Semin Özge Keskin

Curriculum Vitae

The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey

Marmara Research Center Phone: +90 262 677 32 38

Food Institute + 90 532 547 49 36

P. O. Box 21, 41470 e-mail:

Gebze / Kocaeli web:



·  METU, Ankara, Turkiye

Ph.D. in Food Engineering, 2003- .

Thesis topic: “Investigation of quality and staling of breads with different formulations baked in different ovens”,

·  METU, Ankara, Turkiye

M.S. in Food Engineering, 2001-2003.

Thesis topic: “Effects of different ovens and enzymes on quality parameters of breads baked in different ovens”,

·  Ankara University, Ankara, Turkiye

B.S. in Food Engineering, 1997-2001.


·  Cornell University, Ithaca, NY

Department of Biological and Environmental Engineering,

Research topic: “Optimization of multiphase transport and deformation in novel baking process”. Researcher for 5 weeks, January-February, 2005.

·  METU, Ankara, Turkiye

Department of Food Engineering,

Research topic: “The effects of different enzymes on the quality parameters of breads baked in advantium oven”, Researcher, BAP-2003-07-02-00-69, 2003.

·  METU, Ankara, Turkiye

Department of Food Engineering,

Research topic: “Changes in physical properties of different bread formulations during microwave and halogen lamp-microwave combination baking”, Researcher, BAP-2004-03-14-01, 2004-2005.

·  METU, Ankara, Turkiye

Department of Food Engineering,

Research topic: “Optimization of multiphase transport and deformation in novel baking process, TUBITAK-NSF Joint Project, TOGTAG-NSF-2004/3, Researcher, 2004-2006.

·  METU, Ankara, Turkiye

Department of Food Engineering,

Research topic: “Changes in physical properties of different bread formulations during microwave and halogen lamp-microwave combination baking”, Researcher, BAP-2006-03-14-03, 2006-2007.


·  Baking Technologies

·  Thermal Processing of Foods (Microwave heating, Near-infrared heating, jet-impingement heating, etc.)

·  Food Additives (Enzymes, emulsifiers, gums, etc. )

·  Cereal Foods

·  Texture Analysis

·  Image analysis

·  Statistical Applications in Engineering (Minitab)


·  Keskin, S. O., Sumnu, G., & Sahin, S., “Bread baking in halogen lamp-microwave combination oven”, Food Research International 37: 489-495 (2004).

·  Keskin, S. O., Sumnu, G., Sahin, S., “Usage of enzymes in novel baking process”, Nahrung-Food 48: 156-160 (2004).

·  Keskin, S. O., Ozturk, S., Sahin, S., Koksel, H., Sumnu, G., “Halogen lamp-microwave combination baking of cookies”, Eur. Food Res. Technol 220:546-551 (2005).

·  Datta, A. K., Sahin, S., Sumnu, G., Keskin, S. O., “Porous media characterization of breads baked using novel heating modes”, J Food Eng 79: 106-116 (2007).

·  Sumnu, G., Datta, A. K., Sahin, S., Keskin, S. O., Rakesh, V., “Transport and related properties of breads baked using various heating modes”, J Food Eng 78: 1382-1387 (2007).

·  Keskin, S. O., Sumnu, G., Sahin, S., “A study on the effects of different gums on dielectric properties and quality of breads baked in infrared-microwave combination oven"”, Eur. Food Res. Technol 224: 329-334 (2007).


·  Keskin, S. O., G. Sumnu. and S. Şahin. “Effects of halogen lamp-microwave combination baking on bread quality,” Microwave 2004 Proceedings, International Symposium on Microwave Science and its application to related fields, Takamatsu-Japan, pp: 556-559, 2004.

·  Keskin, S. O., Şumnu, G. ve Şahin, S. “Halogen lamba-mikrodalga kombinasyonlu fırında ekmek pişirilmesinin optimizasyonu’’, Türkiye 8. Gıda Kongresi, pp: 86, Bursa, 2004.

·  Keskin, S. O., G. Sumnu. and S. Şahin. “The effects of different formulations on physical properties of doughs and breads baked in microwave and infrared-microwave combination ovens”, AACC, pp: 116, Florida, USA, 2005.

