The Sandlot Active Viewing Questions
This form is a guide for you to follow AS WE WATCH THE MOVIE. There will need to be someone that pauses the movie at each interval listed. Pay attention to the time for each question…help the remote control operator only if they have passed up two or more questions, in other words, don’t constantly be telling them when to stop.
Write your answers in complete sentences on a separate piece of paper. Be sure to CSRQ each response -- Label, staple, and turn in. (1 pt. per answer)
1. (2.00) What is the literary device that is used at the beginning of the movie?
2. (2:40) What is the effect of the sneaker on home plate and how is it symbolic?
3. (6:29) What effect does Scotty saying, "If I had known, I never would have gone?" have on the tone of the video?
4. (6:54) How is suspense created about the mystery behind the outfield fence?
5. (8:18) Why do you think that Scotty can’t throw and catch?
6. (10.05) How is "I’m not good at anything" ironic?
7. (12.45) Why is Scotty having so much trouble catching?
8. (12.00) How is baseball a metaphor for Scotty?
9. (13.40) How is Bill’s advice to "Keep your eye on the ball," ironic?
10. (14.45) What is the Coca-Cola billboard symbolic of?
11. (15.35) What does Scotty reveal about his character when he asks "Who’s that?" about The Great Bambino?
12. (16.00) Who are all the characters?
13. (17.11) Who, according to Benny, runs like a duck?
14. (17.22) What does Rodriguez mean by "You’re part of the game?"
15. (20.25) How can "This is baseball; you got to stop thinking" apply to more than just the game?
16. (22.25) What effect does the shadow of the dog on the fence create?
17. (23.15) What is Rodriguez doing figuratively by giving Smalls his old hat?
18. (30.30) According to Squints, how do the police learn about what the Beast had been doing?
19. (30.00 What parts of the beast story are obviously exaggerated?
20. (33.00) What proved the beast story to Smalls?
21. (45.00) What song plays in the background of the boys' annual night game?
22. (46.30) When the opposing baseball team came to the sandlot, what was the biggest insult?
23. (51.00) What is the scene with the chewing tobacco representative of ?
24. (52.30) What song was playing while they were on the ride that they threw up on?
25. (54.00) What is the thing that happened that seemed like an omen?
26. (54.00) What did Mom say about the ball that was like "salt on the wound"?
27. (1:03.45) What do the images of the kite, doll, arrow prove about the junkyard and how is it a metaphor?
28. (1:06.03) What do these scenes say about childhood memories and perceptions?
29. (1:15.30) What does Babe Ruth say about legends?
30. (1:00.00) How is Babe’s advice to "Just jump over there and get it." a metaphor for life?
31. (1:00.00) What does the Babe say that most people miss out on?
32. (1:19.00) What lesson did Benny take from The Babe?
33. (1:22.34) What movie is playing in the movie theater and how is it symbolic?
34. (1:25.56) What have the kids done that allows them to play forever and how is it a metaphor for the reward for facing your fears?
35. (1:29.18) What was the name of the big dog that lived next to the sandlot and how is it ironic?
36. (1:31.44) What names were on the ball that Mr. Myrtle wanted to trade?
37. (1:32.30) What does Mr. Mertle mean by ‘crowd the plate’?
38. (1:33.00) What did he compare baseball to?
39. (1:33.00) What can the high fastball be a metaphor for?
40. (1:33.00) How was Mr. Mertle blinded?
41. (1:33.00) When Mr. Mertle gives Scotty the signed baseball, who signed it and what year was it signed?
42. (1:34.27) What does Yeah-Yeah pioneer when he grows up and how is it ironic?
43. (1:34.36) What happens to Bertram and how is it ironic?
44. (1:34.48) What do Timmy and Tommy go on to and how is it ironic?
45. (1:34.58) What does Squints do and how is it ironic?
46. (1:35.04) What career does Ham go on to and what is his name?
47. (1:35.14) Why does DeNunez call his little league team the Heaters?
48. (1:35.23) How is the dog’s name ironic?
49. (1:36.30) What does Benny “The Jet” do at the end of the movie, playing for the Dodgers?
50. (1:37.19) Who is the announcer and how do we know?