-Introduction to political sciences: (first year general)

The concept of political science, the relationship between political science and other social sciences, the state and its functions, sovereignty idea, political parties and interest groups, the relationship between political parties and democracy, elements of state’s power, organizing the state.

-International relations: (second year general)

The historical background of the international relations, the realistic approach in making foreign policy decision, elements of foreign policy, trends and means of foreign policy, types of states according to national power, balance of power (its types and means), national security, regional and international organization.

-International political relations: (third year economic/post)

The concept of international relation and the relation between it and foreign policy, the evolution of relations between states, globalization and its effects on international relations.

-International administration: (third year international relations)

Introduction to public administration, public administration in developed and developing countries from comparative view, models of administration in (Egypt, Japan, United Kingdom and USA).

-Foreign policy theory: (third year international relations)

Approaches of studying foreign policy, process of making foreign policy, elements and means of making foreign policy.

-Political systems: (third year international relations)

Introduction to political systems, structure of the political system, political participation and political nutrition, modern political systems (British, French, and Egyptian system).

-Arab’s International relations: (third year international relations)

Concept of international relation, the evolution of Arab’s regional system from 1945 to the end of 90’s, the effect of the second gulf crisis on Arab’s regional system, security arrangements in the middle east after the second gulf war.

-Consulate and diplomatic systems: (third year international relations (

The definition of diplomacy, historical evolution of diplomatic system, rules of diplomacy, organizing the diplomatic mission (functions, immunities and privileges) of the diplomatic mission, grades of diplomatic positions, consulate system and its (functions, grades, immunities, privileges), international responsibility.

-Conflict resolution: (third year international relations)

The definition of conflict and international conflict, means of solving international conflicts (coercive, political, legal and judicial means), applications on some international conflict (the case of Taba, Qatar-Bahrain conflict)

-Studies in public policies: (third year international relations)

The definition of public policy, studying some public policies (administrative reform, privatization), local administration.

-Egyptian foreign policy: (fourth year international relations)

Conceptual introduction to foreign policy, models of studying foreign policy, determinants of Egyptian foreign policy, Egyptian foreign policy in Mohamed Ali Era, the evolution of Egyptian models of foreign policy in 1990’s.

-International organization: (fourth year international relations(

The status of international organization before first world war, league of nations experience, united nations, attempts of reforming the united nations, process of peace keeping.

-Study of some recent cases in international relations:-(fourth year international relations(

Nuclear dimension in the Arab Israel conflict, water problem, European security and the role of NATO, Euro-Mediterranean from the security and economical prospect.

-Professional political studies in European language:-(fourth year international relations)

Studying some chosen cases in English (multi-national corporation and its effects on development, political and economic system, the role of the government in economic)

-Managing international conflict: (fourth year international relations)

Theoretical Introduction around the concept of conflict and international conflict, bargaining and its rules, games theory, case studies on Egypt since 1980’s.

-Comparative public policies: (fourth year international relations)

The concept of public policies, studying some public policies such as (administrative reform - privatization’s programs)

-International negotiation: (fourth year international relations)

Concept of negotiation, procedures and steps of negotiation, recent means of international negotiations, theories of negotiation, simulation’s application on cases of (arms control, Euro-Egyptian participation, Qatar-Bahrain conflict, Jerusalem’s case).