Work Experience Policy

The school has chosen to adopt the Dorset Children’s Services

Model Work ExperiencePolicyMarch 2013

Policy Status/Review Programme / Statutory
Reviewed by SLT / June 2013
Ratified by Governors / 26th September 2013
Effective from / 27thSeptember 2013
Review scheduled for / September 2014
Responsible person / Deputy Headteacher
Responsible Governor Committee / T&L

WorkExperience Policy

  1. Introduction

In 2011 the Coalition Government announced the withdrawal of funding to support work experience and other work related activity. Following consultation with schools/academies and learning centres, the Local Authority was unable to provide a viable and sustainable coordinated service in the future.

The Blandford School has decided to offer work experience to targeted Year 12 through South Somerset 14-19 Partnership.South Somerset 14-19 Partnership will vet employer premises to ensure that they are appropriate for our students. Any ‘Out of County’ placements will be arranged according to the provider’s procedures (Appendix 1). National legislation and guidance will be followed to ensure the health, safety and safeguarding of students when on a work placement.

Work experience is defined as:

“Students placed with an employer to carry out a range of tasks defined in a job description, with an emphasis on the learning aspects of the work experience.”

(Health and Safety Executive)

  1. Purpose

This policy provides a framework to ensure that students are able to access work experience placements that are carefully managed, monitored and provide a safe environment. This includes the organisation as well as health, safety and safeguarding requirements of all work experience programmes for all age groups of students.

  1. Priorities

When preparing for work experience The Blandford Schoolwill:

  • Ensure students are provided with a positive experience with an emphasis on learning
  • Retain a ‘duty of care’ at all times
  • Ensure that the potential risks to each student has been assessed
  • Ensure that the placement chosen by the student is suitable for them and any additional safeguarding issues are taken into account and actioned
  • Provide a named contact (senior member of staff), who is available during the times when students are on placements. This will include the period between the Schoolclosure and the start/end of the business day, weekend working and any holiday period
  • Obtain the consent of parents/carers and service provider.
  1. Legislation

The Blandford School has a range of legal responsibilities in relation to the organisation and delivery of work experience.

Education Act 1996

  • Provide work experience in industrial and non-industrial settings but not on ships, for students who are in their final two years of compulsory schooling
  • Enables students in Year 10 and 11 to assume the temporary status of a Young Person in employment law

Education Act 2002

  • Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of young people within The School/Learning Centre

Apprenticeship, Skills, Children and Learning Act 2009

  • Encourage post 16 students to undertake work experience.

Other legislation that is adhered to includes:

Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 – including amendments

Management of Health and Safety Regulations 1999

Working Time Regulations 1998

Sex Discrimination Act 1975 and Sex Discrimination (Gender Reassignment) Regulations 1999

Race Relations Act 1976 and Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000

Disability Discrimination Act 2005

Gender Equality Duty under the Equality Act 2006

Human Right Acts 1998

Employment Equality (Sexual Orientation) Regulations 2003

Employment Equality (Religion or Belief) Regulations 2003

Employment Equality (Age) Regulations 2006

Equality Act 2006

Equality Act 2010

Protection of Freedoms Act 2012.

  1. Health and Safety

The Blandford School retains a ‘duty of care’ at all times, and we will ensure

  • Placements are vetted, in accordance with Health and Safety Procurement Standards[1] (HASPS) by a trained and competent person either in The School or service provider
  • We will ensure our students are matched carefully to the placement and support the student when they are on a placement
  • Our students are prepared and briefed about health and safety and understand how to identify hazards and the sort of control measures that can be put in place to reduce the risk of injury or accident
  • Our students develop a set of safe behaviours, so that they play an active part in the process and acquire practical, transferable skills from their experience
  • Students must not work excessively long hours, no more than

8 hours per day, 40 hours per week, 5 days per week with no

unsocial hours

  • Any contracted work experience organisation or internal team (as appropriate), organising work experience for our students will be competent in health and safety and able to decide on the suitability of any placement
  • Systems are in place to ensure the health, safety and welfare, so far as reasonably practicable, of placements, i.e. H&S Policy, Risk Assessments, communications and consents
  • Students are supervised by competent people whilst on work experience
  • Any contracted work experience organisation or internal team (as appropriate), organising placements will ensure specific activities that students undertake on a work placement take account of any restrictions and prohibited work aligned to age.

We will remain aware of legislation and guidance documents relating to work experience published by the Department for Education and the Health and Safety Executive and update this policy as appropriate.

In line with Health and Safety Executive guidance we will not offer work experience overseas except for post 16 Modern Foreign Language students (Appendix 2). We will be organising the placements ourselves/using an external company. In both cases we have the prime duty of care for each student on a European Work Experience Placement and therefore need to be confident that student health, safety and welfare have been safeguarded. An overseas work placement is classed as an educational visit and all preparations will be completed in compliance with educational visit guidelines.

