Pastor Charles Holmes



247 Now, watch. Now, he was ousted from his people. Now, it's a type of the Jew now. He's a money snatcher. I don't care how he gets it; he will get it. He will skin you alive to get it. You know that. He's a little shyster; that's all. Boy, don't deal with him. He--he will get you, boy. Yes, sir. Why? He's got to be that. That's the kind of a spirit that's dominating.

Just exactly like them reformers could not understand this Word, because that was the spirit of the man sent to them. It's the eagle age that gets the Word and the revelation. All that understands that, raise up your hands, so I... See? That's good. That's fine. See, that's good.

Jacob's Trouble days, you see, when he was troubled. That had nothing to do with the Gentiles. The Gentile has nothing to do with it. No type in the Bible to that. The Gentile Church is Raptured.


401 And you're looking for "the water to turn into blood," and things like that. That comes over to Israel again, back yonder with Moses and Elijah, when they return. Elijah, for the fourth time, returns back, in the Spirit. Neither of those was dead.

Or, the... Moses died; they didn't know where they buried him. He was bound to be raised up somewhere between then and there, 'cause, on Mount Transfiguration, there he was, talking to Jesus. Didn't he? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] See?

So they'll come back and be killed, and lay in the spiritual street called "Sodom," where our Lord was crucified, Jerusalem. They'll be preached to the Jews, and smite the earth, and close the heavens, and so forth like that. And the end of the Gentile ministry will carry over and connect with that, and the Gentiles will go home, and that ministry will go on. There will be the doom of all things. Two-thirds of the earth fell, and everything else. When them dead bodies laid in the streets, three days, watch what kind it was.

403 Look at these pictures I got from down in South America, when they killed that Pentecostal missionary there, his wife, laying in the street, and him and two little children. Little girl, and her little belly swelled up like that. They wouldn't even bury them. Walked along, spit there on them like that, for three or four days. Brother Kopp taken the picture. I got them at home, see, the way they do.Then they send gifts, one to another.

Look how that types in the Bible, you see what church is going to do that. That's right, right at hand, and moving right in like a snake right now, just as cunning as it can be, sign of things right now.


244 Now, notice again. Now, also when these Jews... I'll give you another little symbol so you can realize that it's Jews over here now on this side of the rapture. Watch what takes place. It's also symbolized (We won't take time to do it, 'cause we run--run out here.)--also symbolized in the--in what was called Jacob's trouble.

Now, look, these Jews here has... Notice. Oh, it's a... I--I'm going to take just a little bit time here. It makes me nervous when it starts getting around like that then. See?

Notice. I want you to see it. And I--I... And this... Well, God will show it to you, I'm sure. Look. Jacob had the birthright. Is that right? But he sure was a little shyster with it. See? He went down and he deceived his daddy; he deceived his brother; he done everything; but yet legally right down, he had it; because Esau had sold out.

But then, when he goes down there to work for his father-in-law, he put those poplar sticks in the water to make those pregnated cattle and things bring forth speckled calves, and, oh, you know everything he done like that, just to--to gain money.

249 Now, see, if you can get back here under these Seals, if they can ever get... When they're opened, you can see exactly what God is a-doing, what He has done, what He is going to do. Here it is exactly, and that's the reason men acts that way, because that's the spirit that's predicted for that age to be on them. They couldn't do nothing else. Nothing could...

John, Paul, and them, that Lion spirit there, the--the L-i-o-n standing there, the Word Itself... Paul stood right with that Word and said, "I know this, that there'll be false brethren rise up among you. Go around and what they'll make--denominations and everything else among you. And what they'll do, they'll go on to the last days and horrible time." Why? He was a prophet. There stood that Word in Him, how it would end up way over there.

Said, "false men among yourselves will rise up and speaking things, and draw away brethren who are disciples. That's exactly the antichrist." It did just exactly that.

253 Notice, after it went in the dark age of the tribulation, what was it? There was nothing they could do. Rome owned the--he had the religious power and he had the political power. Wasn't nothing they could do, but just labor to stay alive and give theirselves for sacrifice. It was an ox. That's all they could do. That's the kind of spirit they had, the Spirit of God, the ox.

Then here come the reformers, the head of a man, shrewd, wise: Martin Luther, John Wesley, and so forth; Calvin, Finney, Knox, the rest of them. Here they come forth, and when they did, they were reformers. They come forth reforming--bringing the people out. And turned right back around exactly like they did back there and married right straight back into her again on the denominational system. That's exactly. The Bible said so. She was a whore, and then she had harlot daughters. Just exactly.

256 And God said, "I--I give her space to repent, and she didn't do it, so I'm going to take her and her offsprings, cast them over yonder where they belong." That's exactly. Now, that's... God said that down under this Seal--under the Seal. Now, there she was. We find out that He does that, and He will do it. And they're everyone headed that way. But the, all that's got their names on the Book of Life, God will call; they'll hear it. "My sheep hear My voice," Jesus said. Only thing we got to do is make a sheep call. Goats don't know it.

