Aboriginal Content and Perspectives in BC’s New Curriculum: Big Ideas, Curricular Competencies, Content K-9
“Grade / Arts Education / English Language Arts / Mathematics / Science / Social StudiesK /
- Traditional and contemporaryAboriginal Arts and arts-making processes
- Engage in problem- solving experiences that are connected to place, story, and cultural practices relevant tothe localcommunity
- Draw upon local First Peoples knowledge and/or expertise of local Elders to make connections to mathematical topicsand concepts
- Recognize First Peoples stories (including oral and written narratives), songs, and art, as ways to share knowledge
- First Peoples’ use of plants and animals
- First Peoples knowledge of seasonal changes
- People, places, and events in thelocal community, and in local First Peoples’ communities
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- Traditional and contemporaryAboriginal Arts and arts-making processes
- Show awareness of how story in First Peoples’ cultures connectspeople to family andcommunity
- Engage in problem- solving experiences that are connected to place, story, and cultural practices relevant tothe localcommunity
- Draw upon local First Peoples knowledge and/or expertise of local Elders to make connections to mathematical topicsand concepts
- Recognize First Peoples stories (including oral and written narratives), songs, and art, as ways to share knowledge
- the knowledge of First Peoples
— local First Peoples knowledge of the local
landscape, plants and animals
— local First Peoples understanding and use ofseasonal rounds /
- Key events and development in thelocal community, and in local First People’s communities
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- Traditional and contemporaryAboriginal Arts and arts-making processes
- Show awareness of how story in First Peoples’ cultures connectspeople to family andcommunity
- Engage in problem- solving experiences that are connected to place, story, and cultural practices relevant tothe localcommunity
- Draw upon local First Peoples knowledge and/or expertise of local Elders to make connections to mathematical topicsand concepts
- Recognize First Peoples stories (including oral and written narratives), songs, and art, as ways to share knowledge
- Aboriginal knowledge of life cycles
- local First People’s knowledge of water:
— conservation
— connection to other systems /
- Diverse characteristics of communities and cultures in Canada and around the world, including at least one Canadian First Peoples’ community andculture
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- Traditional and contemporaryAboriginal Arts and arts-making processes
- Show awareness of how story in First Peoples’ cultures connectspeople to family andcommunity
- Develop andawareness of how story in First Peoples’ cultures connects people to the land
- Engage in problem- solving experiences that are connected to place, story, and cultural practices relevant tothe localcommunity
- Draw upon local First Peoples knowledge and/or expertise of local Elders to make connections to mathematical topicsand concepts
- Aboriginal knowledge of ecosystems
- local First Peoples knowledge of local landforms
Learning about indigenous peoples nurtures multicultural awarenessand respect fordiversity
Indigenous knowledge is passeddown through oral history, traditions, and collectivememory
Indigenous societies throughout the world value the well-being of theself, the land, spirits, andancestors
- Cultural characteristics and ways oflife of local First Peoples and global indigenouspeoples
- Interconnections of cultural and technological innovations of global and local indigenouspeoples
- Governance and social organizationin local and global indigenoussocieties
- Oral history, traditional stories, and artifacts as evidence about pastFirst peoples’cultures
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- Traditional and contemporaryAboriginal Arts and arts-making processes
- Demonstrateawareness of the oral tradition in First Peoples’ cultures and the purpose of First Peoples’texts
- Identify how story inFirst Peoples’ cultures connects people toland
- Engage in problem- solving experiences that are connected to place, story, and cultural practices relevant tothe localcommunity
- Draw upon local First Peoples knowledge and/or expertise oflocal Elders tomake
Interactions between First Peoplesand Europeans lead to conflict and cooperation, which continues to shape Canada’sidentity
- Early trade, cooperation, andconflict between First Peoples and European peoples
- The fur trade in pre-Confederation Canada and BritishColumbia
connections to mathematical topics and concepts /
- the effects of the relative positions of the sun, moon, and Earth including local First Peoples perspectives
- Demographic changes in pre- Confederation British Columbia inboth First Peoples and non-First Peoples communities
- The impact of colonization on First Peoples societies in BritishColumbia andCanada
- The history of the local communityand of local First Peoples’community
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- Traditional and contemporaryAboriginal Arts and arts-making processes
- Demonstrate awareness of the oral tradition in First Peoples’ cultures and the purposes ofFirst Peoples’texts
- Identify how story inFirst Peoples’ cultures connects people toland
- Engage in problem- solving experiences that are connected to place, story, and cultural practices relevant tothe localcommunity
- Draw upon local First Peoples knowledge and/or expertise of local Elders to make connections to mathematical topicsand concepts
- Aboriginal concept of interconnectednessin theenvironment
- First Peoples knowledge of sustainable practices
Canada’s policies and treatment of minority peoples have negativeand positivelegacies