  1. Safeguarding

Our ‘duty of care’ extends to all students, including those who undertake work experience. We will

  • Ensure any service provider who arranges, vets or monitors work placements for students on our behalf has training in child protection
  • The service provider will ask employers or training providers hosting students to endorse a child protection policy/statement of principles if one is not already in place
  • Identify actions to be taken, when and by whom, if any child protection issues are raised prior to, during or after the placement
  • Provide students with clear advice and a point of contact at The Blandford School in case of problems.

We will consider any potential risks to students to see if any additional safeguards are needed in the case of

  • Any young person who is vulnerable, eg special needs, immaturity, is known to have experienced abuse or neglect, substance misuse
  • A student who is likely to be alone with an adult as part of the work placement, eg sole trader, journey person, self-employed person working from home
  • The work placement having a residential component.

We will ensure the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) Enhanced Checks are in place in the work place to support students who are:

  • Vulnerable due to immaturity, educational, medical, behavioural or home circumstance and those who have special educational needs
  • On placements lasting more than 15 days over an extended time-frame, especially when these involve
  • Regular lone working with an employer over long periods
  • Placements located in particularly isolated environments with 1:1 working
  • Placements involving a high degree of travelling on a 1:1 basis
  • Placements which include a residential element.

Where a DBS check is required we will ensure that this is completed with a successful outcome before any student enters the workplace.

The Blandford School will arrange visits to the student and employer during the work placement. Any member of staff visiting a workplace will be provided with details of the job description, risk assessment and any specifics and restrictions.

Reference will be made to the Pan Dorset Interagency Safeguarding Procedures

  1. Quality Assurance

In order to offer a quality work experience programme we will:

  • Ensure the employer and the workplace is suitable for a work experience placement
  • Carefully match students to placements and support them throughout the experience
  • Ensure parent/carers receive employer risk assessments before giving consent to a work experience placement for their son/daughter
  • Pursue a policy of equal opportunities that considers the needs of the six equality groups – Race/Ethnicity to include Gypsies/Travellers, Disability, Religion and/or belief, Sexual orientation, Age, Gender.
  • Counter gender stereotyping, take cultural issues into account, increase student confidence and challenge under achievement.

We will implement and monitor the responsibilities for parents/carers, employers, work experience provider, students and ourselves in line with

the Quality Standard for Work Experience, DCSF 2008 as below. All the essential criteria (E) will be in place and the desirable criteria (D) as appropriate.

School Responsibility


Element 1 /


E1A / Work experience policy forms part of the School Development plan, and is regularly reviewed and updated.
E1B / The School has committed senior managers who understand their legal and moral duties in relation to work experience.
E1C / Schoolgovernors are committed to work experience and understand their liabilities.
E1D / The Schoolensures that there are adequate resources for work experience in terms of staff time and budget allocation.
E1E / Service level agreements with any organisers external to the school (if appropriate), are in place and reviewed regularly to take account of any curriculum, legal or guidance changes.
E1G / Equal opportunities are promoted and gender stereotyping challenged.
E1H / All parties fulfil legal requirements and recognised guidance for work experience

Roles and Responsibilities

Element 2 /


E2A / School staff have specific and clear responsibilities for work experience administration and organisation. A member of the teaching staff manages learning outcomes and curriculum support.
E2B / Service level agreements between the work experience provider and Schools/Academies/Learning Centres stipulate clear lines of responsibility for all parties.
E2C / Parents and carers are involved in the choice of placement including giving their consent.
E2D / Employers are given all relevant information about any special needs or medical conditions the student may have and which might impact on the health, safety and welfare of the learner in the placement, co-workers and the public.
E2E / Employers understand they are responsible for the health, safety and welfare of the student during the placement and that the Schoolretains a duty of care.
D2F / The Work Experience Providerare used to provide expert support to Schools/Academies/Learning Centres and employers in developing and maintaining an effective partnership between them.


Element 3 /


E3B / The School and employer work together to prepare for the placement including discussing the learning objectives, including any employability and enterprise skills needs, of the placement in advance of it starting.
E3C / Students receive information, advice and guidance about suitability of placement choices.
E3D / Students are effectively briefed before the placement, including health and safety as part of work experience preparation.
D3H / Progression is built in for post 16 learners taking account of earlier experience of work, including part time and voluntary work.
E3I / Special needs students are carefully matched to placements by experienced staff and effectively supported during their placement.
E3J / Parents are notified of the specific arrangements for their child’s placement, including dates, work times, dress code, contact details, location and activities to be undertaken.
E3K / Emergency contact arrangements are in place between the appropriate parties, including out of School hours provision.
E3M / Students are provided with a means of completing a record of the tasks, achievements and challenges of their placement.


