The SIC Tool provides the following functionalities:
/ Allows users to gather files related to log items into an archive file, which can be sent to Trend Micro Technical Support for analysis./ Allows users to compare files against the Trend Micro Normal File Check File reputation servers.
/ Allows the users to upload suspected file to the Trend FTP server.
/ Allows the users to check specific folder against the Trend Micro Normal File Check File reputation servers.
/ Retrieve files in shared folder
/ Retrieve hidden (Rootkit) driver files
/ HELP function for the list of command parameters (Console Mode only)
/ Allows the users to use the following Command Parameters:
In GUI Mode
/OutputDir=<Path> – will allow the user to store retrieved files and SIC Log in a different location
/CheckShared – enables file checking in shared location
/folder=<Full Paths> - specifies which folders to check against NFC
/subfolder=<level> - specifies the level of subfolder traverse, which is by default set to 5
/noFRS - disables Normal File checking
/tb - enables Traceback
/trbk=DDF - sets TraceBack Time
/bh - enable browser history listing
Where D is a digit, F is the format/flag of the digit, Flag [H|D|M|W|Y].
/trbk=3Y Trace back 3 years
/trbk=14D Trace back 14 days
/trbk=2W Trace back 2 weeks
/trbk=6H Trace back 6 hours
In Console Mode
/help – contains list of command parameters
/console – will execute SIC in Console Mode
/silent – will execute SIC silent mode (No GUI / Console window)
/OutputDir=<Path> – will allow the user to store retrieved files and SIC Log in a different location
/CheckShared – enables file checking in shared location
/noRetrieve - disables automatic retrieval of files in Console Mode
/noUpload - disables auto-upload of files in Console Mode
/folder=<Full Paths> - specifies which folders to check against NFC
/subfolder=<level> - specifies the level of subfolder traverse, which is by default set to 5
/noFRS - disables Normal File checking
/tb - enables Traceback; filters all files whose modified timestamp is older than the specified Traceback time
/trbk=DDF - sets TraceBack Time
/bh - enable browser history listing
Where D is a digit, F is the format/flag of the digit, Flag [H|D|M|W|Y].
/trbk=3Y Trace back 3 years
/trbk=14D Trace back 14 days
/trbk=2W Trace back 2 weeks
/trbk=6H Trace back 6 hours