Thank you for attending the Ships Point Improvement AGM. As your elected board, we are pleased to see your interest and support in our community’s ongoing works.

SPIDdelivers the local fire protection services and the community water in a very cost effective manner and has done so for over 30 years.The volunteer board consists of community minded property owners from many walks of life. The trustees, administration and operators work in cooperation with theProvince of BC,Work Safe BC, the Comox Valley Regional District,and Vancouver Island Health Authority.

In your information package today, the various committees have created reports. You will hear more from our presenters today and ongoing reports are posted our new websiteSpid.ca.Here are some of the 2015 highlights:

  • The design of Phase 2of the Water System Project has been expanded and is currently in process, including Tozer Road, and possibly part of the Baynes Drive beach loop. (See Water Technical Report)
  • SPID invited stakeholders of our community together to discuss options for sharing water during the 2015 drought.(See Communications Committee Report)
  • SPID questioned and expressed our concerns to the provincial government on watershed protection and governance. . (See Communications Committee Report)
  • A support vehicle was donated to our Fire Dept, thanks to the Comox Fire Dept. (See Fire Report)

As Trustees we have a mandateto provide a safe and protected water system. We continue to:

  • Have our certified water technicians attend upgrade courses on our water system;wenow have an operator in training.
  • Appoint delegates to attend the annual Coastal Water Suppliers Association workshops to share best practises, and concerns with other small water suppliers.
  • Abide by water distribution regulation requirements as directed by VIHA, and the Province. Changes to the Water act are in motion and groundwater will now require a payment to the province for a license to draw the resource.

The summer of 2015 presented significant water shortages across the province and the Provincial Government issued notices of escalating drought levelswhile encouraging all users to reduce and conserve this precious resource. All forecasts indicatewater conservationwill be a continuing/escalating concern for theforeseeable future.

While our reduction efforts proved successful a comparison of consumption with our immediate neighbours shows our usageis still fairly high.To assistinremoving confusion andprovide clarity, theboard will bedefining new conservation guidelines with associated stages and acceptable actions at our next meeting and publishing in the Fanny Bay Flyer and posted to the web site.

We expect participation from all Ships Point residentson water conservationand with positive encouragement we will be even more successful in 2016.

Tax Status: As a qualified donee, SPID is eligible to receive gifts from registered charities and to issue official receipts for gifts received. Within specified limits (as per the Income Tax Act) and if supported by official receipts, individual taxpayers may claim a credit against federal taxes payable. Corporations may claim a deduction in computing taxable income, for the eligible amount of a gift made to a qualified donee. If you or your company are considering a donation this year, please think of our water system replacement project.

The Board extends thanks to:

  • Operators/ water technicians Bob Beedle and Jack Wilson, and Dave Henderson our operator-in- training
  • Curtis Johnson, who cuts the grass at our facilities and keeps the fire lane clear
  • Terry Hoffart, our Fire Chief and all our volunteer fire fighters and First Responders who practiceweekly, and undertake hours of training, all on a volunteer basis, to keep our community safe
  • The Ships Point Volunteer Firefighters Association, for their volunteer effortstoprovide programs andsupplies through their memberships drive and fund raising activities. Please checkout the blue bottle prescription info program here today.
  • Valued committee members that add their expertise to help us keep costs down.
  • Georgina Lee, our legal counsel, who is always most helpful in reviewing contracts to ensure the interests of Ships Point residents are protected
  • Nina LeBlanc, our administrator
  • Clay Rutherford who haskindly agreed to serve as our Returning Officer.

The SPID Board extends a very sincere and special thank you for the dedication and endlessvolunteer hours of expert help from the Water Technical committee, headed by ChairBill Trussler. This team helps SPID during the concept of the project and throughout construction. The community spirit shown by the team members is very much appreciated.

Thanks to all our Year 2015 Trustees:

Frank Green, Dave Henderson, William Trussler, Pat Edwards,Jackie Ainsworth, Gary Patterson and Kevin Gardave.

If you have experience to share with our volunteer board or committees, please contact our office or any trustee. Better yet, put your name forward in our election today. Your community needs you.

Gary Patterson, Retiring Chair, SPID