Mr W S Erskine Crum (President), Mr A R P Goodwin (Chairman), Mrs B A Wilcox (Vice-Chairman),Mr J Scally (County Treasurer), Mr R Beresford, Mr F Byrne, Mr R Green, Mr T Gundry, Mr J Johnson, Mrs M Jones,Mr G Reid
Mrs I Francis (Chairman County Women’s Section), Mr A Downey (Riders Branch), Mr R Lammiman (Chairman Alford Branch), Mr F Charlton (Chairman Gainsborough Branch), Mrs M Cook (Secretary Gainsborough Branch), Mr D Tyler (Chairman Mablethorpe Branch), Mrs H Payne (Vice-Chairman Mablethorpe Branch), Mr B R Mahoney (Membership Support Officer – East Midlands),Mr N Fairfax (Community Fundraiser)
- Welcome and the Act of Homage:The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting, with a particular welcome toMr Charlton, Mrs Cook, Mr Downey, Mrs Francis, Mr Lammiman, Mrs Payne and Mr Tyler,he also thanked the 3 ladies working in the kitchen for their continued support.The Act of Homagewas then said and observed by all.
2.Apologies:Mr T Butler, Mr S Ezekiel, Mr R Hewitt.
3.Items of an urgent nature to close the Agenda: There were no additional items added to the Agenda.
4.The County President:The County President (CP)thanked everyone involved in the organisation of the Passchendaele Commemoration Event, it was a very touching and meaningful ceremony. The links with the Museum of Lincolnshire Life are very useful for future events.
5.The County Chairman:TheCounty Chairman (CC) thanked everyone for attending the meeting and as normal we have a fairly busy Agenda to get through. The CC informed the meeting of the activities that he had recently been involved in; a copy is attached to this record. He also briefed the meeting on the following items:
Caistor Branch – The CC and Mr Johnson recently attended a meeting with the Branch Chairman to discuss the future of the Branch. There is very much a desire for the Branch to continue in Caistor and they are actively looking to hold a publicity and recruiting day in the near future.
Waddington Branch – Despite the best efforts the Branch has not been resurrected as yet, they are still trying to form a Branch Committee and is still a work in progress.
Brigg Branch – The Branch Chairman is endeavouring to get the Branch Committee to work together but unfortunately there are a couple of individuals trying to run before they can walk. The Branch will be monitored.
Branch Chairman & Secretaries Seminar – The CC informed the meeting that the Guest Speaker was Gail Walters, Assistant Director Operations – Midlands.
Healing Branch – The CC and Mr Johnson attended a meeting with the Branch and Club and representatives from Head Office to discuss the Branch Property and Poppy Appeal stocks. The outcome was that a new lease would be put in place so that the Club rents both the building and the field from the Branch. The Club also agreed not to use the Poppy Appeal stock without prior agreement.
Boston Branch –The CC attended the Boston Branch AGM which was a well run event.
6.Draft Record of the County Meeting held on 8th July2017: The record of this meeting was ACCEPTED as a true record and signed by the County Chairman.
Proposed: MrJohnsonSeconded: Mr ScallyAccepted: Unanimously
7.Matters Arising: There were fourmatters arising:
In Attendance: Delete Ms R Smith (Riders Branch) Insert Ms R Bridgwood (Riders Branch).
Item 20 – County Trophies: Mrs Jones informed the meeting that she had approached Cleethorpes Working Men’s Club and there was no sign of the trophy. Mr Johnson informed her that the trophy was worth around £2500; Mrs Jones agreed to contact them again. The CC suggested that she might also try the Grimsby Branch to see if they knew anything about this trophy.
Item 20 – County Trophies:Mr Johnson informed the meeting that Mablethorpe Branch had decided not to have 2 trophies at this time but would consider again in the future. This was mainly because of the value of the trophies; they would be interested in having a cheap trophy donated.
Item 21 – County Poppy Appeal Launch: The CC was asked if he had seen any official paperwork to say when you can and cannot hold a County Poppy Appeal Launch. The CC confirmed that he had not seen any such paperwork.
8.Draft Record of the County Management Board Meeting held on 14th August2017:The record of this meeting was ACCEPTED as a true record.
Proposed: Mr JohnsonSeconded: Mrs WilcoxAccepted: Unanimously
9.Matters Arising: There were fivematters arising:
Item 9 – Training:Mr Johnson raised the matter of a suitable storage facility for County equipment, it was important that this item was taken forward.
Item 10 – Community Support:A question was asked about what system has been put in place to ensure that the beneficiary comes first. The CC will discuss with the Membership Council Member.
