Descriptor Term:

The Rogers School District will accept nonresident studentsin kindergarten through 12th grade who request to transfer into the district as required by the Public School Choice Act and the applicable rules and guidelines for School Choice issued by the Arkansas Department of Education, unless the addition of such students creates the need for additional staff, services or facilities.

  1. Application Process:

The student’s parent or guardian must submit an Arkansas Department of Education-approved application to the superintendent of the Rogers School District postmarked no later than May 1to ensure consideration for fall enrollment.The Rogers School District will notify the resident district of the application.Thedistrict’sdecision regarding public school choice transfers may be appealed to the State Board of Education. The administration reserves the right to place the transfer student in any appropriate school.

  1. The superintendent may approve transfers as required by law, on a case-by-case basis, when space in the grade or program allows. Nothing in this policy shall require the district to add any personnel or facilities or to exceed in any way the requirements and standards established by Arkansas law or regulation.Although generally the date and time of application will be noted when considering approval, priority will be given to an applicant who has a sibling or stepsibling who resides in the same household and is already enrolled in the Rogers School District through a school choice transfer. A present or future sibling of a school choice transfer student may apply for a school choice transfer andenroll in the Rogers School District, if the district has the capacity to accept the sibling without adding teachers, staff or classrooms or exceeding the regulations and standards established by law.
  1. By July 1, the superintendent will notify the parent and resident district in writing whether the student’s application has been accepted or rejected for fall enrollment. If rejected, the letter will state the reason for the rejection. If accepted, the letter will state the deadline for enrollment, which if missed will nullify the acceptance. A school choice transfer student may complete all remaining school years in the Rogers School District.

State law sets the maximum limit for school choice transfers out of a resident district. If a student is unable to transfer due to that limit, the resident district will give the student priority for a transfer in the first year possible under the applicable state rules and guidelines.

  1. Parents or guardians of students who are admitted under school choice will be responsible for transporting transfer students to and from school.

Approved 5/19/08

Revised 4/17/12, 5/21/13, 4/21/15

Rogers School District No. 30