TO: Sue Gorcowski, Susan McMeen, Lori Millen, Glaceria Mason, Lucia Sanchez

FROM: Tombras

DATE: February 28, 2014

SUBJECT: Texting Campaign Social Media Strategy

NHTSA Texting and Driving Social Media Strategy

"If you're texting, you're not driving."


Raise public awareness of the consequences of texting and driving and activate the target audience with U Drive. U Text. U Pay. messaging through NHTSA social media channels, state DOT participation and media partners.


To ensure the team is on the same page, we will compose a calendar of social posts to organize and distribute content being shared throughout the campaign. This will include instructions for Tweet Up Day and campaign participation, along with specific posts and tweets that can be tailored to each State DOT audience. All messaging will be tied together with the use of the campaign hashtag, #JustDrive.

Stock Content Categories

· Tweet Up Day

· Videos on NHTSA YouTube

· YouTube Star Videos

· Infographics/

· Buzzfeed Posts

· Vines

Flow Content

· Share news regarding texting and driving injuries, crashes or arrests happening nationwide

· Respond to direct mentions

· Interact with people using #JustDrive

· Use relevant real-time events as conversation starters

Paid Media:

Social media advertising will be used to amplify the reach of content shared on each platform. Facebook promoted posts will be targeted to mobile devices, interests and specific pages to reach the target demo. Promoted tweets will target specific keywords in timelines, mobile devices, interests and specific handles that reflect users in the target demo.

Spend: TBD

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Example Post and Tweet



Five seconds is the average time your eyes are off the road while texting. When traveling at 55mph, that's enough time to cover the length of a football field. (2009, VTTI) #JustDrive


If you’re driving 55mph & you take 5 seconds to check a text, you just drove the length of a football field blindfolded. #JustDrive