Oakdale Junior School
Learning for Life
Parent Panel Minutes - 6th May 2016
Present:Jenny Berriman (Headteacher)
Larraine Beacon (Parent Support Adviser)
Zoe Oldfield (5C Aidan, 4DT Hazel)
Dawn Pack (4DT Eddie)
Anita Aley (4J Arun)
Dee Mistry (5JS Vina)
Rebecca Palmer (3LE Chloe)
Apologies:Rachel Bennett
Sarah Spackman
- Welcome and introductions
JB welcomed the parent panel.
- Minutes of the last meeting
JB apologised that she did not have copies of the last meeting. She said she would speak to Mrs Hallybone and ensure that these had been distributed.
- Discussion of items from previous meetings
ZO has set up an email address for the Parent Panel. JB to include this information in future newsletters.
- Whole school updates / issues
Growing for Life project
JB shared an update re the growing project. The design was a combination of the competition entries and a scale plan would be created. JB will be contacting HSBC to try to arrange a time for volunteers to come to the school to clear the area, parents will be invited to help with this. The aim is that the area will be cleared this term, work will take place over the summer holidays to put in the paths and growing beds so use can begin next academic year.
LB shared that the non-fruit trees at the back of the area were originally planned to be given back to the community. It was suggested that some could be used in the front playground in the bed where trees have been cleared from our neighbour’s garden. It was suggested that we could donate some to the local parks that the school uses.
Playground Zoning
JB shared that the school is working on defining the outdoor areas to ensure they are fully utilised by the children. This includes:
- New picnic benches in Gareth’s Garden area to include board game benches
- Football pitches and rota on the field more clearly defined
- New markings for King Ball playground game in the back playground
- New picnic / games benches for area between the main building and Y3/4 block, including a wheelchair friendly picnic bench
- The growing area will also be able to be used by children when developed
- Wildlife area to be re-opened once Mr Blackmore has checked for health and safety issues
- Year group issues
Year 3 - no issues
Year 4
- Sun shining into 4DTs classroom through the fire exit door. JB to speak to class teachers and Mr Blackmore to investigate solutions
- DP had been asked to raise the concerns of some parents regarding a rumour regarding the children in Year 4 being re-organised in classes at the end of the year. JB explained that the school leadership considers rearranging year groups annually for the best interests of the children’s academic and emotional needs. Although rare at Oakdale Junior School, it is something that may be used where required. This might be due to gender imbalance, academic needs, behavioural issues etc. There are some imbalances in Y4(e.g. gender in 4DT where 66% are girls) so it might be something the school would consider. No decision has been made to swap the classes in year 4 and if the leadership were to make this decision, it would not be until June in order that the school knew the staffing situation for 2016-17. Parents would be informed if this decision was made.
Year 5
- ZO raised the issue of children in year 5 (and other year groups) not mixing with children outside of their own classes. We discussed ways that the school could encourage this e.g. through PSHE, praise/reward for children who are seen doing this well.
- Ideas for improvements / projects
JB shared an idea suggested by the Ofsted team to place Year 3 in the main building to support transition. We discussed the classroom size in the block for older classes if this was to happen. JB shared an idea of creating additional cloakroom space to remove pegs from the classrooms in this area.
It was suggested that air conditioning might be needed in the block. JB said she had mentioned this to the PTFA and would look into this further.
- Possible agenda items for future meetings
None raised
- Any other business
- Children eating packed lunches outside - JB had spoken to the middays about this and the school will await the picnic benches so the children have somewhere to sit and eat. LB suggested parasols for the benches.
- JB shared plans for a picnic to celebrate the Queen’s 90th birthday. Children will make a sandwich in class and they will be given squash and a fairy cake. They will have a normal lunch but slightly earlier.
- Golden Times – school council had made recommendations for golden time which would be discussed by the leadership team next week.
- DM had experienced errors in the pdf version of the newsletter. This does not appear to be a widespread issue but JB asked to be alerted if this happens.
- It was requested that the minutes of Parent Panel meetings be sent out via email to parents as well as being published on the website, JB agreed.
Next Meeting – 24.06.16, 2.30pm