Dear Colleague
This termly briefing focuses on the key issues of the ongoing NUT campaign to Stand Up for Education in opposition to Michael Gove’s attacks on pay, conditions and pensions; and the current situation in relation to pay, appraisal and trade union facilities time in UL Academies.
The NUT is beginning to send email newsletters to all NUT members in all national Academy chains as part of a more regular programme of communication.
Continuing the Campaign
As you know, the NUT campaign includes teachers in Academies in exactly the same way as in schools, given the impact of the Government attacks on pay, conditions and pensions in Academies as well as schools.
Following the successful national strike on 26 March, NUT Conference at Easter agreed to continue the campaign through:
- Stand up for education street stalls;
- A Lobby of Parliament on 10 June, accompanied by local lobbying activities;
- Preparing to strike in the week beginning 23 June if the Government doesn’t respond positively to teachers’ concerns about workload, pay and conditions.
The Executive will review the progress made in talks with DfE at its meeting on 22 May. If a strike is necessary, the Executive will seek to co-ordinate it with other education and public sector unions including the NASUWT.
Members can volunteer now at to help leaflet parents and the public, lobby MPs locally, lobby Parliament on 10 June or send a message to Parliament. We are seeking one lobbyist for every constituency for the lobby on 10 June.
Pay and PM/Appraisal Policies
UL has its own pay structure so the only teachers employed under STPCD are TUPE transferees. A UL pay policy for TUPE transferees has been published but it has not been agreed. The unions gained significant improvements during consultations but did not agree it due to lack of clarity on key issues. For example, previous experience as a teacher does feature in UL pay policies but as only one of a range of factors identified by UL as determining pay on appointment. UL has also produced a draft pay policy for teachers employed on the UL Academy contract. Discussions are ongoing.
UL also published its TUPE teachers PM/appraisal policy but it has not been agreed with the unions. UL has put to the unions proposals on PM which include significant problems. In particular, the unions have advised UL that assessment of pay progression needs to be based on the maximum 3 objectives referred to in the UL proposals; funding issues must not be used to restrict pay progression; and there is no limit of 3 observations. Again UL has said that it will respond to the unions’ concerns and discussions are continuing.
The current position with regard to key issues in those policies is as follows:
Pay policy – TUPE teachers
Pay portability –Not compliant with NUT policy. UL does not employ teachers under STPCD but has its own arrangements.
Fixed pay scales -Compliant with NUT policy.
Pay progression criteria -Largely compliant with NUT policy.
Pay Policy for Teachers on UL Contracts
Pay portability- Not compliant with NUT policy.
Fixed pay scales - Not compliant with NUT policy.
Pay progression -Not compliant with NUT policy.
PM/appraisal policy
Observations -The policy does not provide for any limits on observations.
Objectives - The policy provides for a limit of no more than 3 objectives.
Links with pay progression - UL has said that STPCD teachers’ pay progression will be made with reference to teachers’ completed pay review forms and the pay recommendations they contain.
Role of Teacher Standards - The policy states “The performance of TUPE teachers will be reviewed against the Teachers’ Standards (Appendix 5).” It also states that “Assessment against the Teachers’ Standards should start from the premise that all teachers are meeting the Teachers’ Standards unless clear, compelling written evidence to the contrary is provided.”
This term will be the first term that the pay and PM/appraisal policies are implemented fully.
Trae Union Facilities
Although the UL recognition agreement preceded the TUC model, the national agreement states “The Academy will participate in arrangements within the local authority area with regard to time off with pay for any employees who are local or national trade union officers in order to permit time off with pay for trade union duties undertaken in that capacity.” Despite the provisions of the national recognition agreement which states that UL academies will participate in LA arrangements, UL said that it leaves decisions to the discretion of individual Academies. Since then, UL has said it has consulted its heads and that the overwhelming majority have decided not to buy in the local arrangements. Following pressure from the NUT, UL has said it would reconsider the issue. A meeting with UL will be held at the end of May and the unions will press UL to make participation in LA arrangements mandatory for its Academies.
Local secretaries should check to see that LAs are both seeking and accepting contributions from Academies and whether individual UL Academies are contributing. Please let Steve Barrett at know about the position in each Academy.
Other Information
The Union held a very successful one-day national training and briefing meeting for reps in Academy chains on 2 April 2014. Thanks to those of you who attended that meeting. NUT organisers will be taking forward the outcomes of that meeting during the summer term.
Information on UL pay and conditions arrangements and on the national recognition agreement in respect of UL can be found on the NUT website at
UL has responded to the 2014 teacher union pay claim for teachers on UL contracts with a 1% offer which the unions have rejected. UL will make a final decision on this in late May.Last year UL agreed to a 1.5% pay increase which was higher than that in LA maintained schools.
UL is also undertaking a review of teachers’ pay. UL has responded to the concerns raised by the unions on its proposals for a ‘Contribution-Based’ pay scheme, but significant concerns remain. The union side has advised UL that the implementation of even greater discretion and flexibility on pay will militate against the achievement of a fair and transparent pay structure. The use of ‘guidance’ points to replace fixed pay points would also be a major problem, as would the proposed use of non-consolidated bonuses. UL has said that it will respond to the union side concerns and discussions are continuing.
The trade unions are consulting on a number of draft policies and procedures. They include employment security, secondment, and sexual relations.
NUT Contacts
The NUT Executive representative for United Learning Academies is to be determined.
Representatives who need to seek assistance with any casework problems affecting individuals should, as ever, contact the NUT local secretary who can seek support from the NUT’s regional offices as appropriate. In the event that assistance or information is required from NUT headquarters, however, the following will be able to assist:
David Powell Steve Barrett
Principal OfficerProfessional Assistant
0207 380 47770207 380 4767
Yours sincerely
Head of Dept.
Salaries, Superannuation and Education Economics