257 Notice. But you see the sheep call... "My sheep hear My voice." Why? What is a voice? I want to tell you what a voice is. A voice is a--is a spiritual sign.

He said to Moses, "If they won't hear the voice of the first sign, they will hear the voice of the second sign. My sheep hear My voice."

When these things are supposed to be taking place in the last days, sheep of God recognize that. See, see? They--they recognize it. "My sheep know Me"; (See?) "stranger they won't follow." They won't follow them strangers. It's got to be a vindicated sign for the day, and they see it.


108 A few days ago, talking to the great Doctor Lamsa, who translated the Bible from the Aramaic unto English... And I seen that little sign, God's sign on there, with three little dots in it. I said, "Doctor Lamsa, what is that?"

He said, "It's God, with three attributes."

And I said, "You mean, God living in three offices, such as, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost?"

He raised and looked at me, tears come in that Jew's eyes; he said, "Do you believe that, Brother Branham?"

I said, "With all that's in my heart."

He throwed his arms around me and said, "I wondered when I seen that great things going forth, and the signs that you were doing." Said that, "They told me you was a prophet. I didn't believe it till now. Now, I know you are." He said, "That's it. That's the message. That's the thing that'll shake the Kingdom of God." Yes. He said, "Someday you'll die for it, boy." Said, "You'll seal your testimony with that very same thing."

112 One of the greatest man we got, when Eisenhower and great men of the world, Hollywood, all kinds of movie stars and everything calling for him, but hung right there in the meeting. He said, "I have been thirty-some-odd years getting this translation, not from the Vatican Greek, but from the Aramaic; right straight from that, from the Aramaic into the--the English." And he said, "I've spent all that time," he said, "I have just now walked into the place where I see God of the Bible moving." He said, "You know, Brother Branham, we can see signs and wonders, but we watch what voice the sign has. We Jews, we see a sign, but we watch the voice of the sign."

113 Oh, hallelujah, the voice of the sign... God told Moses, "If they won't hear the voice, the voice of the first sign, then they'll hear the voice of the second sign." Not so much the sign, but the voice went with it.

See that Jew, he knowed what he was talking about. He said, "I've seen discernments; I've seen signs, wonders, the blind being made well, and all kinds of different signs, but I wondered, but now I see the voice behind it will not cut God in three parts, and saying He's one God the Father, and next the Son." He said, "God is God: three attributes of God, three offices of God." Said, "That confirms it."

Oh, brother, we got a message. "Go tell My disciples. I wasn't one that died, and another one that's pretty near dead, and the other one is alive; I am He that Was, which Is, and Shall Come; the Root and Offspring of David, the Bright and Morning Star." Yes.


E-32 Many people are following signs. It isn't the sign; it's the voice that goes with the sign. Moses, when he was given two signs, God told him, "If they won't hear the voice of the first sign, then they will hear the voice of the second sign." Each sign is just a sign. Man has gifts and things, but watch what's behind it. Satan can impersonate any thing almost; he is a impersonator, and he can impersonate. But watch the kind of a voice that it is. What does it do? The voice of the sign.

Take a person walk up, big, what they can do, and all this thing, don't you pay no attention to that. God's Spirit is a meek Spirit, humble Spirit, full of love and compassion, looking to all people and bringing all people to a knowledge of Christ.

E-33 Now, Jesus had come just exactly the way that He--they said--the Bible said He would come. And He did just exactly what the Bible said He would do. And yet, they did not believe Him. He performed the Messiahic sign and showed them that He was the Messiah (in the very same chapter), and they called Him a Beelzebub, a devil, because He was able to discern their thoughts. And they thought that He was a devil.

Now, the Bible had plainly told them. Moses, their leader who they looked to, he told them "That when the Lord your God shall raise up a Prophet likened unto me, and it shall come to pass that whosoever shall not hear this Prophet will be cut off from the people."

E-34 Now, the Messiah was to be a Prophet. And when this sign of the prophet was given among them, then oh, they didn't look for that; they looked for a man with a rod of iron that could go out and do great things and beat down a nation.

See, America is certainly sold on big things and noisy things; but God comes in neither big things or noisy things. When Elijah was back in the cave, there went a thunder by, God; He just let it pass by. A wind went by; they had rushing mighty winds and everything else pass by, but God wasn't in it. But when a still, small Voice spoke, the prophet veiled his face and walked out; He spoke. It's that still small Voice that we fail to hear; we're looking for roars and thunders, and--and things like that, and sensations. But God... You can be deceived in sensation. We want to stay with the Word to know whether we're right or not; that's the blueprint. Stay with the Word, and the Word is right.