The Ritter Family of Moore County, NC – Miscellaneous Records
Jesse Ritter, Sr. was the progenitor of the Moore County, NC Ritter family and is the earliest known ancestor to many of the Ritters throughout the south. Jesse Ritter, Sr. was born around 1735 and he can be found in numerous court records in Cumberland/Moore County, NC beginning in 1769 up until his estate was settled in c1810.
Recent discoveries from Linda Ritter of Louisiana detail the Ritter family history through personal letters as well as an oral family history written in 1910 by Murry Connie Ritter as told by his father William Young Ritter who passed the oral history down from his grandfather, Everett Ritter, Sr. The oral history and letters richly detail the beginning of the Ritter family in America through the migration of John Heinrich Ritter and two brothers from Germany to Pennsylvania in the late 1600’s.
John Heinrich Ritter [d. 1739] and his wife Elisabeth settled in Pennsylvania where they are believed to have lived the rest of their lives. Several children continued the migration and moved south by 1732. John Heinrich “Henry” Ritter Jr. settled in Virginia and brothers Christian and Frederick migrated to the Carolina Colony near present day Salisbury, NC. Several daughters were born to Henry and Elisabeth including Margaretha, Maria, Elisabeth and Hannah.
In 1734, Henry Ritter married Sarah MNU in Virginia. His parents disapproved as she was not German. Jesse Ritter Sr. was born to them in 1735 and Sarah died during childbirth or shortly thereafter. After Sarah’s death, Henry Ritter relocated to Salisbury, NC near his brother and remarried a cousin of his mother, Augusta “Gussie” Hobson Holt in 1736. She was also recently widowed. Henry and Gussie had several children but only John Ritter was named. According to the oral history, Jesse Ritter and his half-brother John left the Salisbury, NC area and settled in Moore County, NC near their uncle Moses Ritter. Jesse reportedly married Susannah/Hanna/Anna Wallace and had Everett, John, Hannah, August [died young], Thomas, Cloey, Elizabeth, James [never married], Jesse, Nancy and Susan. Jesse’s wife Susannah apparently left him and he remarried Charlotte and had Hannah and Daniel. Susannah returned and “ran off” Charlotte and the kids and they left for South Carolina. After Jesse Ritter died, his oldest son Everett migrated to Tennessee, Alabama and Mississippi. These letters as well as other heirlooms went with Everett and were passed down through multiple generations.
Jesse originally owned land one mile north of Bensalem Church off of Alton Road. He sold this land to Nathan Smith in 1774 and moved east near Buffalo Creek eventually settling off of Richland Creek. A majority of the land he owned was located in the area around Calvary Baptist Church continuing south towards Bethlehem Baptist Church. He also owned land over in Montgomery County, NC during the early 1780’s. It is unknown whether he actually resided in Montgomery County at the time or was merely speculating land. In early Moore County, NC records, Jesse Ritter was often found with the Smith, Newton, Cagle, and Maness families. His children married into the Richardson, Seawell/Sowell, Bean, Smith and Muse families that were neighbors in and around his property on Richland Creek. Sons Everett [c1760-aft 1850] and Jesse, Jr. [1770/1780 – 1838] migrated to west to TN, AL, MS, and MO, AR respectively and many descendants throughout the south can trace their lineage back to one of these men.
Several male Ritters descending from Jesse Ritter very close match the Y-DNA ofmale Wallace descendants of Everet Wallace [c1770-c1845]. There is no known direct relationship between Everet Wallace and Jesse Ritter but the DNA results clearly show a close one. It is very likely that either Everet Wallace's father or grandfather was a Ritter or that Jesse Ritter, Sr.'s father or grandfather was a Wallace. The new information suggesting that Jesse Ritter’s wife was Susannah Wallace further complicates the puzzle. An interesting piece of circumstantial evidence is that Jesse Ritter, Sr. had a son named Everett Ritter [c1760-aft1850] and that the names Everet and Isham are found consistently through the generations of both families. DNA from Jesse Ritter's descendants also is a relative match to a descendant of James Ritter [~1764-1816] of Surry County, NC. It is a believed that James was the son of Moses Ritter and Hannah Bradbury/Bradberry of Wayne County, NC/New Hanover County, NC.
There are several references to a Jesse Ritter and other Ritters in Dobbs County, NC and Eastern NC colonial records. Dobbs County was carved from Johnston County and was later split into Lenoir, Wayne, and Greene counties and the actual deeds were lost in a Lenoir County courthouse fire. It is very likely that these Ritters are related to the Moore County, NC family and these references may very well be of Jesse Ritter, Sr. prior to his migration to Moore County, NC. Combing the records with the oral history could possibly indicate that Jesse and half-brother John migrated first to Dobbs County, NC and then to Moore County, NC at a later date.
