Fifty days (Fifty is “Pentecost” in the Greek language) after the Festival of First Fruits (part of Pesach week, the 17th of Abib), which began with the crossing of the Red Sea, and which pictures the resurrection of Messiah Yahushua, we come to Sinai, to the outpouring of the Ruach ha Kodesh, and the giving of the terms of the marriage covenant between Elohim and His People.
Only one with a Bride’s heart will keep those terms, written on her heart, and guarded and obediently and loving done faithfully, because of her great love for her Bridegroom.
Fifty days after they crossed the Red Sea at the Nuweba, Egypt Peninsula, the event that the Festival of First Fruits remembers, (Exodus 12-15), they came to Mt. Sinai (Mt. Horeb), in what is now Saudi Arabia. In Exodus 19, they are told to prepare for 3 days, for the coming of the Ruach Yahuweh (the Holy Spirit). In chapter 20, Moses receives the Ten Commandments--the terms of Yahushua’s marriage Covenant. He receives also instructions regarding the building of the tabernacle, after the pattern shown him of the one in heaven.
He received detailed instructions regarding the priesthood, and how the people were to carry out the terms of the marriage covenant. He received details about Shabbat, the eternal covenant sign between Yahuweh and His people, instructions about how the 7 Festivals of Yahuweh were to be celebrated each year, as rehearsals for their fulfillment in Yahushua.
In Acts 2, “when the day of Pentecost had fully come”, at 9:00AM, the Ruach again descended on the people of Elohim, and empowered them and equipped them to go forward as His mighty warriors, taking the good news of the Kingdom to all the House of Israel. The coming of the Ruach was prophesied throughout the Tenach. Yahushua spoke much about Him. These 120 Torah-observant believers, in the “upper room” in the Temple, who had been born again by their faith in the final Lamb of Elohim, Yahushua, were “baptized from heaven, by the Messiah Himself--immersed into the Ruach ha Kodesh.
No “church” was born on that day, but an assembly came together for the first time of Torah-observant believers in Messiah, who came out publicly with the good news of the resurrected Savior, to extend to all the salvation of Yahuweh. The Ruach on that day, brought forward the terms of the eternal marriage covenant from Sinai, into the age of Messiah Yahushua. The coming of the Ruach on the day of Pentecost in Acts 2 was a second coming of the Ruach Yahuweh to establish His Kingdom among men, and renew the terms of the marriage covenant to the Redeemed Bride of Israel.
In I Corinthians 12:13, we find that one of the 26 things that the Ruach does when a person is born-again is to baptize them into the “body of Messiah”. But, as per Luke 3:16, and other passages, it is the Messiah who baptizes the born-again ones into the Ruach ha Kodesh.
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In all of the 26 things that the Ruach does in the new birth, there is not one Scripture that says that He enters the re-born spirit of man, until He is asked.
Luke 11:13) He is a gentleman. He is the eyes of Yahuweh, which go to and fro
over the earth, looking for those whose hearts are perfect toward Him. (II Chronicles 16:9)
Even Yahushua, while on earth, had to receive the filling of the Ruach. John the Immerser was filled with the Ruach in his mother’s
womb (Luke 1:15,41). It was the Ruach who placed the “set apart seed of Yahuweh” into the body of Miriam. (Luke 1:35) It was the Ruach who led Simeon into the Temple at the exact time that Miriam and Yosef brought the baby Yahushua to be circumcised. (Luke 2:25-27) The Ruach filled the Prophets, as with Ezekiel 2:2. The Jews knew about the Ruach, for He was their guide through the wilderness. He is the Ruach Yahuweh. (II Corinthians 3:170-18)
He is the one in creation who “put the glitter on the galaxies”. He is the one who turned on the lights, who caused life to spring forth at the Word of Elohim (Yahushua). He is the one who breathed into Adam, the breath of life.
He is the one who brings a sinner to Yahushua for salvation.
He is the one who raises the dead. He is the one who sets apart the justified ones through the Word, which He wrote through “set-apart men of old”.