- Past discriminatory governmentpolicies and action, such as the Head Tax, the KomagataMaru incident, residential schools, andinternments
- Human rights and responses to discrimination in Canadiansociety
- First Peoples’ land ownership anduse
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- Traditional and contemporaryAboriginal Arts and arts-making processes
- Recognize and appreciate the role of story, narrative, andoral tradition in expressing First Peoples’ perspectives, values, beliefs, and points of view
- Implement multiple strategies to solve problems in both abstract and real-life situations usingdifferent culturalperspectives
- Engage in problem- solving experiences that are connected to place, story, and cultural practices relevant tothe localcommunity
- Draw upon local First Peoples knowledge and/or expertise of local Elders to make connections to mathematical topicsand concepts
- mixtures:
— local First Peoples knowledge of separation and extraction methods /
- Roles of individuals, governmental organizations, and NGOs,including representing indigenouspeoples
- Economic policies and resource management, including effectson indigenouspeoples
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- Traditional and contemporaryAboriginal Arts and arts-making processes
- Ethical considerations and cultural appropriation relatedto thearts
- Recognize and appreciate the role of story, narrative, andoral tradition in expressing First Peoples’ perspectives, values, beliefs, and points of view
- Recognize the validityof First Peoples’ oral tradition for a range of purposes
- Implement multiple strategies to solve problems in both abstract and real-life situations usingdifferent culturalperspectives
- Engage in problem- solving experiences that are connected to place, story, and cultural practices relevant tothe localcommunity
- Apply cultural perspectives of First Peoples to theconcepts of locating, measuring, andnumbering
sources of information
- First Peoples knowledge of changes in
- evidence of climate change over geological time and the recent impactsof humans:
— local First Peoples knowledge of
climate change /
- Origins, core beliefs, narratives,practices, and influences of religions, including at least one indigenous to theAmericas
- Social, political, legal, governmental,and economic systems and structures, including at least one indigenous to the Americas
“Grade / Arts Education / English Language Arts / Mathematics / Science / Social Studies
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- Traditional and contemporaryAboriginal Arts and arts-making processes
- Ethical considerations and cultural appropriation related to the arts
- Texts are culturally, and historically constructed
- Recognize the value of personal, social, and cultural contexts, values, and perspectives in text
- Recognize and appreciate the role of story, narrative, andoral tradition in expressing First Peoples’ perspectives, values, beliefs, and points of view
- Engage in problem- solving experiences that are connected to place, story, and cultural practices and perspectives relevant tothe local First Peoples communities, the local community and other cultures
- First Peoples knowledge of:
— significant local geological events /
- Contact and conflict between peoples stimulated significant cultural, social, and political change
- Explain different perspectives on past or present people, places, issues, or events and compare the values, worldviews, and beliefs of human cultures and societies on different times and places
- Social, political, and economic systems and structures, including those of at least one indigenous civilization
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- Traditional and contemporaryAboriginal Arts and arts-making processes
- Ethical considerations and cultural appropriation and plagiarism
- Demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of personal, social cultural historical and environmental contexts in relation to the arts
- Texts are socially, culturally, and historically constructed
- Recognize the value of personal, social, and cultural contexts, values, and perspectives in text and world
- Recognize and appreciate the role of story, narrative, andoral tradition in expressing First Peoples’ perspectives, values, beliefs, and points of view
- Develop an awareness of the diversity within and across First Peoples societies represented in texts
- Engage in problem- solving experiences that are connected to place, story, and cultural practices and perspectives relevant tothe local First Peoples communities, the local community and other cultures
- Incorporate First Peoples worldviews and perspectives to make connections to mathematical concepts
- First Peoples knowledge ofinterconnectedness and sustainability
- Explain and infer different perspectives on past or present people, places, issues, or events by considering prevailing norms, values, worldviews and perspectives
- Recognize implicit and explicit ethical judgements in a variety of sources (Indian Act, Louis Riel)
- Make reasoned ethical judgements about actions in the past and present and determine the appropriate ways to remember and respond (policies towards First Peoples a form of genocide? Voting rights of First Peoples)
Please also use the elaborations provided within each curricula document to help further guide your teaching practice.
Some Great Resources:
BC First Peoples Learning Resources: Books for Use in K-7 Classrooms (FNESC)
In Our Own Words, K-Gr. 3 Authentic Resources (FNESC)
Grade 5 Indian Residential Schools and Reconciliation – Teacher Resource Guide (FNESC)
Aboriginal Perspectives and Worldviews in the Classroom (BC Ministry of Education)
Shared Learnings: Integrating BC Aboriginal Content K-10 (BC Ministry of Education)
Voices of the Canoe (MOA)