Early Ritter References from Eastern North Carolina
1735, May 19 -- North Carolina Colonial Records Volume 4 Page 52
Jno. Retter received a warrant for 100 acres in Bladen County in the Minutes of the North Carolina Governor's Council
1753, Apr 12 -- Land Grant #116 & 1112, Johnston County, NC
Moses Retter received a 165 acre Land Grant located East of Little River and on both sides of Buck Branch.
1754, Nov 25 -- North Carolina Colonial Records Volume 22 Page 360
Thos. Ritter and Jesse Ritter are listed on Muster Rollof Captain Charles King of the Chowan County Militia
1759, Sep 1 -- Land Grant #482 & 1037, Johnston County, NC
Moses Rutter received a 92 acre Land Grant located North of Little River on the Head of Buck Swamp including the Goose Pond adjoining his former line.
1762, Nov 15 -- Land Grant #85 & 249, Dobbs County, NC
William Grant received a 140 acre Land Grant located on Buck Swamp and the Mouth of Clayey Branch adjoining his own line and Moses Ruter.
1763, Mar 17 – Land Grant #295, Dobbs County, NC
Moses Ritter received a 100 acre Land Grant located on Buck Swamp and the Mouth of Clayey Branch adjoining his own line and William Grant. John Regestor and Arthur Peacock were chain carriers.
1764, May 10 -- Land Grant #527, Dobbs County, NC
James Bradbury received a 300 acre Land Grant located East of Little River near the Goose Pond adjoining John Esterling, Henry Esterling and Moses Retter. Moses Retterand Absolem Sentos were chain carriers.
1765, Apr-Apr 1769 -- Deed Book 7, Dobbs County, NC
Page 111 - Moses Ritter to Thomas Price/Rice
Page 138 - Jesse Ritter to Drury Alldridge
1765, Sep 21 -- Land Grant #575, Dobbs County, NC
James Bradbury received a 640 acre Land Grant located on Lower side of Little River on Buck Marsh and Breezy Branch adjoining his own line, and William Hooker. Moses Ratterand George Bradbury were chain carriers.
1767, Aug 10 – Land Grant #920, Dobbs County, NC
Moses Ritter received a 100 acre Land Grant located between Mirtle Branch and Buck Branch adjoining James Bradberry, Henerey Easterling and near Retter’s own line. Wm. Waller and Isam Ellis were chain carriers.
1767, Aug11 -- Land Grant # 919, Dobbs County, NC
David Shurley received a 150 acre Land Grant located North of the Nuce [Neuse] River, East of lower Falling Creek and West of Clarks Bank adjoining Jesse Retter, Stanley, and Shurley’s own line [formerly Clarks].
1769, Dec 16 -- Land Grant #669, Dobbs County, NC
William Worrel received a 375 acre Land Grant located South of Nauhunty Swamp and South of Slugh Swamp adjoining Moses Retter, Elliot and Widow Speir.
1771, Nov 28 -- North Carolina Colonial Records Volume 22 Page 414
Moses Ritter listed on Account of Sundry Firelocks Pressed into his Majesty’s Service in the Expedition against the Insurgents in 1771, for the Dobbs Detachment, which were lost, broke or destroyed.
1773, Apr-May 1775 -- Deed Book 10, Dobbs County, NC
Page 420 - Jessee Ritter to Moses Ritter
Page 474 - Moses Ritter to Joshua Howell
1775, Apr 18 -- Deed Book 3 Page 502, Sampson County, NC
Edward Byrd deeded Moses Ritter 100 acres located East of Six Runs adjoining Henry MacCullows. Benjamon Bell and William Younf were witnesses.
1775, Apr 18 -- Deed Book 3 Page 503, Sampson County, NC
Daniel Watkins and wife Barsheba deeded Moses Ritter 150 acres located on Run of Beaverdam Swamp adjoining Edward Byrd. David James and Jessey Watkins were witnesses.