He is the one who prepares the Bride to meet her Bridegroom. “The Ruach and the Bride say `Come’” (Revelation 22:17)
I need no study notes to write about my most intimate life’s companion. I have taught about Him to many people groups, including Navajo Indians back on the reservation, to Mexican Indians high up in the Guadalupe Mountains of Mexico, to many in Africa, in Europe, in Russia, in China, in Mongolia, and in the U.S.A. He is my tangible touch of the Father.
He came to me when I was 4 and gave me a tangible manifestation of Himself and spoke to me. He has been my dear companion all of my life. He has spoken to me in about 39 ways, and I daily depend on Him for all sorts of things.
In John 16, Yahushua says that He was given to convict of sin. He was given to proclaim the Torah, and judgment for breaking it. It is He who empowers the “witnesses” of the good news, and gives the anointing (His manifested presence) in power for miracles, healings, deliverances, for direction, teaching, guidance, and personal relationship with Elohim. (Acts 1:8) The early Jews knew Him. He was the one who filled the Prophets, and who gave the Torah and the whole Tenach. He is the one who led them through the wilderness. They “vexed” Him with their unbelief--tormented Him. They tested Him, angered Him, and He went forth against them in wrath. He is the Ruach Yahuweh.
I have known that anger. I’ve also laughed at His jokes, cried at His sweetness, His comfort, His mother-like attention. I have reveled in His gifts, His anointing, His power, and His gentleness, His teaching, His love, and His graciousness. I have moved in His power to perform miracles, healings, and prophesy with boldness. I have moved in His power to set others free from demonic spirits. I have moved in
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His power, and He has set me free and healed me most personally. I’ve felt his heat,
His vibrating, His presence so strong that I could not stand up. In the dedication of
Solomon’s Temple, the priests could not stand up because the power of the Ruach was so strong. (I Kings 8ff)
I could tell you the most amazing stories of my travels with Him, and my times of ministering with Him. He is the most wonderful personality.
He tells us things to come, Yahushua said. He instructs into all Truth, Yahushua says. (John 14-16) He is the Spirit of Truth. The Word of Yahuweh is Truth. He wrote it through men, so He is the Spirit of Truth. He gives prophetic words and revelation knowledge and understanding to those who will spend time with Him to listen to His teaching. It takes set-apart time, for He is sensitive, and our busyness drives Him away. It also angers Him that we are too busy for Him. He backs away from sin, lawlessness, rebellion, and disobedience to the Torah. Few people know Him. I am very privileged to know Him. Yet I share Him with others, and they look blankly at me, because they have intellectually relegated Him to the “Charismatic Movement”, or to “holy rollers”, or to some fanatical and emotional display within Christianity. He deals through individuals to bring them into a place of Truth, but He is not part of the religion of Christianity—He never was. He is not part of any religion. He is Yahuweh.
When my daughter Debbie didn’t come home from middle school one day, and the bus driver had not seen her, and her friends had not seen her, this mom was in panic. He always cuts through my fears, and intervenes in my emotions that are taking me in the wrong direction. He always gives me overwhelming peace when in the natural I am falling apart. He showed me a vision of Debbie sitting on the school steps. He said, “she’s at school; go get her”. I went there, and there she sat, waiting on me. The school had been locked and she had missed the bus. What if I had not had the Ruach to tell me where she was that day? What would have happened to her? It was a very bad neighborhood. I would have called the police and
They would have searched for her. The Ruach always saves us they would have searched for her. The Ruach always saves us emotional and mental stress, by telling us His words of comfort, and by relaxing our minds. I don’t know what I would have ever done from childhood without His constant intervening and speaking to me!
I don’t have to depend on man to tell me what I should believe is truth and what is error. Man deals in deceptions, lies and error. So why not go to the Spirit of Truth for Truth? Most Christians, however, go to man for their instruction in mixtures of truth and non-truth--to Pastors, TV teaches, books, Internet, conferences, seminars, and video or cassette tapes.
