Minutes of the Student and Standards Committee of the Governing Body of Ellis Guilford School and Sports College held at the school on Monday 4th July 2016

(A denoted absence) / Ms J Horsey / Chair
Mrs H Robinson
Mrs T Bonser
Ms H Garfoot
Ms C Rudd
Ms K Shead
A / Ms H Mumford
A / Ms S Coulton / Headteacher
IN ATTENDANCE / Mr D James / Clerk to the Governors
Mr A Ellerby / Senior Assistant Headteacher
Ms A Turner-Wardell / Senior Assistant Headteacher
The Vice Chair of the full Governing Body welcomed everyone to a meeting of the joint committees which preceded the separate meetings of the Students and Standards Committee and the Finance Committee which would be minuted separately.
An apology for absence was received and accepted from Ms H Mumford. The Headteacher was at a concurrent Finance Meeting.
Governors were reminded of the requirement to consider declaration of interest, either direct or indirect, for items of business on the agenda. No governor expressed a personal benefit through attendance at the meeting.
Minutes of the meeting held on 25th April 2016 copies of which had been previously circulated, were taken as read, confirmed and signed by the Chair.
Matters Arising
There were no matters arising that had not been addressed or were not on the current agenda.
This agenda item was deferred to the next meeting.
Governors were thanked for their hard work attending meetings with parents which also helped promote the work of the Governing Body. Governors would also be attending the Induction meetings. They would take the opportunity to raise the need for good time-keeping and attendance.
A document Behaviour and Safety Summary Term 3.2 was tabled. The data was analysed in two different ways: cumulative and term by term.
The exclusions data was aided by colour coded bar charts which showed that the rate of fixed term exclusions had continued to slow compared to the same period the previous year (Target >1.2%, currently >1.2%). Planned actions included assemblies and tutor work around the reasons for exclusion, greater focus on attitude to learning and focus on student leadership. Mentors as role models had been very successful, particularly using ‘reformed characters’ as the role models.
Permanent exclusions were also reducing year on year. Students were not demonstrating as many serious negative behaviours mainly due to early actions around challenging students’ behaviour outside of school. Governors complimented the school on the improving picture.
Attendance had steadily improved over the last four years. Positive attendance figures were as a result of whole school mail-out and the house group work being done with a small group of students who potentially would have the biggest impact on the whole school figures. Persistent absence had steadily reduced but due to the changes in the PA marker (85% to 90%) the school was just short of its target (8% target 9% currently).
c)Rewards and Achievement Data
‘Buckets’ of food from KFC was by far the most popular reward for students.
Some students transferred to the school with poor attendance. Information relating to these students would be presented at the next meeting together with a report summary of the Ethos Walk by SLT and House Leaders. Details of a very positive external review were read to governors. Students had said that the school had changed for the better out of all recognition.
An ECO Council was to be formed next year which would include a focus on litter.
Students had raised a fantastic £9,600 for the Race for Life charity which had received excellent coverage on the East Midlands T.V.
SS/29/15-16 POLICIES
A colour coded document was tabled which detailed policy title, status (statutory/non-statutory), approval, review frequency, staff, governor and review date.
Governors agreed to approve a number of policies which had been previously circulated for comment and review.
a)Sex and Relationship Education Policy, July 2016 approved with review in 3 years unless statutory guidance changed. Link Governor Ms K Shead.
b)Supporting Students with Medical Conditions, July 2016 approved with minor amendment to section 5 with review in 3 years unless statutory guidance changed. Link Governor Ms K Shead.
c)Home Learning Policy approved to continue until incorporated into a new Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Policy was available. Draft due next meeting. Link Governor Mrs T Bonser.
d)Marking and Assessment Policy (last reviewed 2013). The policy was currently being updated with respect to marking. The current policy would continue until the new combined policy was presented in draft form to the next meeting of the committee.
Mr A Ellerby was thanked for his input and left the meeting which was joined by Ms A Turner-Wardell.
Three documents were tabled:
  1. Governors’ Update July 2016 – Standards Overview
  2. Ethos Standard 2013-16
  3. Quantitative Information (A3 and A4 sizes)
There had been a much more focused and rigorous approach to data which had been moderated before entry which was why the Yr11 final predictions had not dramatically altered.
The old measure of 5 G.C.S.E.’s including English and Maths was last year a predicted 55% but more realistic for the current cohort was now 41%. 5 A* - C pupil premium students were expected to again continue to narrow the gap by 5% to 33% which is closer to the national picture. There had been lots of work to improve predictions which had also been externally moderated by the L.A.
The previous year the floor standard for progress 8 was -0.5. Due to the curriculum plan the school had been substantially below at -0.76. The current Yr11 target was -0.3 and the prediction 0.33. The national expectation would not be known until the results in the summer.
3 and 4 levels of progress in English was good and matched national average with huge improvements in students’ 4 LP predictions at 30%. Maths 3 LPs was weaker at 45%. There were issues around the most able students that were being addressed; lower ability students had done very well. The National picture suggested there might not be as big a difference as the raw data suggested. The summer National results would help understand this context.
Governors questioned what the issues were regarding more able maths students and informed the recruitment and lack of challenge. The Yr7 picture was very positive. Skills were being assessed, not levels with a new reporting system, live tracking and an app. to keep parents updated every 3 days. The system would be demonstrated at the next meeting and a copy of the Quantitative Information circulated to all members of the Governing Body for information.
Ms A Wardell-Turner was thanked for her report and left the meeting.
It was agreed that no items be deemed confidential for the purpose of the minutes.
Communication of the decisions made was considered, and it was agreed that the school would undertake all communication with the stakeholders.
The meeting closed at 7.15pm
Signed by the Chair:


Reference / Action / Responsible
SS/23/15-16 / Pass comments re Home Learning Policy to Ms Mumford / SS Committee
SS/28c/15-16 / Attendance data re students transferring into the school / Mr A Ellerby
Report results of Ethos Walk / Mrs H Robinson
SS/29d/15-16 / Circulate for approved revised Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Policy.
Committee consider approval. / Ms A Turner-Wardell
SS Committee
SS/30/15-16 / Demonstrate changed format for parents
Circulate copy of Quantitative Information to all governors / Ms A Turner-Wardell
School/Governor Services

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