1777, Jan-Apr 1779 -- Deed Book 11, Dobbs County, NC
Page 198 - Moses Ritter to Wilson Wadkins
1783 -- Census, Duplin County, NC [current Sampson County, NC]
Moses Ritter listed
1784 -- Tax List, Sampson County, NC
Moses Ritter listed 250 acres and 2 white polls
1785, Feb 21 -- Deed Book 20 Page 80, Sampson County, NC
Moses Ritter deeded James Spiller two tracts of land: (1) 100 acres located East of Six Runs adjoining Edward Byrd, William Blackman. (2) 150 acres adjoining David James, Sr. and William Herndon. Thomas Coggins and William Harper were witnesses,
1785. Mar 23 – County Court Minutes, Sampson County, NC
A deed from Moses Ritter to James Spiller for 500 acres was proven by Thomas Coggins.
1786, Dec 8 -- Will, Wayne County, NC
1787, Jan [proven]
Will of James Brabury, dec’d.
Heirs: Wife, son Jacob Bradbury, daughter Hannah Ritter, son George Bradbury, daughter Mary Bele, granddaughter Elizabeth Bele, son Thomas Chambers Bradbury, daughter Rhoda Stanly and her eldest son James Stanly, son James Bradbury, daughter Elizabeth Grantham, son-in-law Thos. Grantham, grandson James Bradbury Ritter and grandson Aron Ritter.
Executors: William McKinne, Richard McKinne and Stephen Stanly
Witnesses: Wm. McKinne Junr., Michel Buell/Bauell, Thos. Costettor and Elizabeth Auly/Orrly
1787, Feb 8 -- Deed Book K Page 438, New Hanover County, NC
Bryant Buxton deeded Moses Ritter 250 acres located on Poplar Swamp of widow Moore’s Creek adjoining Thomas Moore, Jeremiah Malpass, Nathaniel McGufford and Anthony Ward including plantation known as Clay Fields. John Jones, Jesse Rooks and David Jones were witnesses.
1789, Apr-Apr 1792, Deed Book 14, Dobbs County, NC
Page 555 - John Ritter to Mott Hank
1789, Jun 15 – Land Grant #2231, New Hanover County, NC
Moses Ritter received a 100 acre Land Grant located East of Moore’s Creek on both sides of Poplar Branch. Thomas Lewis and Moses Ritter were chain carriers.
1789, Jun 15 – Land Grant #2232, New Hanover County, NC
Moses Ritter received a 100 acre Land Grant located East of Moore’s Creek, adjoining Thomas Lewis and his own line including Cuffie’s Point Bay. Thomas Lewis and Moses Ritter were chain carriers.
1790 -- Census, New Hanover County, NC Page 51
Moses Rettor
(16+) 1M
(0-16) 3M
1791, Dec 2–Land Grant #2355, New Hanover County, NC
Moses Ritterreceived a 300 acre Land Grant located East of Moore’s Creek, near Moore’s Creek Swamp, Cuffey’s Branch and Haws Branch adjoining John Jones and his own line. Thomas Ritter and Clemmer Ritter were chain carriers.
1789, Jun 15 – Land Grant #2270, New Hanover County, NC
Moses Ritter received a 240 acre Land Grant located between widow Moore’s Creek and the new road South of the Clayfield Bay adjoining his own line, John Jones, A. Stakey, Huggins and Thomas Lewis. Wm. Walker and Thos. Ritter were chain carriers.
1795, Oct 2 -- Land Grant #2520, New Hanover County, NC
Moses Ritter received a 70 acre Land Grant located West of Long Creek adjoining R. Proby, Wm. Walker, T. Lewis and his on line. Kiah Bonham and Polly Ritter were chain carriers.
1800, Oct 11 -- Deed Book L Page 496, New Hanover County, NC
Moses Ritter deeded Nathaniel McGufford 6 tracts of land containing (1) 250 acres on Polar Swamp of widow Moore’s Creek adjoining Jeremiah Malpuss, Nathl. McGufford Sr. and Anthony Ward known as the “Clayfields”; (2) 120 acres East of Moore’s Creek on Pursleys Branch adjoining Anthony Ward; (3) 100 acres located East of Moore’s Creek adjoining Ritter’s line, Thos. Lewis and Cuffy’s Point Bay; (4) 100 acres located East of widow Moore’s Creek and both sides of Poplar Branch; (5) 300 acres located East of Moore’s Creek, near Moore’s Creek Swamp, Cuffey’s Branch and Haws Branch adjoining John Jones; (6) 240 acres located widow Moore’s Creek and the new road South of the Clayfield Bay adjoining his own line, John Jones, Arthur Stucky, Huggins and Thomas Lewis. William Sharpless, Pettigrew Moore and Daniel Bourdeaux were witnesses.
1800, Oct 11 -- Deed Book N Page 355, New Hanover County, NC
Nathaniel McGufford deeded Moses Ritter slaves Kim and Hages. M. Harples, Pettegru Moore and Daniel Burdeaux were witnesses.
