St. Augustine S.S.
Pastoral Plan
“Ever Ancient-
Ever New”
Prayer of St. Augustine to the Holy Spirit
Breathe into me, Holy Spirit,
that my thoughts may all be holy.
Act in me, Holy Spirit,
that I may love only what is holy.
Attract my heart, Holy Spirit,
that I may love only what is holy.
Strengthen me, Holy Spirit,
that I may defend all that is holy.
Protect me, Holy Spirit,
that I may always be holy.
St. Augustine, Pray for Us.
Mission Statement
We, the St. Augustine community, are challenged to respect all people and to work towards the improvement and perfection of the world in which we live. St. Augustine clearly understood that our earthly journey offered only fleeting glimpses of the Divine Presence in our life. “O God, our hearts are restless until they rest in thee.”
St. Augustine Catholic Secondary School is a community:
That encourages students and staff to respect and value our diversity.
That promotes students and staff to live life as Jesus himself did.
That stresses the integration of the spiritual, emotional, intellectual, physical and moral development of the total person.
Where we all work together to create a peaceful learning environment.
The Life of St. Augustine
St. Augustine of Hippo, the patron saint of our school, was a Bishop in North Africa whose life was a great story of conversion. He studied and became a great teacher. He lived a very social life that did not include morals and values in keeping with the church. But through the grace and forgiveness of God he returned to a life of faith and became a priest and eventually a bishop. He is the Ultimate Prodigal Son. Augustine was made a Doctor of the Church and many of his original writings are still in existence today.
Focus for the 2017-2018 School Year
Renewing the Promise is the theme for Catholic Education Week this year and our theme as a school. We will examine Catholic Education in Ontario and look at the virtues of having this system and what it means to our students.
The 5 sub themes for the week are:
Remembering the Promise
The Promise is Within You
Praying the Promise
Living the Promise
Proclaiming the Promise
A number of activities to highlight these themes will be planned for the week.
Board Improvement Plan
The board improvement plan has a focus on Scripture, Sacrament and Social Justice over the 3 year cycle. Every effort will be made to ensure that students are exposed to these areas. Each day scripture is included as part of Morning Prayer and reflection. Department heads have discussed with teachers and developed a plan on how to include scripture across the curriculum. Sacraments are highlighted in Morning Prayer and reflection and celebrated at the mass and during liturgical seasons as appropriate. Social justice is front and centre to all we do here at St. Augustine through Chaplaincy and many of the Extra-Curricular groups.
School liturgies and regular pastoral visits.
School liturgies and masses will take place by grade level in the cafeteria.
October 6- Staff Liturgy of the Word, PA Day
October 16- Opening Mass for the school Period 1 Mass schedule in the Cafe
November 10- Remembrance Day Ceremony Period 1&2 in the cafeteria taken care of by the Social Science department.
November 17- PA Day staff liturgy and Renewing the Promise Activity
December 1, 8, 15, 22- Morning Advent Prayer in the Chapel
December7–Advent Liturgies by grade level in the cafeteria
February 1- Staff Liturgy of the Word, community building activity PA Day
February 14-Ash Wednesday Liturgy of the Word and distribution of ashes Period 1& 2 in the Cafeteria
March 29– Grade 9, 10, 11, 12 Holy Week Liturgy in the Cafeteria
May 7- Easter/Education Week Mass for the school community Period 1 Mass schedule in the Gym
June27– Graduation Mass
June 39- Staff Liturgy, Faith Formation PA Day
The Plan: We will ask a priest to celebrate community masses in the cafeteria. Some Liturgies will be student and Chaplaincy Leader led.
Sacramental Preparation and Celebrations
It is our hope that the Sacrament of Reconciliation will take place during the year.We would like this during Advent or Lent
The Plan: Preparation for the Sacrament of Reconciliation will be done by the Chaplain over the P.A.and in the form of a handout. It will take the form of an examination of conscience. Reconciliation will take place for any student who wishes to receive the sacrament. The Sacrament will be heard in the chapel during the day.
Prayer is said each morning on the PA after the playing of the national anthem. The prayer takes on different themes and focuses.
Virtues- Once a week the virtue of the month will be the focus for the prayer.
St. Augustine- Each Friday we will focus on giving a brief history of St. Augustine’s life and pray St. Augustine’s Prayer to the Holy Spirit.
Pop Culture- On a regular basis prayer and reflection will focus on an item from popular culture with the intent of raising student awareness around the good and bad associated with this trend.