·  Keskin, S. O., Ozturk, S., Sahin, S., Koksel, H., and Sumnu, G., “Halogen lamp-microwave combination baking of cookies”, ICC, pp:143 , Vienna, Austuria, 2005.

·  Keskin, S. O., Şumnu, G. ve Şahin, S. “Farklı ekmek formülasyonlarının, mikrodalga ve halojen lamba-mikrodalga kombinasyonu ile pişirilen ekmeklerin kalitelerine olan etkileri”, Gıda Kongresi 2005, pp: 518-521, İzmir, 2005.

·  Keskin, S. O., Şumnu G. ve Şahin, S. “The effects of different gums on dielectric properties of doughs and breads baked in infrared-microwave combination oven”, 1st International Food and Nutrition Congress, pp: 166 , İstanbul, 2005.

·  Keskin, S. O., Şumnu G. ve Şahin, S. “Değişik gamların hamurun ve kızılötesi-mikrodalga kombinasyonlu fırında pişirilen ekmeklerin dielektrik özellikleri üzerine etkileri”, Gıda Mühendisliği 4. Kongresi, pp: 85-92, Ankara, 2005.

·  Keskin, S.O. Türkiye 9. Gıda Kongresi, Bolu, 2006.

·  Keskin, S. O., Şumnu G. ve Şahin, S.” Farklı ısıtma yöntemlerinin ekmeklerin gözenek yapısına olan etkileri ”. Hububat (Cereal) 2006, pp: 109-115, Gaziantep, 2006.


·  The scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey, Marmara Research Center, Food Institute, Researcher, 2006 -…

·  Ankara Hıfzıssıhha Institute of Food Laboratory, Food Quality and Analysis Department, Summer Practice, 2000.

·  Barilla-Filiz Pasta Company, Research and Development Department, Summer Practice, 2000.


·  “Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods: Processing and Product Formulation”, The scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey, Marmara Research Center, Food Institute, 17th August, 2006, Gebze/Kocaeli, Turkey.

·  Training Seminar: “Project Management”, The scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey, Turkish Industry Management Institute, 21-26th September 2006, Gebze/Kocaeli, Turkey.

·  “Microwave and Industrial Drying, AN-KA Analysis, Ltd., 19th October, İstanbul, Turkey.

·  Training Seminar: “The Project Cycle: Technical, Administrative, Financial and Legal Aspects of FP7 Project Preparation and Completion”, The scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey, 30-31st October 2006, Istanbul, Turkey.

·  “Presentation of IFR (Institute of Food Research) Activities and Strategies”, The scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey, Marmara Research Center, Food Institute, 7th November 2006, Gebze/Kocaeli, Turkey.

·  “Trans-national research cooperation and collaboration”, The scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey, Marmara Research Center, National Metrological Institute, 7th November 2006, Gebze/Kocaeli, Turkey.

·  “ETP Food For Life” Consultation Meeting in Turkey, ISO, 8th November 2006, Istanbul, Turkey.

·  “FP6 FOOD: Food, Agriculture and Biotechnology in FP7 Programme”, The scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey, 9th November 2006, Istanbul, Turkey.

·  Training Seminar: “Risk Management in Work Health and Safety”, The scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey, Marmara Research Center, 13-14th October 2006, Gebze/Kocaeli, Turkey.

·  Training Seminar: “Improving Presentation Skills”, The scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey, Turkish Industry Management Institute, 12-13th December 2006, Gebze/Kocaeli, Turkey.


·  Scholarship from the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey for Ph.D. education, 2003-.

·  Scholarship from the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey for M.S. education, 2001-2003.

·  Scholarship from Turkish Prime Minister’s Office for B.S. education , 1997-2001.

·  Dean’s High Honor List at Ankara University, 8 semesters, 1997-2001.

·  Graduation from B.S. at the first place of Food Engineering Department, 2001.


·  Standard MS-Software (Word, Excel, Powerpoint, etc.), Minitab.


·  Turkish (native), English (fluent).


·  Available upon request.