1804, May 1 and 15--Wilmington Gazette, New Hanover County, NC
The followingproperty owners were listed as being delinquent on their taxes and notified their land was going to be sold in June if the taxes were not paid.
Moses Ritter for 1801: 50 acres, 1 white poll and 1 black poll
Moses Ritter for 1802: 47 acres and 1 white poll
1804, Oct 16 -- Deed Book M Page 492, New Hanover County, NC
Ajatant Mott deeded Moses Ritter 75 acres on Bever Branch. James Portevent and John Loiteevent were witnesses.
1804, Oct 16 -- Deed Book M Page 493, New Hanover County, NC
James Poitevent deeded Moses Ritter 46.5 acres North of Bever Branch adjoining Moses Ritter’s line, John Walker and Daniel Burdeaux. Daniel Burdeaux and John Poitevent were witnesses.
1809, Apr 18 -- True Republican, Wilmington, NC
Notice: My wife Hannah has deserted my bed and board, without any provocation. I do hereby forwarn all persons whatever, from dealing with her, as I am determined not to pay, or answer any of her contracts, to which I requeit all persons to take due notice. Nevertheless, if my said wife Hannah will return to me, I will support her as usual, or procure a good house for her reception. – Moses RitterApr 17, 1809
1809, May 4 -- Deed Book O Page 37, New Hanover County, NC
Moses Ritter deeded Nathaniel McGufford 111.5 acres located East of Long Creek adjoining Paul Overhison. James Bonham and Sam Buxton were witnesses.
1810, Aug 14 -- Deed Book O Page 99, New Hanover County, NC
Moses Ritter deeded to son Jessa. B. Ritter slaves Ann, Susannah, Fan, John and Michel. Wm. Taylor and Solon Busley were witnesses.
1811, Mar 25 -- Deed Book O Page 521, New Hanover County, NC
Jesse Bradbury Ritter deeded John Walker 47 acres located East of Long Creek adjoining James Harper, Arthur Maxfield, James Wilsonand Portevent. Thomas Sharples and Arthur Stucker were witnesses.
1812, Feb 4 -- Deed Book O Page 328, New Hanover County, NC
Jesse Ritter deeded to father Moses Ritter slaves Ann, Jack, Mike, Rachel and Fanny. Solomon Beesly and John Harper were witnesses.
1812, May 28 -- Deed Book O Page 396, New Hanover County, NC
Moses Ritter deeded Daniel Bordeaux slaves Ann, Fan, Jack, Mike and Rachel. Hugh Cowan and Spencer Stanley were witnesses.
1814, Jan 21 -- Deed Book Q Page 274, New Hanover County, NC
Moses Ritter deeded James Moore Jr. a slave named Farraby in return for another slave [not named]. John Moore and James Quen were witnesses.
1819, May 11 -- Estate, New Hanover County, NC
Robert Alexr. Henry, Joel Henry, David Smith Jur. and Wm. Jones Larkins were named Administrators of the Estate of Moses Ritter, dec’d.
Moore/Cumberland County, NC References
1765, Apr 23 -- Deed Book 2 Page 544, Cumberland County, NC
James Muse deeded John Overtonseveral tract of land located on McLendon’s Creek [150 acre originally patented to Farqd. Campbell including Jonathan Rittenhouse’s improvement; 150 acre where Muse now lives originally patented to Muse; 150 acres originally patented to Charles Seal including mouth of Mill Swamp; and 200 acres located on Killets Creek patented to James Muse . Joseph Stubbs and John Carroll were witnesses. *This entry is included because it was mistakenly transcribed as Jonathan Ritter at one point in the past and led future researchers to believe this could be a relative of Jesse Ritter. I have consulted the original deed and found it clearly to say Rittenhouse, not Ritter.
1769, May 25 -- Deed Book 3 Page 381, Cumberland County, NC
John Donahoe deeded Nicholas Newton 200 acres located on Wet Creek. Samuel Williams, Jesse Riter and Thomas Keys were witnesses.
1773, May 24 -- Land Grant #1218, Cumberland County, NC
Jesse Rutter received a 200 acre Land Grant located on Wet Creek adjoining Jas. Chaney and Nicholas Newton.
1774, Jan 12 -- Land Grant #0417, Cumberland County, NC
William Smith entered a 50 acre Land Grant located on South of Cabin Creek adjoining David Kagill and John Kagill. Jesse Ritter and Jacob Kagle were chain carriers. [note – was not granted]