BE IT REMEMBERED, That a Regular Hearing of Commissioners Court in and for Burleson County, Texas held in the Regular Meeting place of said Court in the County Courthouse in the City of Caldwell, Texas on the 8thday of May, 2017at 9:00 o’clock A. M. with JudgeMike Sutherland, Commissioners Joe Baldwin, Jr.,Keith Schroeder, David Hildebrand and Carol Hill present and County Clerk-Anna L. Schielack in attendance when the following business came before Court:

1)Judge Sutherland called the meeting to Order with the Pledge to the American and Texas Flags.

2)Prayer was given byReverend David Ryman.

3) No Public Forum.

4)On Department Reports-Sheriff Norsworthy reported they have 72 inJail. On April 25, we passed our State Jail Inspection. Duane Strange reported on legal burning in Burleson County (when not in a Burn Ban). These new rules will be for approval on next Commissioner’s Court and then will be put on County’s website. (See attachments)

5)Motion made by CommissionerSchroeder and seconded by Commissioner Baldwinto Approve and Act upon the following CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS: (See attachments)

a. Adopt April 2017 Minutes

b. Accept $66 donation on behalf of the Burleson Health Resource Center.

c. Accept 401.79 tons of road base from Wildhorse Resources Management on behalf of Road & Bridge, Pct. 2 for County Rd. 255

d. Accept County Auditor’s certification of road use contributions for Road & Bridge, Pct. 2 and Special Budget

All voted Aye. None voted No. It is so Ordered.

6) Motion made by Commissioner Schroeder and seconded by Commissioner Hillto Approve and Act upon waiving address sign fee for the FM 60 section being taken over by the County.

All voted Aye. None voted No. It is so Ordered.

7)Motion made by Commissioner Schroederand seconded by CommissionerHildebrand toApprove and Act upon accepting the January 2017 Treasurer’s Monthly Report. (See attachments)

All voted Aye. None voted No. It is so Ordered.

8)Motion made by Commissioner Schroederand seconded by CommissionerHildebrand toApprove and Act uponHotel/Motel Funding Application for the Burleson County Historical Society in the amount of $1,000. (See attachment)

All voted Aye. None voted No. It is so Ordered.

9)Motion made by Commissioner Schroederand seconded by Commissioner Baldwin toApprove and Act upon modification of DocuMation maintenance agreement for remaining copiers in service from 150,000 copies per quarter to 75,000 copies per quarter with no color copies. (See attachments)

All voted Aye. None voted No. It is so Ordered

10)Motion made by Commissioner Baldwinand seconded by Commissioner HilltoApprove and Act uponawarding requests for proposals for depository contract(s) to accept both contracts with Citizens State Bank being the primarydepository and BB&T being the secondary depository at the discretion of County Auditor. (See attachments)

All voted Aye. None voted No. It is so Ordered. 11) Motion made by Commissioner Baldwinand seconded by CommissionerHildebrand toApprove and Act upon Special Road Use Permits for Wildhorse Resources Management Company, LLC H&P 459, Schaper/Moore #1, Hwy #1, Hwy 21 W and FM 60 (1.1 mile of FM 60). (See attachments)

All voted Aye. None voted No. It is so Ordered.

12)No Motion made forApproval upon Courthouse Office relocation and security concerns on the fourth floor with the Treasurer’s Office. (See attachment)

13)Motion made by Commissioner Schroederand seconded by Commissioner Hillto Approve and Act upon Soil & Water Stewardship Week Proclamation April 30 through May 7, 2017. (See attachment)

All voted Aye. None voted No. It is so Ordered.

14) Judge’s Report-the Judge will serve on the advisory board for the new campus called the RELLIS in Brazos County.

a. Collection Reportfor County Court for April 2017 was $6978.40 (See attachment)

15) Auditor’s Report

a. Audits and Reviews-Auditor’s Conference went well with more restrictions and funding from Federal Government, FEMA and other grants.

16) Commissioner’s Report-Commissioner Hildebrand reported that Isaac Garcia will set up simulator and CDL training with TAC (Texas Association County) from June 12-16, 2017.

17) Motion made by CommissionerHildebrandand seconded by Commissioner Baldwinto Approve and Authorize Payment of Bills.

All voted Aye. None voted No. It is so Ordered.

18) Motion made by Commissioner Hildebrand and seconded by Commissioner Schroeder to Adjourn the Meeting.

All voted Aye. None voted No. It is so Ordered.




JOE BALWIN, JR.-Commissioner Precinct 1


KEITH SCHROEDER-Commissioner Precinct 2


DAVID HILDEBRAND-Commissioner Precinct 3


CAROL HILL-Commissioner Precinct 4



ANNA L. SCHIELACK-County Clerk and

Ex-Officio of the Commissioners' Court

in and for Burleson County, Texas. (05-08-2017 Meeting)