Item 11 – County Events – Battle of Passchendaele: A question was raised about the email received from the City of Lincoln Branch Chairman regarding the County holding an event in Lincoln. The CC confirmed that the County will continue to hold events where they see fit. The City of Lincoln Branch needs to recognise that Lincoln is the County Town. The County Committee will continue to foster relationships with local councils and the Museum of Lincolnshire Life.
Item 14 – Urgent Matters to be added to the Agenda – Youth Affiliation Badges:The CYO(N) advised the meeting that these badges were now 50p each. He understood the Cadet Units couldn’t wear them on their uniforms but they wore them on their hoodies and tee-shirts. It was confirmed that Branches cannot use their funds to purchase Youth Affiliation Badges.
Item 14 – Urgent Matters to be added to the Agenda – International Bomber Command Centre:There was no update on this item as the Legions Board of Trustee’s had only met on the previous Thursday. The CC had written to the National Chairman, National Vice Chairman, Chairman Membership Council and the Director General to try and gain support. The CC had received support from the MP for the Deepings Mr John Haynes.
10.Community Fundraiser:A report from the Community Fundraiser (CFR) was included with the Agenda and was ACCEPTED by the Committee.The CFR updated the meeting on the totals of the Lincolnshire Poppy Appeal, the total currently stood at £920,000 which was a fantastic effort and he passed on his thanks to all. He also thanked Mr Johnson for his help in finding a new PAO for Skegness. The search for a new PAO for Brigg was also looking very positive. A discussion was held on Cold Calling Zones and the possible effect that this had on the Poppy Appeal collections. The CFR Management Group will be discussing this item next week and the CFR will report back with their guidance.
The CFR informed the meeting that the 2017 Lincolnshire Poppy Appeal Launch will take place on Friday 27th October at Doddington Hall, 1030 – 1100. All the County Committee are invited to attend. Further information will be published closer to the event.
11.Membership Support Officer:A report from the Membership Support Officer (MSO) was included with the Agenda and was ACCEPTED by the Committee. An update on the queries raised on Branches was provided:
Deeping St Nicholas – The CC informed the meeting that they are happy to become a sub-branch of Surfleet Branch, he requested a copy of the paperwork that needs to be completed to make this happen.
Gunby Branch – The CC was still awaiting for confirmation of the date of the meeting from the Gunby Branch Chairman.
Waddington Branch – The County Vice-Chairman (CVC) confirmed that the next meeting would take place on the 20th September and it was hoped that progress would be made.
The MSO informed the meeting that the MSI that he had recently sent out had been amended, he would send out the new version.
The CC informed the meeting that the election to County Vice-Chairman would be supervised by the Membership Council Member and individuals nominated for this position should not be involved in canvassing.
12. County Treasurer’s Report: A report from the County Treasurer (CT) was included with the Agenda and was ACCEPTED by the Committee.
Proposed: Mr JohnsonSeconded: Mrs WilcoxAccepted: Unanimously
The CT informed the meeting that the County Grant was now in the BFI General, there had been very little reduction to what was asked for.
The CT requested that expenses for earmarked events and training be put on separate forms; it would make it easier for him. Mr Johnson suggested that an email be sent out detailing the categories, the CT responded that if you were in doubt please check.
The CT informed the meeting that he had attended the Merchant Navy Day in Cleethorpes as a representative of the County Committee, it was a very good networking event and he had met Mr Martin Vickers MP and the local Deputy Lord Lieutenant.
13.County Community Support:The Chairman of the County Community Support Committee (CCCSC), Mr Butler was unable to attend the meeting. The CC informed the meeting that nothing much had changed and this subject was up for discussion at the County Chairman’s Seminar. Lincolnshire currently had 14 Branches registered for Branch Community Support (BCS).
14.County Poppy Appeal Coordinator: The County Poppy Appeal Coordinator (CPAC) gave a verbal briefing to the meeting. He raised the issue of Kids Packs, PAOs had previously been given 25 but this had been reduced to 5 without consultation. Surely Aylesford should have gone on what was ordered previously,it is just making extra work for PAOs which is not justified. The CFR will raise at their next management meeting.
15.Principal County Recruiting Officer:A report from the Principal County Recruiting Officer (PCRO) was included with the Agenda and was ACCEPTED by the Committee. The PCRO gave an update to the meeting; the membership total had increased by 68 to 3912. Before the paperwork for the Recruiting Advisers Workshop is sent out she will discuss locations, dates and times with the CC.
16.County Youth Officer (North):A report from the County Youth Officer (North) (CYO(N)) was included with the Agenda and was ACCEPTED by the Committee. He provided an update to the meeting on his attendance at events. The CYO(N) also advised the meeting that the ACF were not happy with Standard Bearer training and it is something that needed looking at in the future. The CC commented that it would be good to know what the problem with the training is.
