The Sign of Four – Test Questions

Chapter 1: The Science of Deduction

  1. How many times a day does Sherlock take Cocaine?
  2. What is the name of the narrator (Holmes’ companion)
  3. What is the name of the brochure that narrator published?
  4. What street does Sherlock Holmes live on?
  5. What does Holmes say the three qualities necessary for the ideal detective are?
  6. How does Sherlock know that Watson sent a telegram?
  7. How does Sherlock describe Watson’s eldest brother?
  8. What is it customary for pawnbrokers in England to do when they take a watch?
  9. What does Sherlock say he cannot live without?
  10. What is the name of the young lady that comes to see Sherlock?

Chapter 2: The Statement of the Case

  1. How is Mary Morstan described? (one sentence)
  2. What is the name of Mary Morstan’s employer?
  3. Where does Mary’s father ask her to come and meet him?
  4. What date did her father disappear?
  5. Where did Major Sholto live?
  6. What does Mary receive in the post once a year?
  7. Where does the letter Mary received tell her to go and wait?
  8. What was “the most winning woman” Sherlock ever knew hanged for?
  9. How old is Mary?
  10. How does Watson describe himself?

Chapter 3: In Quest of a Solution

  1. What time does Sherlock arrive back home?
  2. What date did Major Sholto die?
  3. What does Miss Morstan arrive in?
  4. What does Sherlock take with him when he and Watson leave?
  5. What month does the story take place in?
  6. What does the stranger ask Mary to “give her word” on?
  7. How does Watson try to “cheer and amuse” Mary on their journey?
  8. Name three of the street names that Sherlock mentions on their journey.
  9. Where does their cab stop?
  10. What colour turban is worn by the man who answers the door?

Chapter 4: The Story of the Bald-headed Man

  1. What does Thaddeus Sholto ask Watson to do?
  2. What does he offer Mary to drink?
  3. Who does Sholto say they will need to go to Norwood to see?
  4. What was one of Major John Sholto’s fears?
  5. What does Major Sholto tell his sons to give to Mary?
  6. How did Arthur Morstan die?
  7. Which character encourages Sholto to cover up Morstan’s death?
  8. What were the words written on the piece of paper found in Major Sholto’s room?
  9. What sort of hat does Sholto put on before leaving the house?
  10. What is the value of the jewels?

Chapter 5: The Tragedy of Pondicherry Lodge

  1. What was the high stone wall surrounding Pondicherry Lodge topped with?
  2. What is the name of the man who unlocks the door?
  3. What is the housekeeper’s name?
  4. Why is the housekeeper so upset?
  5. What is hanging on the right side of the passageway at the top of the third flight of stairs?
  6. What do Holmes and Watson see through the keyhole?
  7. Where do they find Bartholomew Sholto?
  8. What does Holmes discover in Bartholomew Sholto’s ear?
  9. What time did Thaddeus Sholto leave his brother the night before?
  10. What does Holmes tell Sholto to do?

Chapter 6: Sherlock Holmes Gives a Demonstration

  1. Why does Holmes tell Watson to sit in the corner?
  2. What does Holmes find a print of on the windowsill and in the room?
  3. “When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains…” finish Holmes’ sentence.
  4. How did the intruder get into the room?
  5. What animal does Watson compare Holmes to?
  6. What does Watson suggest caused Sholto’s death?
  7. Who is Mr Athelny Jones?
  8. What is the name of the man with the wooden leg?
  9. Where does Holmes ask Watson to go once he has taken Miss Morston home?
  10. Who is Toby?

Chapter 7: The Episode of the Barrel

  1. How many dogs does Mr Sherman threaten to set on Watson?
  2. How is Mr Sherman described?
  3. What time is it when Watson arrives back at Pondicherry Lodge?
  4. What is the object that Holmes finds on the roof?
  5. Where does Toby lead Holmes and Watson to?
  6. How many hours head start did Jonathan Small and his associate have?
  7. Why did Jonathan Small not get the treasure?
  8. What does Holmes think Jonathan Small’s associate looks like?
  9. When Holmes takes out his revolver, how many chambers does he load?
  10. What did the air around the barrels smell of?

Chapter 8: The Baker Street Irregulars

  1. How does Holmes know that Toby is now following the correct scent?
  2. What does Jack say he would like more than a shilling?
  3. What is the name of the Steam Launch Holmes is enquiring about?
  4. What colours has the boat been painted?
  5. What is the name of the newspaper the Watson reads a report of the crime in?
  6. Who are the ‘Baker Street Irregulars?’
  7. What will the reward be for the boy who finds the boat?
  8. How do the massacres conducted by the aborigines of the Andaman Islands end?
  9. How does Holmes help Watson get to sleep?
  10. Who does Watson dream about?

Chapter 9: A Break in the Chain

  1. On whose behalf does Miss Morston feel anxious?
  2. What two items did Holmes leave on his chair?
  3. How far will the search-party for the boat work up to?
  4. How did Watson know that Holmes was still conducting experiments in the early hours of the morning?
  5. What colour is the scarf Holmes is wearing when he leaves?
  6. What is Mordecai Smith’s son called?
  7. What time did the doorbell ring at 221B Baker Street?
  8. What does the telegram Holmes sends to Jones say?
  9. Who is the old man who appears at the Holmes and Watson’s home?
  10. What is Holmes planning on serving for dinner?

Chapter 10: The End of the Islander

  1. Name two of the subjects Holmes discusses over dinner.
  2. What time does the cab arrive to take them to Westminster Wharf?
  3. What marks the boat Holmes, Watson and Jones take as a police boat?
  4. What does a statesman say “a change of work” is?
  5. What were the two places that Jonathan Small and his associate had no doubt arranged to go?
  6. How did they avoid a collision with a tug boat?
  7. Where were Holmes and Co. when they were three hundred paces behind the Aurora?
  8. Why does the wooden-legged man get stuck?
  9. Where are the bones of the Islander?
  10. What would have happened if Holmes and Watson had not shot at the Islander?

Chapter 11: The Great Agra Treasure

  1. What is the name of the man who was working with Jonathan Small?
  2. Where does Jonathan Small say he is likely to spend the second half of his life?
  3. What was the name of the vessel that Small would take from Gravesend to the Brazils?
  4. Where does Watson get off the boat?
  5. How long is the drive to Cecil Forrester’s house?
  6. What does Mary do when she hears Watson’s footsteps?
  7. What does Watson use to break open the box of treasure?
  8. What is in the box?
  9. Why does Watson say “Thank God!” once the box has been opened?
  10. What does Watson mean when he says “Whoever had lost a treasure, I knew that night I had gained one”?

Chapter 12: The Strange Story of Jonathan Small

  1. What did Small do with the treasure?
  2. Where was Small born?
  3. How did Small lose his leg?
  4. What happened to Dawson’s wife?
  5. What name did the pretend merchant travel under?
  6. How did the merchant die?
  7. How many rubies were in the box of treasure?
  8. Which character did Small ask for advice about the treasure?
  9. How did Small and Tonga meet?
  10. Why can’t Holmes congratulate Watson on his upcoming marriage?