The Sixties & Seventies

Key Themes

  1. Active Presidency
  2. Active Government

1960 Election

Nixon vs. Kennedy

Kennedy Theme: “Ask not, what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country”

The New Frontier

7 issues:

  1. Peace Corps
  2. Space Program
  3. Federal aid to education
  4. Civil Rights
  5. Health Care for the elderly
  6. Aggressive stand against Communism
  7. tax cuts

Result: Limited success

Foreign Policy: flexible response

April 1961: Bay of Pigs

June 1961: Geneva Conference Nikita Khrushchev + Kennedy

Dec. 1961: 16,000 troops in Vietnam

1962: Operation Mongoose (CIA plot to kill Castro)

Oct. 1962: Cuban Missile Crisis Hot Line Salt Talks

Nov. 1963: Diem assassinated/U.S. 16,000 military advisors in Vietnam

Lyndon Johnson (background)

Key to success

  1. Johnson massage
  2. Kennedy assassination
  3. Landslide 1964 election victory

Johnson Agenda

Medicare/Medicaid Dept. of Housing & Urban Development

The Great Society Vista National Endowment for the Arts & Humanities

Key legislation Voting Rights Act 1965 Immigration Act 1965

Civil Rights Act 1964 Motor Vehicle Safety Ac t 1966

Warren Court

Thurgood Marshall Felix Frankfurter

Hugo Black Byron White

William O. Douglas Abe Fortas

Chief Justice Earl Warren

Civil Rights Reapportionment

Brown v Board of Education Baker v Carr

Wesberry v Sanders

Loving v. Virginia

Warren Court continued

Rights of the Accused Abortion

Gideon v Wainwright Roe v Wade

Escobedo v Illinois Griswold v. Connecticut

Miranda v Arizona Right to privacy

Mapp v Ohio

Country turns on the liberal agenda: Why?

war, riots, assassinations

1965: Watts Riots (LA)

Malcolm X assassinated

1966: Black Power

Stokley Carmichael

1967:Eldridge Cleaver Soul on Ice

Summer riots (Cleveland, Harlem, Chicago)

1968: Tet Offensive

Martin Luther King assassinated

Robert Kennedy assassinated

Democratic Convention at Chicago erupts in violence

1968 Election

Nixon vs. Humphrey

Issues: law and order

Nixon Years

New Federalism

Key themes Détente/Vietnam War


SALT 1 –freeze on ballistic missiles


“Follow the money”

Special advisors

Nixon =H.R. Haldeman John Mitchell Howard Hunt

John Erlichman CREEP G. Gordon Liddy

James McCord

John Dean Burglars

Presidential Attorney


FBI Investigation

Special Prosecutor Congress

Archibald Cox Senator Sam Ervin Federal Court Hearing

Judge John Sirica

Nixon v. U.S.


Nixon resigns August 1974

Gerald Ford Administrations


Nixon pardon

CIA abuses: Salvadore Allende (Chile)

George Bush appointed to reform the agency

April 1975: Saigon falls

Khmer Rouge gain control of Cambodia

Mayaguez captured (Cambodia)

WIN buttons (Whip Inflation Now) 1975: 9% unemployment

Jimmy Carter’s Presidency

Foreign Policy Prime Minister Menachem Begin

President Anwar Sadat

Human Rights initiative Ayatollah Khomeini

1978 Camp David Accords US Embassy Tehran

1978 Panama Canal Treaty

1979 Iranian Hostage Crisis

1979 SALT II Treaty –limits nuclear delivery system

1980 Olympic Boycott + grain embargo/USSR invades Afghanistan

1980 Election

Ronald Reagan v Jimmy Carter

“Are you better off now than you were four years ago?”