I go to Him. And all who go to Him have the identical revelation knowledge. I John 2:27: “But the anointing, which you have received from Him, abides in you, and you need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teaches you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as He has taught you, you shall abide in
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He is that anointing—that manifestation of His presence. He comes in, when asked,
to empower from within, to speak from within, to manifest from within, but He also
comes without, in great power. How did the Prophets have such power in the days of Elijah and Elisha? How did the Prophets prophesy? They were filled, as was Ezekiel, with the Ruach Yahuweh. The Ruach raised Yahushua from the dead, and He will raise those who know Yahushua personally. He empowered even Elijah and Elisha to raise the dead.
The word “baptism” means to immerse totally. If you are not immersed totally 100% into the Ruach ha Kodesh, how can He take up residence in your body? When you put a glass into a dishpan of water, it initially floats. The outside of the glass is washed in the water. You must push the glass under, so that the water fills all inside the glass. The glass must be totally immersed. Thus we can have the Ruach around us, after we are “saved”, but unless Messiah pushes us completely under, we cannot be filled with the Ruach. There is such a difference in the ministry and lives of those who know the Ruach and those who don’t.
There is such dryness in the lives of those who don’t know Him. There is such intellectual pride, and religious superiority.
Water is a symbol, in the Word, of the Word, and also of the Ruach. The Ruach is also symbolized by the wind, by wine, and by oil.
The Festival of Sha’vu’ot among the Jews is celebrated as the coming of the Torah and the coming of the Ruach ha Kodesh down on His people. They say that at Sinai, He came with “tongues of fire”, and split His words into the 70 languages of the earth, giving the Torah to each person represented throughout the earth. So the wind, the fire and the tongues was known as manifestations of the Ruach by the Jews from Mt. Sinai. His appearance in the cloud was well known for 40 years, as He led them in the cloud and in the fire. I have seen that cloud. I have entered that cloud, and could not walk, because His presence was so powerful.
The wife of the Mayor of Ariel, Israel, saw the cloud when a Spirit-filled pastor was speaking to the IDF about Elohim. She was a secular Jew—not religious. She grabbed one of the camera people, very excited, because she said she saw the cloud coming into the room, and she said, “it’s the Holy Spirit”. Now how did she know that? Jews know about the Ruach! His speaking in other languages is not strange them to them. They know that the Word was written from His mouth. They know that He is the “finger of Elohim” who wrote the Ten Commandments on the tablets of stone. Yahushua says that the finger of Elohim is the Ruach! (Luke 11:20)
He is not up for discussion by Western Christians. He is not up for discussion, period. Either He is desired and received as He is, or He just moves on. He will not be manipulated by religious agendas, by Pastors, “praise and worship” leaders, or other controlling people, who relegate Him to their box of when He can manifest and when He has to shut up so that the Pastor can preach, or the announcements can be given.
Thus in Acts 2, they realized that indeed the prophecy of Joel 2 was coming to pass,
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and the Ruach was coming and speaking to all the people represented in their own language. Did you notice how the Ruach’s entrance into Simon Peter changed his whole personality, and caused the Ruach to speak through Him as never before? So, the Jews have no problem with receiving the “tongues” of fire. When He comes He gives a prayer language that give us boldness in spiritual warfare, in prayer
intercession, in ministry, in preaching, teaching, and to build up ourselves in Him.
I cannot give you the whole teaching on the Ruach ha Kodesh—it is too vast. You go to an “Exhaustive Concordance” like the one by James Strong, and look up all the passages on the Holy Spirit. He is so principle in the Scriptures.
Religion relegates Him to the “third person of the trinity”. There is no trinity, except in paganism. Remember: The Ruach is Yahuweh.
There is no umbilical cord that was severed so that the Ruach could be a “third person”. PLEASE DO NOT CALL HIM AN “IT”. He is NOT an “it”. He is Yahuweh, not a “ghost”. An “it” has no form, nor does an “it” talk, nor does an “it” do miracles. He is Yahuweh. I have seen His form twice now, and He talks, and He manifests, I have felt His touch in several different ways.