Planning Commission Members: Daryl Ackerman, Harry Baker, Roger Ciecierski, Tim DeWire, Chris Knarr,Ed LeClear and Jennifer Magaro
Absent: None
Borough Council: Scott Pellman, Mark Stoner, Kyle Miller, and Gary Weber
Borough Staff: Patrick Dennis - Borough Manager, Greg Rogalski - , Borough Engineer, Jason Foster - Codes and Zoning Officer, Trish Hammaker - , Administrative Assistant
CumberlandCounty Planning Department: None
Applicants: Daniel Kreischer for Grace United MethodistChurch and Lee Bothel and Jim Henke for Landmark Homes
Press: Daniel Walmer, Sentinel
Others: Deeg Meck
Next Meeting: February 24, 2014@6:30 p.m.
Work Session: February 17, 2014 @ 6:30 p.m. – cancelled – President’s Day Holiday – Office Closed.
Since this is a reorganizational meeting, Codes and Zoning Office Foster called the meeting to order at 6:30p.m.
Attendance was taken and a quorum was present.
Codes and Zoning Officer Foster led those assembled in the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a moment of silent reflection.
- Chairman. Codes and Zoning Officer Foster asked for nominations for the Chairman position. LeClear nominated Chris Knarr and Magaro seconded the nomination. Seeing no other nominations, Foster called for a vote. Knarr was elected Chairman by a unanimous vote. Chairman Knarr took over the meeting.
- Vice Chairman. Chairman Knarr asked for nominations for the Vice Chairman position. DeWire nominated LeClear and Magaro seconded the nomination. LeClear was elected Vice Chair by a unanimous vote.
- Secretary. Chairman Knarr asked for nominations for the Secretary position. LeClear nominated DeWire and Magaro seconded the nomination. DeWire was elected Secretary by a unanimous vote.
ChairmanKnarr asked if there was any public comment for issues that were not on the agenda. None were offered.
- November 25, 2013 – Regular Meeting.
- Information/Discussion: Chairman Knarr advised that he received the minutes from Secretary DeWire this evening and since the Commission has not had a chance to review them, he recommends tabling them to the next meeting.
- MBPC Action: Ackerman made a motion to table the minutes to the next meeting. Baker seconded the motion, which passed with all in favor.
- December 23, 2013 – Regular Meeting.
- Information/Discussion: These minutes were also not presented to the Commission in time for review.
- MBPC Action: Ackerman made a motion to table these minutes to the next meeting. Baker seconded the motion, which passed with all in favor.
- Committees/Boards/Commission Updates.
1.CumberlandCounty Planning Commission. Chairman Knarr stated that the County Planning Commission met with the Economic Development people regarding updating the Comprehensive Plan.
2.Historic Architectural Review Board (HARB). DeWire advised that there was one (1) application on the January agenda. He advised that the application was for the former Eckels property for a secondary access to the rear accessory structure. He advised that the Board recommended approval of the application. DeWire added that there was someone else present at the meeting, but they had not submitted an application.
3.Environmental Advisory Council (EAC)/Shade Tree Commission. Baker advised that there was
nothing to report.
- Cumberland County Planning Commission – Outreach meeting – February 11, 2014. Chairman Knarr advised that this was an add-on item and a copy of the memo was at the Commission member’s seats this evening. Knarr advised that anyone wanting to go should let Ms. Hammaker know so that she may RSVP for them. Chairman Knarr, Secretary DeWire, and Manager Dennis advised that they wished to attend. DeWire advised that he would RSVP for himself. Ms. Hammaker will RSVP for Knarr and Dennis.
Chairman Knarr introduced Councilman Pellman, advising that he was the new Council liaison to the Planning Commission for 2014. Knarr thanked Councilman Miller for his service as Council liaison.
There were no plans to be discussed.
8.OLD BUSINESS (Discussion):
A. Zoning Text Amendment Request – Landmark Homes – TND – Progress Update. Lee Bothel of Landmark Homes was present for this discussion. She advised since last here, they have been working on some changes. She noted that they have added Charlie Courtney to the team as legal counsel and in that effort, took another look at the text as the conditional use process would be very lengthy. She advised that Landmark just
received the new draft of the text amendment today and would be forwarding it to the Borough soon.
Jim Henke, the Engineer for this project, took over. He stated that thereat are three (3) neighborhoods in the TND
aAnd t that previously, they were deficient in one area. He advised that they now conform withto the codes as written.
