Communicable Disease Unit:

The STD Clinic at 15 Waller Street (RBJ Health Center, 1st Floor)

provides evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment of sexually transmitted infections.

Call 512-972-5430 to schedule an appointment.

Clinic hours are 8am to 12 noon and 1pm to 5pm Monday through Friday.

The fee for examination and treatment is $20, which includes all laboratory testing.

Counseling and Testing

The HIV Prevention Program

Works to prevent the spread of HIV by providing anonymous

HIV counseling, testing, and referral for early intervention services.

We offer free confidential or anonymous counseling and testing

for HIV, Syphilis, Hepatitis C, Gonorrhea, and Chlamydia.

Testing is availableat many locations around the Austin area. Call 512-972-5430

for an appointment.

HIV Administration:

The HIV Resources Administration Unit administers Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program

and HOPWA grant funds, as well as local funds for HIV/AIDS services in Austin and

surrounding counties. For over twenty years, it has contracted with local/regional

service providers to coordinate the delivery of a continuum of care for persons living

with HIV/AIDS. These services include outpatient medical care, pharmaceutical

assistance, dental care, case management, substance abuse services,

food bank, transportation, outreach, and a variety of other services designed to help

People access and remain in HIV care. For more information contact Gregory L. Bolds, HIV

Program Manager, at 512.972.5081 or visit our HIV/AIDS community resource website at

Austin Area Comprehensive HIV Planning Council:

For nearly 17 years, the Austin Area Comprehensive HIV Planning Council has

operated under the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program to provide comprehensive planning

and federal funding to five surrounding counties: Bastrop, Caldwell, Hays, Travis,

and Williamson. Please call our hot line at 512-974-4400 and visit our

Web site at

-HIV-planning-council for more information.

African American Quality of Life Unit:

Mobile Van Community Health Screening; Technical Assistance to nonprofits and

churches to support efforts to provide health related services to those they serve;

Career Fairs offering job preparation, employment opportunities and referrals to

careers; Health Talk radio show featuring guest talking about health issues

(KAZI 88.7 FM Tuesdays at 8am).