Psychometrics and Intellectual Assessment

Winter 2007 CPSE 647

Tuesday 12:15 -2:50

Room: 359 MCKB

Instructors: Melissa Allen Heath, Ph.D. E-mail:

Office: 340-K MCKB Office Hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays 3:00-6:00

Office Phone: 422-1235 or 422-3857 Home Phone: 491-8386

Teaching Assistant: Becky Raftery


Contemporary Intellectual Assessment, Second Edition: Theories, Tests, and Issues

Authors: Dawn P. Flanagan (Editor), Patti L. Harrison (Editor)
Publisher: Guilford Press; 2nd edition (2005) ISBN: 1593851251


·  Assessment of Children (Author: Jerome M. Sattler) ISBN # 0961820926

·  School Psychology Review, Volume 26, No. 2, 1997: Issues in the Use and Interpretation of Intelligence Tests in the Schools.

·  Groth-Marnat, G. (2003). Handbook of Psychological Assessment- 4th Edition. New York: John Wiley & Sons.

ISBN # 0471052205

·  Flanagan, D.P. (2004). Essentials of WISC-IV Assessment. New York: John Wiley & Sons.

·  APA Ethical Standards


·  APA standards for testing language minority and culturally different children


·  NASP Website for testing guidelines



·  American Educational Research Association, APA, & NCME (1999). Standards for educational and psychological testing. Washington, DC: Author. [ethics guidelines for assessments & test comparison report]



100 Written Assessment Reports (50 points per report-- 2 reports due during semester.

First report is a “mock report” Instructor provides outline for the report.

120 Protocols (10 graded protocols --12 points per protocol)

2 WISC-IV; 1 WPPSI-III, 2 WJ COG, 1 WAIS-III, 1 Stanford-Binet 5th , 1 UNIT, 1 KAIT, 1 KABC,

Note: Prior to turning in protocols for formal grade, self & peer-review all protocols.

110 Quizzes (10 points per quiz--- 11 quizzes)

Quizes are administered during the first 10 – 15 minutes of class.

50 Critical Test Review

200 2 WISC-IV Videotaped Test Administrations (these 2 testing sessions are the 2 required WISC protocols)

100 points per test administration. Note: Videotaped testing requires a self-review.

70 Midterm Exam

175 Final Exam

175 Final Test Administration-WISC-IV ( this is above and beyond the 2 previous WISC-IV video-tapings)

Turn in the video of the test administration, protocol, and written report

Turn in self and peer-review of the video, protocol, and report.


1000 Total points

4.0 A 940 - 1000 points (94 - 100%)

3.7 A- 900 - 939 points (90 - 93%)

3.4 B+ 870 - 899 points (87 - 89%)

3.0 B 830 - 869 points (83 - 86%)

2.7 B- 800 - 829 points (80 - 82%)

Evaluation of knowledge, skills, and disposition:

Student performance, specifically in the areas of knowledge, skills, and professional disposition, will be assessed during the course. This information will be reviewed during the semester faculty evaluations of student progress. The student will be apprised of their standing midway through the course and after all course assignments are graded. If a student’s performance is unsatisfactory in any of these three major areas (knowledge, skills, and disposition), the professor will set up an interview with the student to discuss a possible remediation plan.

(1) Knowledge base: Students earning a semester total of less than 83% on their summed quiz scores or below 86% on their final exam score will be considered unsatisfactory in their knowledge base. Marginal performance will be designated to students earning 83-86% on their semester’s total quiz scores or 86-89% on their final exam.

(2) In order to assess skills, students will be provided with both peer and professor’s feedback to videotaped test administration, protocols, and report writing. Students will also be self-evaluating their own work, making plans for improvement, and setting goals for improvement.

NOTE: During 2nd year practicum and 3rd year internship, the students’ assessment/intervention skills will continue to be evaluated.

(3) Professional disposition will be assessed in terms of promptness to class; quality of preparation for class (completing readings and contributing to class discussion); sensitivity and responsiveness to ethical and legal matters; sensitivity to multicultural considerations and individual diversity; consistency of attention and interpersonal involvement in class; openness/responsiveness to feedback; cooperation and collaboration in group learning activities; and peer-feedback regarding professional disposition.

