellbeingand can take up to six weeks to complete.
e) All travel approvals are based on UWA Travel Risk Assessments at the time of being prepared and are subject to cancelation or additional mitigations being required should the situation within the country change either prior to or during travel / activity.
f) Any escalation of the risk rating for the destination or activity prior to and during travel requires the review of the Risk Assessment. Following this the updated Assessment must be submitted to the Associated DirectorSafety, Health and Wellbeing for review and again goes through the approval process.
If you do not feel confident in filling out the UWA Travel Risk Assessment please get help:
-firstly go to the UWA Risk webpage;
-secondly,from your line manager and/or other group members then, if they are unsure;
-thirdlyfrom the UWA Safety, Health and Wellbeing team.
The UWA Travel Risk Assessment must be filled out by a member of the group travelling and/or undertaking the activity and signed off on by all of the individual group members prior to submission.
It is recommended everyone in the group works on the UWA Travel Risk Assessment.
Consider the risks from the perspective of someone without a vested interest in the trip/activity going ahead.
Examples for Specific Risk, Causal Factors and Mitigations can be found on the UWA Risk webpage.
Phase 1
Breakdown the risks into ‘Destination’ and ‘Activity’
Are you going to a high/extreme risk destination and undertaking a high/extreme risk activity? You will need to submit one UWA Travel RiskAssessment for ‘Destination’ and one UWA Travel Risk Assessment for ‘Activity’.
Phase 2
Step 1:
Download the UWA Travel Risk Assessment Template from the UWA Risk webpage.
Fill out the 1st row
‘Travel Risk Assessment: Travel title, Faculty/ School/ Division, Date completed and full names of Contributors.
Indicate if the Assessment is Destination or Activity’.
Step 2: Number each ‘Specific Risk’
Write therisks you have identified into the ‘Specific Risk’ column of the table.
For each UWA Travel Risk Assessment Table consider the following as a minimum:
- Health
- Security
- Reputation
Step 3: Check yourdestinationin
Step 4:Add any risks identified in the above task to the ‘Specific Risk’ column in your Risk Assessment Table.
NB: If you are unsure talk to your line manager and others who know the country / activity.
Step 5: Fill out the Causal (Contributing) Factors
Risk Mitigation (Actions to reduce / manage risk)
columns for each Specific Risk.
Step 6: Open the Risk Matrix from the UWA Risk webpage and using the Risk Matrix definitions for ConsequencesandLikelihood fill in the UWA Travel Risk Assessmentcolumns.
NB: Help using the Matrix is available on the UWA Risk webpage
Step 7: To rate the risk in the Risk Matrix
Using Consequence and Likelihood ratingsWork across and downuntil the column and row intersect, this is the Risk Rating.
Fill in the Risk Rating column for each Specific Risk.
Step 8: Confirm the Risk Mitigations are adequate by reviewing the Ratings against the Risk Management action levels.
Step 9:The comments section is for detail and future actions.
NB: Use the Comments column as it helpsreach a decision on the level of mitigation required.
Step 10: The completed Travel Risk Assessment /s is/are emailed to all travellers or those undertaking the activity in the group for signoff.
Step 11: After the final version is agreed on, everyone in the group must send an email to the traveller completing the UWA Travel Risk Assessment saying they sign off on the statements and agree to any actions as described on the final version.
Suggested text: I accept the risks identified in the UWA Travel Risk Assessment version XXX for ‘XYZ’ Trip and/or Activity YYY, as submitted to Concur by ‘ABC’to be true, correct and inclusive of therisks that would be reasonable to have been identified. Furthermore I agree to abide by the mitigationsas stated in the UWA Travel Risk Assessment.
Step 11: Once the Assessment has been signed off on by all the members of the group it is submittedto the ‘Trip Approver’ (usually the Project/ Grant/BU / Level 4 UWA Approver) for review. The Approver reads the UWA Travel Risk Assessment and, once satisfied the risks and the associated mitigations have been identified and reasonable, signs off on giving approval for the booking to go ahead. The Assessment is then uploaded into Concur by the person completing the document.All travellers not submitting the Assessment into Concur must indicate in the system who is submitting the UWA Travel Risk Assessment on their behalf.
From there:
The Assessment is forwarded to a Level 4 UWA Travel Risk Assessor by Concur. This person analyses the Risks and Mitigations against the contemporary situation and will approve or not approve the application in the Concur System. The system will automatically inform the travellers if travel has not been approved.
UWA Associate Director Safety, Health and Wellbeing will contact the group if other risks need to be considered or the Risk Mitigations submitted are not sufficient or if further questions need answering prior to an approval being granted.
See UWATravel Assessment Appeals
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