West Bretton Junior & Infant School



Sports Relief Day

On Friday next week we shall be taking part in Sports Relief Day and we invite children to come to school dressed in sports kit in exchange for a donation of £1 towards Sports Relief. Parents of children in years 1 – 6 will have had a letter yesterday inviting them in to school to watch an FA skills session and we hope that you will be able to join us.

Our Student Council have been planning the day and we would be very grateful for donations of buns, cakes etc to sell which can be brought to the school office next Friday morning. These will be on sale from 20p – 50p together with juice for 10p. There will be no toast on sale that day, however Foundation Stage children who have prepaid for their toast will have their allocation moved to next term.

Children can have their nails painted for 30p and at lunchtime next Friday, weather permitting, there will be a football session for both boys and girls for 50p and a Dance session also 50p. There will be no girls only football club on that day.

Friends of Bretton School

Please continue to put your ticket orders for the FOBS Spring Disco on 8th April into the FOBS post box. It may seem a long way off, but with our Easter break it will be here in no time!

From tomorrow we shall be selling raffle tickets at 10p each for the FOBS annual Easter egg raffle.

Glee Club

A group of children from our “Glee Club” took part in the Mothers` Day service at West Bretton Church on Sunday morning and as usual they stole the show. A big “thank you” to those children who performed, and also to their parents who supported them.

On Saturday this week some of the “Glee Club” will be taking part in a music festival at St Thomas a Beckett school and we hope that they have a wonderful experience. Letters giving details have been given to the children concerned.

YSP Project

Tomorrow will be the turn of our younger children from FS to Year 2 to spend time at the YSP as part of their project. Children have taken letters home giving details of the day – a reminder that they will need a packed lunch, strong shoes or wellingtons and warm, waterproof outerwear.

Apologies from Mrs Firth and Miss Nelson - would parents please note the change of arrangements for the end of the day. We shall leave school at 9.30 a.m. after assembly, and all come back together for the children to be collected as usual at 3.30 p.m.

Cliffe House

As part of their topic “Water Water Everywhere” Years 5 and 6 will travel to Shepley on Tuesday next week to visit Cliffe House Field Centre. Amongst their activities will be pond dipping and hopefully orienteering. Again, packed lunches are required, and old, warm clothes as they will in all likelihood get muddy!


Unfortunately there has been an increase recently in the number of children arriving late for school.

Although we appreciate that occasionally delays occur, children arriving late create a disruption for the rest of the class, who are ready for the start of the school day at 9.00 a.m.

If you should arrive late and the gate is locked children will need to be left with staff at the school office. School staff will then ensure they get to their classroom. Could we also ask that parents leave school promptly when bringing children in to school. Thank you for your support on this, and thank you also to the majority of parents who ensure that their children arrive at school on time.

After School Clubs

Our Dance Club has had the last session for this half term, and the last Multisports will run tomorrow. Our Glee Club and the last Spanish Club will run next week. We have the last Lego Club tomorrow after school – apologies for having to cancel the club last Friday due to the class leader being ill. Cheques for the £5 refund will be sent out to parents before the Easter break.

Golden Book

Well done to our “Golden Book” children this week

Class 1 Cara Fisher and Zara Degnan

Class 2 Lauren Nicholson and George Godley

Class 3 Miles Thompson and Sofia Degnan

Class 4 Joshua Jarvis and Elizabeth Dodd

Class 3 Topic Work

For their topic entitled “Inside Out” this term Years 3 and 4 have been studying how their bodies work and as part of this we were fortunate to have a visit from Warburtons` bakery yesterday who spoke to the children about the benefits of healthy eating. The highlight of the afternoon was when they took part in a “healthy sandwiches” session.

And finally …………

We finish for the Easter break at the usual time of 3.30 p.m. next Friday and return to school on Tuesday 5th April.