The SUMIF function, one of Excel's IF functions, is used to add up the values in cells in a selected range that meet certain criteria.

The syntax for the SUMIF function is:

=SUMIF( Range, Criteria, Sum Range)

Range - the group of cells the function is to search.

Criteria - determines whether the cell is to be counted or not.

Sum Range - the data range that is summed if the first range meets the specified criteria. If this range is omitted, the first range is summed instead.

Example Using Excel's SUMIF Function:

Note: For help with this example, see the image to the right.

1.  Enter the following data into cells E1 to E6: 114,165,178,143,130,165.

2.  Enter the following data into cells F1 to F6: 10, 20, 30, 10, 20, 30.

3.  Click on cell F7 - the location where the results will be displayed.

4.  Click on the Formulas tab of the ribbon.

5.  Choose Math & Trig from the ribbon to open the function drop down list.

6.  Click on SUMIF in the list to bring up the function's dialog box.

7.  In the dialog box, click on the Range line.

8.  Drag select cells E1 to E6 on the spreadsheet.

9.  On the Criteria line in the dialog box, type "165".

10.  Click on the SUM Range line.

11.  Drag select cells F1 to F6 on the spreadsheet.

12.  Click OK.

13.  The answer 50 should appear in cell F7. Since the criteria of equaling 165 is met by only two cells - E2 and E6, only their corresponding cells - F2 and F6 are summed. The sum of 20 and 30 is 50.