Note: Attending class and arriving on time reflects your professional disposition. Those who miss class (2 or more classes) or are consistently late/consistently leaving early (late is defined as arriving 6 or more minutes late – and consistently is defined as 3 or more times during the semester) will receive a negative review during semester student evaluations. Behaviors considered to be unprofessional include responding to or making cell phone calls –except for emergency calls, reading the newspaper, sleeping, and completing other tasks not related to CPSE 647. If you must miss class or a substantial portion of class, you will turn in a 5-page minimum reflection paper on the readings for that day at or before the next class period. If you miss class, it is your responsibility to obtain class lecture notes and assignments from classmates. Each student is required to keep track of their class attendance and tardies on the class point sheet (attached to the syllabus).

Feedback to students:

Students will be apprised of their progress throughout the semester (grades on quizzes, feedback on videotaped assessments, feedback on peer-reviewed work, etc.) and will receive formal written feedback from the professor midway through the course and upon completing course assignments/requirements. Regarding their performance in CPSE 647, students will receive a written summary of information to be shared in faculty meeting at the end of the semester.

POLICY: Late work turned in after the due date will receive a maximum of 70% of the possible points for the assignment. However, in situations involving a personal emergency, circumstances will be considered and appropriate accommodations made.

NOTE: Because of the critical importance of the knowledge and skills associated with intellectual assessment and the responsibility associated with outcomes based on data-based decision making, students earning a grade below a “B” (829 points and below) will be required to retake the course.

Summary of Information Regarding Student Semester Evaluations:

Students earning a grade below 83% on the final and/or midterm or for the entire course (total points) will receive an “unsatisfactory” rating for the semester student evaluation of “knowledge.” Students receiving a grade of 83% to 86% on the final, midterm, or course grade (total points) will receive a “marginal” rating in the area of “knowledge.”

Students arriving late to class (6 or more minutes late for three or more class periods) will receive a marginal rating on their faculty evaluation in the area of disposition.

Students earning a score below 83% on the test administrations will receive an “unsatisfactory” rating for the semester student evaluation in the area of “skills.” Students earning a grade of 83% to 86% on the test administrations will receive a “marginal” rating in the area of “skills

Prerequisite Courses and Remediation Plans:

A class in undergraduate statistics is a prerequisite for this course. Students with a limited background in statistics may be required to take an undergraduate statistics course prior to enrolling in this course.

Poorly written reports, graded at or below 86%, will need to be re-written using the feedback from the professor. Students demonstrating limited proficiency in writing skills will be required to successfully complete a remedial writing class prior to internship. This recommendation will be reviewed by at least two core faculty members, including the program coordinator.

Respecting individual and group differences is not only a professional issue it is a basic tenet of Brigham Young University’s honor code. Disrespect or discrimination will not be tolerated.

Preventing Sexual Harassment

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 prohibits sex discrimination against any participant in an educational program or activity receiving federal funds. The act is intended to eliminate sex discrimination in education. Title IX covers discrimination in programs, admissions, activities, and student-to-student sexual harassment. BYU's policy against sexual harassment extends not only to employees of the university but to students as well. If you encounter unlawful sexual harassment or gender based discrimination, please talk to your professor; contact the Equal Employment Office at 378-5895 or 367-5689 (24-hours); or contact the Honor Code Office at 378-2847.

Students With Disabilities

Brigham Young University is committed to providing a working and learning atmosphere that reasonably accommodates qualified persons with disabilities. If you have any disability, which may impair your ability to complete this course successfully, please contact the Services for Students with Disabilities Office (378-2767). Reasonable academic accommodations are reviewed for all students who have qualified documented disabilities. Services are coordinated with the student and instructor by the SSD Office. If you need assistance or if you feel you have been unlawfully discriminated against on the basis of disability, you may seek resolution through established grievance policy and procedures. You should contact the Equal Employment Office at 378-5859, D-282 ASB.


CPSE 647 Winter 2007


Assignments & Quiz Topics


Quizzes are administered during the first 10-15 minutes of class (12:15-12:30). The class lecture starts promptly at 12:30.

The QUIZES cover the assigned readings, topics, or vocabulary terms (listed in the syllabus) or may review previous lectures/reading assignments.

(2) VIDEOTAPING & PROTOCOLS: When are you responsible for self-review and peer review?

You will videotape and self-review your own work. Your testing partner (partners are rotated throughout the semester) will peer-review your protocols. However, for the final videotaping, you will self-review all of your work and your testing partner will peer-review all of your work (this includes videotape, report, and protocol).