Mr. Henke added that there is a 30% open space requirement. He noted that they can meet that requirement, but they fall short on usable open space because of stormwater management issues.
Mr. Henke stated that impervious coverage would be over by about 5% or 6%. He noted that street cross sections have been incorporated into the street designs, and this information has been given to Borough Engineer Rogalski for review and comment.
Ms. Bothel noted that it was the intent of Landmark Homes to move the mixed center to Market Street instead of leaving it in the interior of the development. Chairman Knarr asked if they considered upper floor residential over the commercial spaces. Ms. Bothel advised that they are considering apartments over the commercial spaces, but not necessarily live-work units. She added that this would be determined by the market.
Manager Dennis asked for an update on the open space for the Council members and Recreation Board member present this evening. Chairman Knarr advised that this would be addressed later in the meeting.
Chairman Knarr asked for input from Engineer Rogalski. Rogalski advised that the intent of the Ordinance was to prevent drainage basins from becoming soccer fields. He added that stormwater management has changed in the last five (5) years and that the Borough wants to see innovative stormwater management used for this
Rogalski then turned to traffic, noting that they met with PennDOT recently and a Traffic Impact Study is in progress. He added that the downtown corridor, specifically Simpson Street, had very little right-of-way to work with and they would need to use alternate traffic plans. He added that the condition of Allendale Road was bad and that the Borough would like to see improvements there. Engineer Rogalski noted that this was an ongoing process.
At this time, Chairman Knarr asked iof there were any comments or questions from members of Borough Council present this evening. Councilman Stoner asked if the developer has been in contact with the Fire Chief regarding turning radii necessary for the fire apparatus. Mr. Henke advised that he has, adding that as part of the street design, they have gotten the data for the fire apparatus and have input it into their software. Councilman Stoner asked if they have considered the dimensions of the apparatus when the outriggers have been extended. Mr. Henke advised that they will consider these items.
Vice Chair LeClear advised that the Commission had extensive conversations with the Fire Chief previously and at that time, they addressed the width of alleys, setting them at twenty feet ( 20’) in width in order to address this
issue and provide for Lliquid Ffuels money.
Chairman Knarr stated that he appreciates the developer working with the Borough through this process. He noted that he hopes they can find a happy medium somewhere between the initial text amendment request and the Innovations & Modifications request.
Chairman Knarr asked if any Planning Commission members had any comment. Ciecierski reminded everyone that he is abstaining as he has a professional conflict of interest on the project.
Ackerman stated that UpperAllenTownship is planning a traffic signal at the intersection of Shepherdstown Road and Market Street. He added that if the developer was planning a signal at the entrance of the development and Market Street, they should coordinate with UpperAllenTownship. Engineer Rogalski agreed and noted that they will need to coordinate with them regarding stormwater management as well.
Ackerman asked if the developer was considering traffic circles. Engineer Rogalski advised that he has not seen any exterior of the development. Ms. Bother advised that they were removed from the design, but that they are not opposed to them.
Seeing no other member comment, Chairman Knarr asked for an update on the open space.
Manager Dennis added that the Borough does need additional recreational space and that they wanted to start a dialogue with the developer on this issue.
Ms. Bothel addressed the member of the Recreation Board, Council members, and Planning Commission
members present. She advised that the site is comprised of two (2) tracts. She added that before they designed the lots, there were a number of constraints that needed to be overcome. Those include water mains, pipeline easements, overhead power lines, and the floodplain located on the site as well as the adjoining electrical substation. She noted that what they are left with is challenging. Bothel noted that it is thertheire intent to move the water mains. Ms. Bothel theinned referred to the handout from this evening and stated that the focus of the recreational plan was not going to be on team activity fields;, it would be more like playgrounds, walking trails, and public gathering places due to these constraints. At this time, Ms. Bothel asked if there were any questions.
Councilman Stoner asked how big the pond was. Mr. Henke advised that it was approximately three(3) acres and was upland, but adjacent to, the floodplain. Councilman Stoner suggested an area for a dog park. Manager Dennis advised that this would be tough to accomplish because of the amount of open space needed for such a park.
Councilman Miller stated that he liked the idea of traffic circles. He added that as for recreational activities, the developer should consider putting in concrete table top tennis tables and an area for Frisbee golf since these would not require large areas.
Ms. Bothel advised that they would put together an amenities guide as part of the development. She added that this will give details as to where the open spaces are and what thertheire uses are.