17.County Youth Officer (South)(CYO(S)):The CYO(S) provided a verbal briefing to the meeting. He is looking to affiliate the Boston and Spalding Police Cadets. He has also received an enquiry from the Polish Community they are keen that their youth understand the importance of Remembrance and they wish to be affiliated in some way. The CC said that this sort of link should be encouraged.
18.County Training:A report from the County Training Officer (CTO) was included with the Agenda and was ACCEPTED by the Committee. The CC gave a verbal update to the meeting, there would be no training done in Lincolnshire before the New Year. Mr Byrne advised the meeting that he had sent out some information on Data Protection and that there was a new Office 365 Code of Conduct which should be followed; most of it was common sense. He encouraged everyone to access Office 365 if they can and to join the Yammer Group.
19.County Trophies:Mr Johnson gave an update to the meeting on County Trophies;
Wainfleet Branch still wishes to permanently loan the Burland Cup which would be presented to the shop with the best window display during Remembrance. Mr Johnson was still waiting to hear from North Hykeham Branch and the Youth Officers about loaning trophies.
Mr Johnson thanked the County Committee members for returning the trophies. The letters for the Lord Lieutenants Trophy had been sent out by the CC and CYO(N), they were just awaiting replies. The criteria for the trophies awarded at the County Conference need to be looked at and a decision made if they are to be awarded. The CC will discuss with the CP about the awarding of the Courtesy Cup. There is also a need to look at the criteria for the award of the Poppy Trophies.
20.County Events:
Branch Chairman & Secretaries Seminar: There are only 31 individuals attending this event so far, the numbers needed to double to make the event worthwhile. Please fill in the paperwork and return to the MSO as soon as possible.
Standard Bearers Competition: The Standard Bearers Competition will be held at Stanhope Hall on Sunday 24th September 2017, the hall will open at 11am with the competition starting at 2pm. It is all organised with 2 judges and the National Parade Marshal in attendance. There are 4 entries for the County Standard Bearer Competition and 1 entry for the Youth Standard Bearer Competition, with the possibility that there could be an entry for the County Women’s Section Competition.
East Kirkby: The County Poppy Event will be held at East Kirkby on Saturday 21st October 2017, planning for the event is progressing and letters have been sent out to Branches. County Committee duties will be sent out separately. There will be a Choir and the Mareham Le Fen Band in attendance and the event will follow the normal lines.
21.Great Pilgrimage (GP) 90:The CC informed the meeting that the GP90 is on the Agenda for the County Chairman’s Seminar and was being discussed by the Board of Trustees. The CC is sure that more information will be coming out in the near future.
22.Any Other Business:Therewas7 items raised:
MS1B: Branches should read it before the Standard Bearer signs it as there is an item on benefits that should be highlighted.
Email Address:Mrs Jones informed the meeting that her email address in the County Handbook was wrong, the correct one is .
Women’s Section Chairman:Mrs Francis informed the meeting that she thought that the Battle of Passchendaele Commemoration Event was excellent. She also offered to provide a raffle prize for East Kirkby from the Women’s Section. Mrs Francis informed the meeting that Ashby Golf Club is holding a competition on the 11 Nov 17 in aid of the Legion, the entry fee is £24. The Women’s Section have a trophy that Mablethorpe Branch could loan, it is a silver plated trophy. Mrs Francis also reminded the meeting that the Women’s Section County Conference was due to be held at Coningsby on Saturday 16th Sept 17, with a 1,30pm start.
Annual Rededication Service:Mr Beresford suggested Stamford as a location for the 2018 Rededication Service, the meeting agreed this location in principle but the normal checks on facilities would have to be made.
Riders Branch:Mr Downey asked if the Riders Branch members were required to attend East Kirkby and the Poppy Appeal Launch at Doddington Hall, the answer was yes to both.
Legion Polo Shirt:Mr Byrne showed the meeting a new Legion Branded Polo Shirt which cost £12; a Fleece would cost £18, orders through Mr Byrne. It was requested that samples be brought to the Branch Chairman & Secretaries Seminar so that Branches could make orders for them if they wished.
Spilsby Show:The CC suggested that at the Spilsby Show Awards evening which he gets invited to that a County Certificate of Appreciation is presented to the organising committee, this was agreed by all.
23.Date of next meeting: The next County Committee Meeting is planned for Saturday 25thNovember2017at Alford, 1000 hrs for 1030 hrs. There will be a meal following the meeting and each member attended is allowed to bring 1 guest.
Signed as a true copy,
A R P Goodwin BEM
County Chairman