All students are responsible for reading the testing manuals.


January 9

History of Intelligence Testing: Key Names and Dates

Overview of Course Syllabus

Pre-Test: vocabulary terms and concepts


January 16

Critical Review of WISC-IV:______

WISC-IV Scoring and administration of subtests

Essentials of WISC-IV Assessment, Chapters 1-2

Handbook of Psychological Assessment, pgs 37-68; 682-689

Ø  TOPIC: ETHICS and Issues related to assessment: APA & NASP guidelines

Ø  Weblinks of Understanding historical aspects, common folklore, and practical aspects of IQ testing

v  Prior to January 23, Read WISC manual practice WISC testing (full battery) with testing partner

Each person should take turns being the examiner and the examinee.


January 23

Theoretical Underpinnings of Intellectual Assessment

Essentials of WISC-IV Assessment, Chapters 3-4

Handbook of Psychological Assessment- 4th Edition: pgs 129-195

Report writing: Handbook of Psychological Assessment- 4th edition: pgs 621-671.

Ø  Case study & Mock Report writing in class (#1 REPORT will be completed in class)

#1 PROTOCOL DUE: WISC-IV PROTOCOL Score ahead of time and review in class. Peer review the protocol in class.

#1 VIDEO WISC-IV —self-reviewed

January 30

Assessing adults with learning disabilities in an university setting: Guest lecturer: Dr. Ed Martinelli

Review information in Handbook of Psychological Assessment- 4th Edition: pgs 129-195.

Assessment Interview, Handbook of Psychological Assessment- 4th Edition: pgs 69-101.

Ø  Out of class assignment: Write a 1 page summary of key points to effective interviewing & gathering background information on student

February 6

Essentials of WISC-IV Assessment, Chapters 5-6

In class: case study and mock report writing (re-write of REPORT #1 to be completed in class)


Handbook of Psychological Assessment- 4th edition: pgs. 197- 212.

Critical Review of WMS-III:______

Critical Review of WPPSI-III:______

#2 PROTOCOL DUE: WISC-IV PROTOCOL (peer review of protocol0

#2 VIDEO: WISC-IV (self review of video)

In class activity: WPPSI administration (divide into teams)

February 13

Protocol #3: TURN IN COMPLETED WPPSI Protocol


Critical Review of WJ-COG: ______

Critical Review of WJ-ACH:______

Class Discussion: Differing definitions of “Learning Disability” review handouts on identification of learning disability, and specific interventions. Discuss the comparison of IQ standard scores with achievement standard scores. Discuss new force: Response to Intervention (RTI).

TOPIC: The Functional Utility of Intelligence Tests with Special Education Populations


Check out WJ-COG and WJ-ACH kits and protocols during week (share a kit with a partner). Bring kits to class on Feb 27. Read and review test manuals and protocols prior to class.

February 27

Guest Lecturer: Michael Herbert


DUE: # 4 PROTOCOL-WJ-COG ( 7 core subtests only---SELF & PEER REVIEW)

March 6

Guest Lecturer: Michael Herbert

Essentials of WJ-III ACH, Chapters 5-7


March 13

Stanford-Binet-5 Critical Review of Stanford-Binet, 5th ed:______

WIAT Critical Review of WIAT: ______

WAIS-III Critical Review of WAIS-III: ______

TOPIC: Assessing older students and adults: WAIS-III

REVIEW WAIS kits in class- begin to administer to partner in class and complete protocol #6 by next week.

March 20

Mid-term Examination


March 27 NASP ---class is cancelled


April 3


# 7 PROTOCOL Stanford-Binet-5 all subtests (SELF PEER REVIEW)

#2 REPORT due BASED ON #7 protocol (self & peer review)

LEITER-R : Critical Review of LEITER-R: ______

UNIT Critical Review of UNIT: ______

TOPIC: Special considerations in assessment issues, nonverbal tests and testing students of diverse background. VIDEO: Portraits of the children: Culturally competent assessment (NASP, 2003)


Chapter 26, Contemporary Intellectual Assessment, pgs 517-531. (chapter will be provided)


Chapter 25 -Contemporary Intellectual Assessment, pgs. 503-513. (chapter will be provided).

In class—start administering Protocol #8--UNIT


April 17


KAIT Critical Review of KAIT: ______

KABC Critical Review of K-ABC:______