The role of the Club Treasurer
The treasurer is ultimately responsible for insuring that the finances of the club are organised and managed effectively through a specific and separate club bank account.
Responsible to:Club Chairman Responsible for: (as appropriate)
Main Duties
/ Skills Required•Managing all income and expenditure, including banking arrangements
•Managing legal requirements such as taxation and charitable status
•Reports regularly to the committee/chairperson on the club’s financial status
•Prepares /presents audited financial year end report to AGM
•Financial planning, budgeting and monitoring throughout the year / •Good accountancy knowledge
•Great organisation skills
•Good administrative/IT skills
•Communication skills
•Attention to detail
•Ability to handle money and cheques carefully
•Confidence with numbers
Whether working alone, or with the assistance of others, the Club Treasurer is ultimately responsible for:
- Managing the finances of the Club
- Receiving and receipting all monies due to the Club
- Keeping clear, accurate, and up-to-date records of all Club financial transactions
- Ensuring that all accounts and bills are paid and receipted, and all cash and cheques are paid into the bank or building society promptly
- Being aware of the cash position, and of any outstanding debts, and be able to produce figures illustrating this position when requested to do so by the Executive Committee
- Preparing the annual accounts for audit, and subsequent presentation to the Club in the annual general meeting
- Consistent financial planning, including producing an annual budget, and monitoring it throughout the year
- Arrange relevant affiliations and insurances
- Helping to prepare and submit any statutory documents that may be required (e.g. VAT returns, tax returns, grant aid reports)
- Maintain a close liaison with Branch and RLSS UK Officers engaged in financial matters of any nature, providing them with assistance and co-operation and financial backing to ensure the correct functioning of their respective offices
- Ensuring that all the Club Executive Committee members are made aware of necessary financial information and that this is presented in a comprehensible way
- Ensuring that all sums in Deposit Accounts of Building Societies have a specific designated purpose minuted in Club Minutes
- Ensuring that Club money is spent for the purpose for which it was raised
- Advising the Club Executive on all financial matters
- Ensuring two or more cheque signatories are appointed by the Club Executive
- Seeking professional help if difficulties arise
The Club Treasurer will need to be:
- Numerate and accurate
- Enthusiastic
- Well organised
- Prepared to make a regular time commitment
- Able to keep records
- Careful when handling money and cheques
- Scrupulously honest
- Able to answer questions in meetings
- Confident about handling figures
- Prepared to take instant decisions when appropriate and necessary