World Issues- As events occur in the world we will take time to reflect on them, pray for those involved and become involved in any way we can.
Liturgical Seasons- Prayers will be used which reflect liturgical seasons
Saints and Feast Days- Prayers will reflect important days in the life of the church
School Events- Special prayers will be used during exam times, before holidays, in the event of a crisis
Feast Days In Other World Religions- We will reflect on the various festivals of other world religions and a student from that faith will help write and deliver these reflections when possible. We will end with a Christian prayer that calls us to celebrate with and respect the traditions of other religions.
Scripture- On a regular basis scripture will be used as the foundation of the daily prayer. The intent is to explain scripture to keep it “Ever New.”
Renewing the Promise- As we have adopted this theme for the year we will focus on coming to a greater understanding of Faithand use a number of prayers focusing on this promise during our morning reflections
Prayers will begin each staff and department head meeting. Student assemblies will all begin with a prayer that reflects the intent of the gathering.
The Plan:It is the intent that prayer be used to begin every class and meeting in our school. To this end sacred space should be apparent in every classroom in the school. Each teacher has been given green, white and purple cloths for a prayer table and religious articles which reflect the liturgical season or the virtue of the month. The classes have also been given a book of prayers on which to draw. As well prayers will be given to teachers each week that reflect the liturgical season or a Feast Day or event. This could be student led.
Religion and religious teaching moments should not be considered subject specific but should be an integral part of all curriculum taught in the school. Catholic teachings, values and virtues education should be infused into all subject areas. As virtues education is the Catholic Schools answer to Character Education it is essential that it is taught in a deliberate way in all departments. The core virtues include; faith, empathy, conscience, hope, self-control, respect, kindness, love, acceptance, and fairness.
Academic Resource- Learning Strategies- GLE
The Academic Resource Department strives to imbue the Virtues into our curriculum. In Grade 9 and 10 we emphasize the virtues tying them to daily lessons. In Grade 11, the curriculum allows the teacher to incorporate the idea of the body being the temple of the Holy Spirit. The teacher emphasizes the need for respect of the body and the gifts it brings. Grade 12 students prepare for the world of work. The emphasis is on how to incorporate catholicity in the workplace, as well as be a more respectful member of society. Values and Virtues in the curriculum help the student deal with real life situations in a more Christ like manner.
Fortunately, the curriculum and texts available to students of English lend themselves perfectly to the promotion of the Catholic School’s virtues. As we study literature, including archetypal stories from their earliest source, the bible, teachers continually emphasize empathy, respect, acceptance, self-control, love kindness and all of the virtues we promote. Teachers will focus studies on how characters’ failure to control themselves creates the conflicts that they face; conflict is a central literary technique that is a part of every work of literature we study. Thus, the characters face conflict due to an absences of many of the virtues we promote, and this allows for instruction on how employing these virtues can enhance the quality of life for the characters, and the students themselves.
The Ontario science curriculum lays out many accepted science practices, career paths, scientific laws, principles and theories. This is to ensure a good grounding in the fundamentals of the many branches of science. However, if one looks beyond the matrix of the physical world we cannot help but to be in awe of God’s creation and to rejoice in our own understanding of it. We then have an appreciation for the complexities of God’s handiwork as we approach the limits of human understanding. By approaching science in this way we are able to celebrate the virtues of faith, hope, acceptance and conscience without eliminating God from the equation.
“For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—God’s eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.” Romans 1:20.
In the math department the virtues will be practiced in terms of developing a rapport between staff and students which models and reflects these virtues. Specifically the virtues of acceptance, fairness, empathy, respect and conscience will be highlighted. These virtues are reflected in good academic practices as well as in Christian relationship.
The use of Prayer at the beginning of each class is the starting point for a discussion of the virtues it is said in French, Spanish or Portuguese. The discussion takes place in both English and the classroom language.The video “12 regards sur la racism au quotidian” (12 looks at daily racism) is also a starting point for discussions on values and virtues. While watching the 12 shorts on racism the students are challenged to look at their lives and what discrimination they encounter or what preconceived notions they have about others. The discussion inevitably leads to a discussion of one of the virtues.
The above examples are planned and have specific outcomes. Other opportunities arise throughout the course to discuss the virtues and are dealt with by the teacher.
Technological education is our students’ opportunity to shine and share their God given gifts and talents. Recognizing all students are divine beings created in the image and likeness of God. Skills they build today through technology are skills they can share with the world. St. Augustine Technology Education teachers are committed to implementing the Catholic Connections lesson plans into their curriculum and being faith role models for their students, leading by example each day.