Baker stated that the EAC has been discussing environmental playgrounds, which use natural resources instead of man-made structures.
DeWire asked if the open space will be open to the entire Borough, or if it would be for the residents of the development. Ms. Bothel stated that some areas would be for use by residents of the development and others for the general public.
Engineer Rogalski stated that the Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance requires either a dedication of land or payment of a fee in lieu of for required recreational space and that this would be a discussion for another day.
Baker advised that the EAC has also been talking about connectivity between the development and the rest of the Borough. Mr. Henke advised that the plan calls for all streets to have sidewalks; however, regarding the northern edge of the site, they want to respect the privacy of the existing residents who abut the tract.
Magaro advised that she would also like to see connectivity with the abutting township. Knarr added that there is an opportunity to connect the Borough with the middle school in UpperAllenTownship byut adding sidewalk along Market Street. LeClear added that sidewalks are also needed along Shepherdstown Road.
Councilman Weber stated that this is an opportunity for an outdoor concert area or amphitheater. He noted that in consideration of parking for events, it would be better served to have something like this near the commercial area. LeClear added that this would help bring customers to the commercial components of the development.
LeClear referred to the Comprehensive Plan and asked the developer if they have considered increasing the vegetative canopy in other ways besides street trees. He noted that there is an existing wooded area near the center of the tract and asked if that would remain. Mr. Henke advised that this was not feasible, but stated that there is a wooded area in the proposed age- restricted area thatwhich would remain. He added that the BMPs require landscaping and plantings. LeClear expressed a concern about how this would be managed in the long term so that the Borough does no’t have to take care of it. Manager Dennis stated that this is another long term item that would need to be worked out. LeClear stated that the new thing is edible landscaping and added that this would be something to consider.
Seeing no more comments, Chairman Knarr thanked Ms. Bothel and Mr. Henke for their time.
- Waiver Request – Daniel P. Kreischer, AIA on behalf of GraceUnitedMethodistChurch – 216 South Market Street.
Dan Kreischer was present to represent this request. Mr. Kreischer advised that they are designing for an accessible entrance and elevator, which would be just under 900 square feet. He noted that they are requesting a waiver of the requirement for the submission of a simple subdivision plan. Mr. Kreischer noted that the addition decreases imperious coverage, while increasing pervious coverage. He stated that the request would allow the church to avoid the expense of the land development process. Mr. Kresicher noted that the project would not eliminate any parking and there would be no public improvements.
Engineer Rogalski stated that given the use of the structure and that there is no perceived impact to the public; he sees no reason to make the Aapplicant go through the land development process.
Manager Dennis agreed with Engineer Rogalski, stating that he believes the waiver should be granted.
Ciecierski agreed with Engineer Rogalski as well, and added that this would make the church ADA compliant.
DeWire asked if the plantings on the plan were proposed or existing. Mr. Kreischer advised that they were proposed.
Chairman Knarr asked if the entrance off Market Street would continue to be two- way. Mr. Kreischer advised that it is meant to be one- way out. Engineer Rogalski advised that it should be required to be one- way out and that they would need to add the required pavement markings and signage.
DeWire asked if they went back to angled parking, how many spaces would be lost. Mr. Kresicher advised that they would lose one (1) space.
Chairman Knarr asked if there was enough room to meet with the minimum drive aisle width requirement. Engineer Rogalski advised that he believes theyat would be able to meet that requirement.
Seeing no further comment, Chairman Knarr asked for a motion.
MBPC Action: Ciecierski made a motion to recommend that Borough Council grant the waiver from Section 22-404 of the Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance requiring the submission of a simple plan under the conditions that the Aapplicant comply with stormwater management, the building code, the Historic District regulations, and Zoning; and that the Aapplicant agree to address the accessesfromon Market and Simpson Streets with the Borough Engineer. Baker seconded the motion, which passed with all in favor.
DeWire stated that motorist should yield to pedestrians in the crosswalks. Knarr added that this includesingatin alleys.
Knarr noted that Codes and Zoning Officer Foster’s last day with the Borough is February 7, 201402-07-14. He thanked Mr. Foster for his service. Mr. Foster thanked the Commission members, noting that he learned a great deal from them. Chairman Knarr asked about hiring a new Codes and Zoning Officer. Manager Dennis advised that he would like to have someone in place in March or April.
With no further business to be discussed, LeClear moved to adjourn the meeting at7:55 p.m. Ciecierski seconded themotion, which passed with all in favor