Name: Walker Byrd

Year: 03

Major: Finance


Assistant Vice President of Auxiliary Services

Senator At Large

War Eagle Girls and Plainsmen

High School Leadership Conference Head Counselor

Social Fraternity


Dear Auburn Student,

My name is Walker Byrd, and I am incredibly excited and humbled to be a candidate to serve as your next SGA President. Auburn University is a special place, truly unlike any other institution in the country, and it would be an honor to represent Auburn University, the Auburn Student body, and the Auburn family.

Be Heard with Byrd is a campaign that puts the upmost importance on the needs of students. Ultimately, every student is a member of student government, whether or not he/she realizes it. Upon election, one of the major goals of my administration will be to let the student body shape goals for the future from the input and feedback given to us to continue moving Auburn University forward in its prominence as one of the premier institutions and student experiences in the nation.

I’m voting Be Heard with Byrd for…


  • Update the current, antiquated model for class registration. How can we make it more user friendly?
  • Provide the option for financial and affordability counseling prior to Camp War Eagle and throughout college.
  • A general culture change in advising regarding hours and class loads.
  • Four year graduation rate improvements


  • How can we better improve the gameday experience(football, basketball, baseball, etc.) for not only students, but the Auburn family as a whole?
  • Ensure that students have an advocate in any athletic decisions that might impact students.

Campus Life

  • Beginning the conversation about the potential for Student Center improvements and expansion.

Campus Safety

  • Improve safety on the roads through and around campus.


  • The addition of a “COSAM” lounge on the College of Science and Mathematics side of campus – similar to the new Lowder Lounge
  • Expanding the dining program to reward more “up-front” dining
  • Promote “dining on a budget” items around campus

International Students

  • Improve communication and orientation with international students before and during their time at Auburn.
  • Ensure that international students have the same Auburn experience as other students through programming and sustained assimilation efforts.

Student Voice

  • The expansion of the Auburn Answers feedback system, created by the previous administration, into an app format to be more accessible by students.


  • Further changes and improvements with the Late Night Transportation model to better serve students.

Your individual needs and concerns as an Auburn student should always be a top priority on Auburn’s campus with administration and with the Student Government Association, so it is vital to elect an SGA President that is committed to the individual student and to improving the Auburn experience. So, on February 10th, I ask you to vote Be Heard with Byrd and elect Walker Byrd as your next SGA President.

Thank you and War Eagle!