April 9, 2017


10:30 a.m.


Welcome to our worship service. We are honored by your presence and count it a blessing to share this time together. May the warmth and acceptance of Christ’s love surround you this, and every day.

Prelude Chase Benefiel

*Processional Hymn No. 297 Hosanna, Loud Hosanna

You are invited to wave your palms for the first stanza of Hosanna, Loud Hosanna

Welcome & Ritual of Friendship Max E. Reddick

Members and Guests - Please sign and pass the friendship register located on the center aisle under the pew in front

Choral Prelude Holy Is He, Chancel Choir

Call to Worship

Leader:The Lord is merciful and gracious,

People:Slow to anger and abounding in love.

Leader:Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.

People:Hosanna in the highest!

Leader:Let us worship God!


Opening Prayer Max E. Reddick

Hymn No. 301 We Will Glorify

ScriptureMatthew 21:1-11 p. 751

Ah, Holy Jesus Chancel Choir

Written In Red Chancel Choir

Hymn No. 320 Beneath the Cross of Jesus

Offertory Chase Benefiel
*Doxology Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow The Celebration Hymnal, p. 815

ScripturePhilippians 2:5-11 p. 896

In Christ Alone Chancel Choir

And Can It Be? Chancel Choir

ScripturePsalm 31:9-16 p. 428

Mercy Tree Chancel Choir

In Memoriam Max E. Reddick

Lord of the Small Chancel Choir

ScriptureMatthew 27:27-38 p. 760

The Redemption Story Pam Eubanks, BillPhifer, Jim Phifer, Scott Tarver,soloists


Pastoral Benediction Max E. Reddick
*Choral BenedictionGod sent His Son, they called Him Jesus; He came to love, heal and forgive. He lived and died to buy my pardon, an empty grave is there to prove my Savior lives. Because He lives, I can face tomorrow, Because He lives, all fear is gone. Because I know He holds the future, and life is worth the living just because he lives.

Postlude Chase Benefiel

*For those who are able, please stand

Ushers: Lisa New, Brett Miller, Shelley Bryson, Chris Bryson

Greeters: Chick Kryder

Children’s activity sheets, bulletins, and crayons are available at the entrances to the sanctuary.

Hearing Aids are available for use anywhere in the sanctuary. The ushers have them available.

Copies of the newsletter, enlarged copies of the hymns, and Apostles’ Creed are at the sanctuary


Please recycle the bulletins and enlarged hymns. Place them in the boxes provided at the

entrances to the sanctuary.

This past weekend, Chase Benefiel competed in the Regional Competition for Young Organist at Church Street United Methodist Church and won!!! He goes on to Jacksonville on June 10 to compete in the AGO Rising Star Competition.