Executive Committee
October 14, 2013

Meeting Minutes

In attendance: Stephanie Walker, Millie Therrien, Amy Wilkens, LisaFroning, Kay Levandowski

Not in attendance:Katie Frantz,Katie Peterson, Christine Connors,Stephanie Rager

  1. Call to order:8:39am
  1. Review of Minutes- reviewed and approved by Committee
  1. Treasury Membership Update- Lisa Froning
  2. 146 members
  3. Review of funds available and budgets- attached
  4. Payments to Laziza for Network lunch- under budget
  5. Committee Updates
  6. Communication- Katie Peterson
  7. Letters have been sent to new advisors and other colleges about joining KASADA
  8. Fall forum- will send out information to the KASADA listserv and update website and Facebook page once information is forwarded from PD Committee
  9. Currently working on adding meeting minutes to website
  10. Working on adding pictures to the website as well, if anyone has any from the luncheon feel free to send them along to be added
  1. Professional Development- Kay Levandowski
  2. Networking Luncheon
  3. Successful event- many liked the relaxed atmosphere and getting off campus
  4. Review of costs- probably would not use Laziza again due to feedback
  5. Review of Commission/Interest Groups discussion
  6. Next event- use camera!
  7. Fall Forum
  8. Roundtable Format- Table discussions
  9. Possible date- November 26th1:15-4:30
  10. “Tales from NACADA and Beyond” Format
  11. 10 people to be willing to share ideas from conferences attended
  12. To be held after lunch- will just need funds for refreshment. Plan to be under budget.
  13. Word to go out to Academic Advising Listserv, KASADA Listserv, OGE and possible other lists
  14. May Conference
  15. Goal is to have speaker lined up by December
  16. Concept is making positive change, habit changing. Have begun discussion on topics and speaker.
  17. Review of speakers- discussion of who we should get and timing- Cynthia Ackrill coming to campus in April. We do not want to move the conference to April.
  1. Regional Campus:
  2. Regional Committee looking for a project/focus of committee
  3. Suggestion to work with Laurie Camp on past initiatives
  4. Suggestion to get a representative from each campus for committee members
  5. Regional Campus Update- KASADA planned last year but University Advising funded- function that was needed to do your job so committee feels it should be a function under University Advising.
  6. Focus of committee needs to be on Professional Development- what does PD look like at the Regional Campus?
  1. University Advising
  2. Working with University Advising. Due to Joanna’s new role as Director of GPS, who will be the representative to reach out to? Stephanie will reach out to Charity Snyder.
  1. New Business
  2. Grants and Scholarships- request for travel grant
  3. Professional Development form
  4. $500 in budget
  5. Need to give more time for advisors to apply- will be available in the Spring
  6. Give certificate to winner; announce winner at May conference
  7. Lisa Froning will work on application, Millie will find application to post on the website
  8. Stephanie and Millie plan on meeting with ZACADA to see if they will participating in our May Conference
  9. Old Business
  • None
  1. Announcements- none
  2. Meeting adjourned at 9:42 am.
  3. Next meeting will be held December 9, 2013.

Treasury and Membership Update

October 14, 2013

Account Balances (as of September 2013 statements)

Checking$ 3,399.41 ($454.54 to Laziza)

Savings$ 3,323.71

Agency$ 3,888.58


Budgets for 2013-2014

Treasurer$ 500.00 Scholarship for Annual Conference

75.00 Allied Member Renewal

50.00 CashNet Merchant Fees

9.20 Book of Stamps

Total$ 634.20

Professional Development

$ 500.00 Networking Lunch ($454.54 actual spent)

400.00 Fall Forum

9,070.00 May Conference

Total$ 9,970.00


2013-2014 Membership

Total = 146


  • Kent State University
  • Ashland University
  • Cuyahoga Community College
  • Eastern Gateway Community College
  • Lorain County Community College
  • The University of Akron
  • Youngstown State University

Treasury and Membership Update

October 14, 2013

Account Balances (as of September 2013 statements)

Checking$ 3,399.41 ($454.54 to Laziza)

Savings$ 3,323.71

Agency$ 3,888.58


Budgets for 2013-2014

Treasurer$ 500.00 Scholarship for Annual Conference

75.00 Allied Member Renewal

50.00 CashNet Merchant Fees

9.20 Book of Stamps

Total$ 634.20

Professional Development

$ 500.00 Networking Lunch ($454.54 actual spent)

400.00 Fall Forum

9,070.00 May Conference

Total$ 9,970.00


2013-2014 Membership

Total = 146


  • Kent State University
  • Ashland University
  • Cuyahoga Community College
  • Eastern Gateway Community College
  • Lorain County Community College
  • The University of Akron
  • Youngstown State University