Element 4 /


D4G / The School supports and monitors all types of placement through visits and/or telephone contact with both the workplace supervisor and the student to discuss achievements, challenges, and to resolve issues.


Element 5 /


E5A / Feedback from employers, parents and students is gathered and concerns and/or issues raised are followed up and resolved.
E5C / Student debriefings take place to review the extent to which learning aims have been met, employability skills developed and to make links back to curriculum subjects.
E5E / Evaluation outcomes from school, students and employers are used as part of review processes to inform the next cycle of business planning.
D5F / Positive work experience achievements are celebrated within the School, with employers, and with parents and carers.
D5G / Good practice is identified during the process of review and shared with others.

Systems and Processes

Element 6 /


D6A / The School and the Work Experience Provider work together to forecast student demand and to plan placements throughout the year in order to make best use of placements available.
D6B / Employers are provided with timetables and schedules for school work experience programmes.
E6C / Systems and procedures are in place to ensure effective communication between work experience co-ordinators and others involved in work experience within The School/Learning Centre.
E6D / Processes are in place to match students to placements that meet their learning needs, capabilities and the practicalities of getting to and from the placement.
E6E / There is a robust system to manage the approval of placements in terms of health, safety and student welfare.
E6F / Systems are in place to check and record that all students have received a briefing, including health and safety, prior to placements commencing.
E6G / Safeguarding systems and procedures are in place and where appropriate Disclosure and Barring Service Checks are undertaken in line with national guidance.
E6H / Systems and procedures are in place to investigate any accidents or incidents in accordance with health, safety and welfare assessment for work experience placements.
E6J / Systems and procedures are in place to handle, record and process feedback and complaints from employers and others involved.
D6L / Systems and processes are effective in providing students with a supply of work experience placements that meet their needs.
D6M / Marketing and promotional materials are effective and well utilised.



Element 3 /


E3G / The placement job descriptions are comprehensive and include “hands on” meaningful tasks. A job description is issued to the student, parent, employer and placement supervisor before the placement starts.
D3H / Progression is built in for post 16 learners taking account of earlier experience of work, including part time and voluntary work.


Element 4 /


E4B / Students are given clear instructions about what they are being asked to do during the placement. Competent people check they understand, bearing in mind the learner’s age, experience and maturity.
E4E / Students, supported by employers, compile a record of tasks, achievements and challenges during their placement.
E4F / Students behave in ways appropriate to the workplace and follow the instructions given to them by the employers.


Element 5 /


D5B / Employers contribute to end of placement reviews in discussion with the student to record achievements and areas for development.
E5C / Student debriefings take place to review the extent to which learning aims have been met, employability skills developed and to make links back to curriculum subjects.
E5D / Employers are given feedback about the outcome of the placement including the extent to which learning aims were met, employability skills developed and any other results.
D5F / Positive work experience achievements are celebrated within The School/Learning Centre, with employers, and with parents and carers.


Roles and Responsibilities

Element 2 /


E2C / Parents and carers are involved in the choice of placement including giving their consent.
E2D / Employers are given all relevant information about any special needs or medical conditions the student may have and which might impact on the health, safety and welfare of the learner in the placement, co-workers and the public.


Element 3 /


E3G / The placement job descriptions are comprehensive and include “hands on” meaningful tasks. A job description is issued to the student, parent, employer and placement supervisor before the placement starts.
E3K / Emergency contact arrangements are in place between the appropriate parties, including out of school hours provision.
E3L / The school and employers are aware of the requirements relating to the student being appraised of
(a)the significant risks of the work
(b)the control measures to reduce the risks
(c) where students are below the minimum school leaving age the placement is also required to inform the parents/carersbefore they start work.

Work Experience Provider


Element 1 /


E1F / The Work Experience Provider has a policy for appraisal of members of staff which includes appropriate and specific training for teams and individuals.
E1G / Equal opportunities are promoted and gender stereotyping challenged.
E1H / All parties fulfil legal requirements and recognised guidance for work experience

Roles and Responsibilities

Element 2 /


E2B / Service level agreements between Work Experience Provider/EBPO and Schools/Academies/Learning Centres stipulate clear lines of responsibility for all parties.


Element 3 /


E3C / Students receive information, advice, and guidance about suitability of placement choices.
E3E / The Work Experience Provider/EBPO operates checks in line with HASPS standards.
E3G / The placement job descriptions are comprehensive and include “hands on” meaningful tasks. A job description is issued to the student, parent, employer and placement supervisor before the placement starts.
E3I / Special needs students are carefully matched to placements by experienced staff and effectively supported during their placement
E3L / Schools/Academies/Learning Centres and employers are aware of the requirements relating to the student being appraised of
(a) the significant risks of the work
(b) the control measures to reduce the risks
(c) where students are below the minimum school leaving age the placement is also required to inform the parents/carersbefore
they start work
