The River Mile

Human Activities Record Sheet

Surveyor:School: Group #:

Site ID:



Debris Record (please record where items were found in your journal and then pick them up, photo documentation is appropriate). Keep count of your items using tick marks and enter the item total in the box.

Shoreline and Recreational Activities

Bags (paper or plastic) / Cups, plates, forks, knives, spoons
Balloons / Food wrappers/containers
Beverage bottles (plastic) 2 liters or less / Pull tabs
Beverage bottles (glass) / 6-pack holders
Beverage Cans / Shotgun shells/wadding
Caps, lids / Straws, stirrers
Clothing, shoes / Toys

Waterway Activities

Bait containers / Fishing nets
Bleach/cleaner bottles / Light bulbs/tubes
Buoys/floats / Oil/lube bottles
Fish traps / Pallets
Crates / Plastic Sheeting/tarps
Fishing Line / Rope
Fishing lures/light sticks / Strapping bands

Smoking Related ActivitiesDumping Activities

Cigarettes/filters / Appliances (refrigerators, washers, etc.
Cigarette lighters / Batteries
Cigar tips / Building Materials
Tobacco packaging/wrappers / Cars/car parts
55-gal drums

Other Debris/items of local conernMedical/Personal Hygiene

Discarded food / Diapers
Firework debris / Other
Drug paraphernalia
Misc. Items

List all entangled animals. Tell us what they were entangled in (fishing line, rope, net, etc.). Check if they were found dead or alive.

Type of Animal / Entangled In / Dead / Alive

What was the most peculiar Item you found?



A field data form is used to document all information collected during water-quality monitoring. All notations are made in either pencil or waterproof pen. Fill in all blanks provided that pertains to the data that you will be collecting. Indicate with a “–“if the data are not available or not applicable but do not leave the entry blank. Blank entry lines leave the QA/QC checker to wonder if the data were forgotten or not available. The following information is to be completed on all field data forms:

• Name- Full name and location of waterbody being monitored.

• Station- Numbered location of sample site. For lakes, this will be the 4 digit MIDAS number unique to each lake.

• Surveyor- Name of person doing the observations.

• Date and Time- Sample date and time you arrived at sample site.

• Sun- Choose and circle the selection that best describes current conditions.

• Cloud Cover- Estimate amount of sky obscured by clouds.

Wind Velocity and Direction- Determine wind direction and record the appropriate code using the diagram on the left side of the data sheet. Determine wind velocity using a hand-held anemometer or use tree movement/wave height as a guide. Record a single value (for example 7 mph, NOT 5-8 mph) in the space provided.

• Air Temperature- See Section 2.2.3 Air temperature

Surface-water Temperature- Place the metal part of the digital thermometer in the water (do not submerge completely) and record the value in degrees celcius after display stabilizes.

Photo Documentation- If a picture was taken, note picture number. See section 2.2.2 Photo Documentation.

• Comments- Any additional information pertaining to the sampling session, such as water clarity, amount of emergent/floating vegetation, unusual occurrences, or equipment problems.