Social Sciences and Business
Primarily, the virtues will be displayed through the Christian attitude of teachers towards students, where the teachers will model the virtues in everyday life. Further, teachers will infuse the virtues into curriculum content in all courses. For example, the Social Sciences will teach empathy and justice/fairness through the struggles of the people throughout History; respect/gentleness and temperance/self-control through the study of Civics and Geography and their stewardship implications; patience/acceptance and love/kindness through the study of Humanities such as parenting and Human Growth and Development.
From a Business perspective, all courses will integrate the importance of respect, kindness, fairness and honesty to name a few, into everyday business practices. This will lead to students utilizing and demonstrating their individual gifts and talents in a holy way, contributing positively to the common good with a clear conscience, and thereby becoming productive members of society. For example, students will learn to conduct themselves as useful and valuable young workers who display ethical and moral standards, and who act in a socially responsible manner.Finally, all subjects will cover all the virtues, but equally important is the joy of a job well done when one’s conscience is clear and this work is done for the glory of God.
In Guidance is responsible for the following courses; Careers, Design your Future and Leadership. Virtues Education inherently flows through all three courses. Respect is our foundation with fairness, conscience and kindness the pillars of our delivery. In our Guidance Offices, we do our utmost to display love, respect and kindness with all of our students, parents and teachers. As counselors, it is our job to be invitational,accommodating and fair. Virtues Education has long existed in the Guidance Offices at St. Augustine.
Our entire curriculum challenges our students to not only have a working knowledge of the virtues, but be witnesses to catholic social teaching and faith traditions. Through careful study of the Beatitudes, Gospel Narratives, the life and examples of Jesus, Ecumenism, Catholic moral principles, and Church tradition, the religion department offers students constant exposure to how one may implement the Virtues into their daily lives. Through prayer, liturgy, catechesis, retreats and faith formation, the religion department strives to constantly ensure that Gospel values and virtues are central to St. Augustine’s curriculum.
Physical Education
In Physical Education, we stress the virtue of respect which includes respect for our physical, emotional and spiritual well being. Through the acceptance of abilities, cooperation and participation are the main focus, whereas competitiveness is deemphasized. With the virtue of Fairness in mind, we look at sportsmanship and level playing field as a key component.
Special catechetical moments take place during the liturgical seasons of Lent and Advent but are also present in October and May with the praying of the Rosary and the teachings of the Catholic Church around Mary. Three teachers will be responsible for leading the Rosary in the chapel A, B and C lunches during these months. Staff and students are invited to come on their lunches and teachers are invited to sign up their classes to attend.
Stations of the Cross will be presented and prayed in the chapel throughout Lent with classes being able to sign up to visit. This is open to all disciplines at any time.
The Plan: Our plan is to involve as many classes as possible in these prayer and catechetical opportunities by presenting what we will do at department head and staff meetings.
Retreats and Faith Opportunities
Grade 9 Student Retreats- St. Jerome Parish, Facilitated by Heather and Joe Jacobs.
Heather and Joe work on building community within the class. They put an emphasis on developing a relationship with Jesus and turning to him when things are going well and when they are not going so well.
Grade 9 retreats are being offered through home rooms and they are being done in September. The purpose of doing them early in the school year is to help the students with a better transition into high school.
Grade 10 Student Retreats- The Knight’s Table, Facilitated by volunteers gives an overview of the purpose of the Knight’s Table and discuss the 2 programs they run (soup kitchen and food bank). They make the students more aware of the issues of homelessness and poverty while allowing them the chance to serve the clients of the Knight’s Table. They engage in discussions around social justice and charitable giving.
Grade 10 retreats are offered through Religion classes and are running throughout both semesters.
Grade 11 Student Retreats-Caring for Creation retreat at Camp Brebuef. Two or three classes attend at a time. It is outdoor education focused. Depending on the weather the students will do a creation walk consisting of 7 stations each based on one of the 7 creation days. They then do team/community building low ropes activities followed by snowshoeing or skiing or broomball. If the weather is really inclement they will work on a social justice/catholic social teaching activity based on the chocolate industry.
Grade 11 retreats are offered through Religion classes and are running throughout both semesters.
Grade 12 Student Retreats-Gospel Peace Making is the theme of the grade 12 retreat and two or three classes attend at once. The students work on activities that promote peace making and that foster a culture of non-violence. They complete an activity that introduces them more completely to the story of Canada’s Aboriginal People and their struggles with land treaties and residential schools.