Turgut Tezir
CS 606
Dr. Bellehsen
The State Patrol Ticket Processing System
- State Patrol Ticket Processing System: (SPTPS)
- records driver violation (fines paid by drivers) by the cord
- notify court if driver didn’t pay the fines on time.
(If driver didn’t pay the fines)
- arrest driver.
- report (accident & tickets) driver’s record to Insurance company
- renews driver’s license.
- suspend driver’s license.
(State Patrol ticket Processing System report to insurance companies’ drivers’ ticket and accident. State Patrol renews or suspend drivers license.Fines paid by driver.Cord decide if the driver guilty.Cord decides to arrest driver if the fines not paid.)
Events / Trigger / Source / Essential Activity / Response / Destination1.SPTPS records driver violation / violation / Drivers mistake / Fines / ticket / Jail or pay fines
2. SPTPS notify driver violation to court. / fines / Late or unpaid fines / Arrest or pay the fines / Driver’s reasoning / Jail or pay fines
3. SPTPS notify driver violation to court to arrest driver by the court decision if driver didn’t pay the fine / Unpaid or late fines / SPTPS record of the driver / Arrest driver / Fines / jail
4. SPTPS report driver violation to insurance. / violation / Driver’s mistakes / Renew or suspend driver license / Increase driver’s insurance / License
- Officer gives ticket to driver.
- Officer turned in the copy of the ticket to enter the system.
- ticket creates driver record (officer, cord include)
- Drivers mail the ticket.
- Driver’s claims he is innocent and want court date about a ticket.
- Ticket returns without a check. System notes the plea on the ticket record
- Systems report the unpaid ticket to the court.
- Questioner mail to do driver about ticket.
- Drivers mail back to questioner to the court
- Court schedule appropriate date for triad date
- Court notified driver about the triad date
- Court sent the verdict to ticketing system after triad finish.
- Verdict and triad recorded for the ticket.
- System report drivers insurance company if the driver innocent
- Insurance company ignores the ticket.
- Court gives ticket to the driver if the drivers guilty
- if the driver doesn’t paid the ticket, ticket processing system sent warrant to the court.(two weeks after triad date)
- Court suspends drivers’ license.
- System Process handless the suspension.
Ticket Processing System DatabaseDriver data
- License number
- Name
- Address
- Date of birth
- Date license
- Name
- Address of the office
- Name
- Address
- Ticket number
( unique) - Location
- Ticket type
- Ticket date
- Ticket time
- Plea
- Trial date
- Verdict
- Fine amount
- Date paid