The Rotary Club of Coeur d Alene


Email completed grant application and all supporting documents to Mike Grabenstein, Club Administrator at no later than 5PM, Friday, March 10, 2017


Organization’s Name:

Mailing Address:

Phone Number:

Primary Contact Person and Title within Organization:

Primary Contact Person’s Email:

Primary Contact Person’s Phone:

Organization’s Mission Statement and/or Objectives:

Organization’s Operating Budget for Fiscal Year:

List Funding Sources and the Number of Years you have received this Funding:

Has the organization received a 501 (c) (3) IRS determination letter?

If so, a copy may be requested. If not, explain the organization’s public charitable and/or community mission and work. A copy of your organization’s most recent tax return may be requested prior to the granting of any funds.


(Using a separate sheet of paper address the following.)

  1. The Category of grant you are requesting as described in the Guidelines and Instructions.
  2. A detailed project description to include:
  1. The need being addressed
  2. The solution
  3. Implementation plan and timeline
  4. The number of individuals to benefit from this grant.
  1. Total budget for this project.
  1. Total amount of Rotary grant money requested.
  2. Identify other funding sources you have contacted for contributions toward this project.
  3. Manner in which Rotary funding would be recognized.
  4. After the Rotary funding ends, how will the program be sustained

(Attach additional supporting documentation as necessary)



Since its charter on November 24, 1921, the Coeur d Alene Rotary Club as grown into the largest and most active community service organization in North Idaho. Over the last ninety years, the Rotary Club has supported a significant number of worthwhile community projects to include the Rotary Lakeside Band Shell in City Park, The Centennial Trail Project, the Coeur D Alene Public Library, the Kroc Center, Heroes Plaza, the EXCEL Foundation, the Guatemala School Textbook Program, McKuen Field, and most recently the Boys and Girls Club of Kootenai County. Together with Rotary International the Rotary Club has contributed to eradicating polio through education and vaccines. In the last 6 years, the Rotary Club and Foundation have awarded over $386,305 in community and international grants. Last year 24 organizations received over $60,000 in grants and an additional $14,000 in college scholarships was awarded to area youth.


(You organization may make application in only ONE category)

The Coeur d Alene Rotary Club seeks grant applications that benefit and improve our local and international communities. The categories are:

  1. YOUTH GROUP GRANTS which benefit organization providing services primarily to youth populations. Funding awards vary. Submit completed application with the subject line: YOUTH GRANT.
  2. LOCAL COMMUNITY SERVICE GRANTS which primarily benefit organizations providing basic social/welfare needs. These may include housing and food assistance; healthy life style choices and/or enrichment activities through art, music or cultural events. Funding awards vary. Submit complete application with subject line; LOCAL COMMUNITY SERVICE GRANT.
  3. SMALL CIVIC IMPROVEMENT GRANTS would focus on funding self-sustaining “physical improvement” type projects benefitting the community. Funding awards vary. Submit complete application with subject line: SMALL CIVIC IMPROVEMENT GRANT.


  1. Youth, Local Community Service and Civic Improvement grant funds must primarily benefit Kootenai County residents.
  2. Applicants should be approved 501 (c) (3) organizations OR have a public, charitable, and/or community purpose.
  3. A project which has the involvement of an active Rotarian may be eligible for a matching District 5080 Community Grant. Contact a participating Rotarian for details.


  1. Funding requests should benefit and improve the community.
  2. Grant funds may be used only for the purposes stated in the application.
  3. Grant funds should be expended prior to the grant reporting deadline. (See Reporting Requirements below)


  1. Funding requests must be submitted using the Rotary Grant application format. The completed application should be no longer than two typewritten pages plus attachments.
  2. Completed applications must be submitted to Mike Grabenstein, Club Administrator at no later than 5PM, Friday, March 10, 2017. No exceptions will be made.
  3. Incomplete applications will not be considered.


  1. Committees comprised of Rotary Club members will review all eligible applications and make recommendations to the Board of Directors.
  2. The Coeur d Alene Rotary Club Board of Directors will make final funding decisions based on the committee’s recommendations.
  3. Notification of the Board’s decisions will be made to selected recipients by Friday, May 19, 2017.
  4. Grant recipients will be recognized and awarded their grants at the regularly scheduled noon Rotary meeting, Friday, June 2, 2017. Grantees are encouraged to attend this meeting at the Resort.


Successful grant recipients must electronically submit a written exit report to Mike Grabenstein, Club Administrator at by March 1, of the year following the funding award. Grant applicants will not be eligible for an award in the following year grant round unless this report is filed prior to the deadline of March 1. The report must confirm the following;

  1. The amount spent, together with the names of the payees, dates and purpose of payments.
  2. Current status and future prospects of the entire project for which the Rotary grant was a component.
  3. The manner in which the Coeur d Alene Rotary Club’s financial support was recognized.
  4. Financial support from the Coeur d Alene Rotary Club regarding this grant program must appear in all published material and announcements made by the grant recipient relating to this grant.