The Alnwick Garden
(Please complete this document in your own handwriting by printing clearly in black ink)
Send your applications to: Ann Norman, HR Manager, Gardeners Cottage, Denwick Lane, Alnwick, NE66 1YU or hand them in at The Alnwick Garden Admissions.
Your Details
Full Name & TitleAddress
Nationality / National Insurance
The Role you are you applying for:
1stChoice / 2nd ChoiceFull-time
Part-Time / Permanent
Are there any restrictions on the hours or days of the week you can work, if so please give details
Have you previously been employed by The Alnwick Garden, if so in what capacity, what were the dates and what was your reason for leaving
What is your current notice period and what is the earliest date you could commence this employment?
Are you related to any member of staff working or applying for work at The Alnwick Garden, if so please state the relationship
Do you hold a valid driving licenceY / N
Are you eligible to work in the United Kingdom Y/ N
Do you consider yourself to be disabled, could you provide details and do we need to make any special adjustments for you to attend assessment day or an interview
Do you have any criminal charges against you if so please provide details of the charges made against you along with dates and sentencing of the charges.
Do you have GCSE Grade C or equivalent in English & Maths Y / NWhat is your highest education qualification
Are you fluent in any foreign languages, please list them below:
Employment History
Please list your employers and employment over the last 5 years, starting with the most recent
(continue on a separate sheet if required
Employer’sName / Dates of Employment / Role and achievements and reason for leaving
How do you achieve good results ?
Give an example of when you have given excellent Customer Service ?Give an example of when you have shown flexibility and worked outside of your role to achieve results for your team/organisation ?
Give an example of how you have worked as a team to overcome a difficult situation ?
Name: / Name:Address: / Address:
Telephone Number / Telephone Number
Relationship to you / Relationship to you
I confirm that all of the information given is, to the best of my knowledge, true and accurate, and I understand that to make a false declaration could jeopardise my application or, if found to be false once employment has commenced, could lead to my dismissal.
Signature: ______Date: ______
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