[Refer to Chapter II Section 4(1) b of
RTI Act, 2005]
O/o The Deputy Director
Groundwater Department
Names, Designations and other Particulars of Public
Information Officers [Section 4(1)(b)xvi]
17.1 Contact information about the Public Information Officers and Assistant Public Information Officers designated for various offices/administrative units and Appellate Authority/Officers) forO/o the Deputy Director, Groundwater Department, Visakhkapatnam in the following format.
Public Information Officer
sNo / Name of office/ administrative unit / Name & designation of PIO / Office Tel: Residence Tel: Fax: / Email
1 / O/o The Deputy Director,
Groundwater Department, Visakhapatnam / Sri R.K.M. Raju, Asst.Director (Hg) / 0891 2548822,
8333991182 /
Assistant Public Information Officer
SNo / Name of office/ administration unit / Name & designation of APIO / Office Tel: Residence Tel: Fax: / Email
O/o The Deputy Director,
Groundwater Department, Visakhapatnam / Kum E.Sridevi, Junior Asst. / 0891 2548822, /
Appellate Authority
sNo / Name, Designation & Address of Appellate Officer / Jurisdiction of Appellate Officer (offices/ administrative units of the authority) / Office Tel: Residence Tel: Fax: / Email
Sri K.S.Sastry,
Deputy Director. / O/o The Deputy Director,
Groundwater Department. Visakhapatnam / 0891 2548822,
8333991183 /
Chapter 2
Organisation, Functions and Duties [Section 4(1 )[ b)(i)J]
2.1 Particulars of the organization, functions and duties:-
SI. No. / Name of the Organization / Address / Functions & Duties1 / A.P. State Groundwater Department
Unit: O/o The Deputy Director / Office of the Deputy Director, Ground Water Department, Beside A.U Delta Studies Institute, OPP: Train Hostel, Sivaji Palem, Visakhapatnam / The office of Deputy Director, Ground Water Department, Visakhapatnam was established in 1975. The main objective of the Department is to conduct Hydrogeological, Geophysical and Hydrological surveys for locating well sites, special studies for environmental clearance for industries, Conjunctive Use studies in major irrigation projects, Estimation of Groundwater Resources adopting GEC-97 methodology, Monitoring groundwater levels & quality, Drilling of bore wells & Tube wells and studies for artificial recharge of groundwater by Watershed development methods. Also this department is actively involved in implementation of APWALTA-2002.
In this process the department is serving Scheduled Caste & Tribe farmers and Backward Class Farmers by conducting groundwater surveys for locating well sites through the respective corporations and agencies like S.C.Corporation, B.C.Corporation, ITDA, DRDA, DWMA etc. The Department extends its surveys for drinking water schemes of RWS department and other programmes by Agriculture, Horticulture, Sericulture, Fisheries, Municipalities, Public Health and Other Private Agencies in the District for groundwater development.
Chapter 3
Powers and Duties of Officers and Employees
[Section 4(1)(b)(ii)]
3.1 Details of the powers and duties of officers and employees of O/o the Deputy Director, GroundwaterDepartment, Visakhapatnam by designation as follows:
SI. No. / Name of the officer/employee / Designation / Duties allotted / Powers1 / Sri K.S.Sastry / Deputy Director / Statutory / Overall supervision of the district office, planning out field programmes, scrutiny and approval of the investigation reports, programming of drilling and monitoring of Piezometers and observation wells / Sanctioning and approval authority except surveys for industrial purpose which require more than 1,00,000 LPD (Director competent)
Administrative / Overall supervision of administration matters of district office / Sanctioning of increments to all subordinate officers and staff under his control, sanction of leaves to non-gazetted staff
Financial / Overall supervision of accounts matters / Drawing and Disbursing powers
Other / Attending review meetings held by district administration & directorate, Liaison officer in between Directorate and district administration, attending important works in connection with visits of Hon’ble Chief Minister and other Ministers as per the instructions of the District administration
2 / Sri R.K.M. Raju, / Assistant Director (Hg) / Statutory / Assists Deputy Director in all Technical and administrative aspects like formulation of field programmes, scrutinizing reports submitted by all field officers, Conducting special kind of investigations affecting public at large etc.(Now deputed to Sangareddy)
3. / Assistant Director (Gp) / Vacant / Statutory / Assists Deputy Director in all Technical and administrative aspects like formulation of field programmes, scrutinizing reports submitted by all field officers, Conducting special kind of investigations affecting public at large etc.
4 / Sri B.Ramanamurthy / Assistant Geophysicist / Statutory / Takes up field work involving Reconnaissance and detailed type of geophysical investigations including [a] seismic [b] electrical [c] other type of geophysical surveys, Interpretation of field data, preparation of Iso-resistivity and other maps, preparation of depth profiles, correlation of various geophysical characteristics with hydrogeological properties, indication of potential areas Geophysical well logging etc.
5. / Assistant Hydrogeologist / Vacant / Statutory / Takes up field work involving Hydrogeological Mapping and investigations to select suitable well sites, Measurement of water levels of Observation wells established to study the fluctuation of water levels and interpretation of data, Attending to drilling, Collection of data by inventory of wells for preparation of depth to water table, water table contour and quality maps and areas showing different degrees of potentiality, Carrying out pump tests, Working out cost benefit ratio of groundwater schemes, Preparation of consolidated reports on the various aspects of groundwater investigations and development possibilities etc.
6. / Sri C. Chandra Sekhara Rao / Assistant Hydrogeologist / Statutory / Takes up field work involving Hydrogeological Mapping and investigations to select suitable well sites, Measurement of water levels of Observation wells established to study the fluctuation of water levels and interpretation of data, Attending to drilling, Collection of data by inventory of wells for preparation of depth to water table, water table contour and quality maps and areas showing different degrees of potentiality, Carrying out pump tests, Working out cost benefit ratio of groundwater schemes, Preparation of consolidated reports on the various aspects of groundwater investigations and development possibilities etc.
7. / Assistant Geophysicist / Vacant / Statutory / Takes up field work involving Reconnaissance and detailed type of geophysical investigations including [a] seismic [b] electrical [c] other type of geophysical surveys, Interpretation of field data, preparation of Iso-resistivity and other maps, preparation of depth profiles, correlation of various geophysical characteristics with hydrogeological properties, indication of potential areas Geophysical well logging etc.
8. / Kum M.Sobha Rani / Asst.Hydrologist / Statutory / Takes up field work involving Evaluation of watershed characteristics, Stream flow measurements, Study of evapotranspiration, soil moisture and other parameters having bearing on hydrological aspects, Survey work, Leveling and other types of survey work to determine the altitude of groundwater table etc., and preparation of maps
9. / Tech.Assistant (Hg) / Vacant / Statutory. / Assists the Asst.Director in preparation of notes, progress reports, scrutinizes and analyses the monthly reports , prepare Hydrogeological maps, assess the ground water potential, scrutiny and analysis of all technical reports including basic data reports and monthly diaries of field officers, consolidation of achievemehnts for the state level review meetings.
10. / Tech.Asst.(Gp) / Vacant / Takes up field work involving geophysical investigation and other type of geophysical surveys, connection of existing well data to geophysical profiles, collection of water samples from wells, interpretation of field data, correlation of various geophysical characteristics with hydrogeological properties, geophysical well logging and correlation of geophysical observations with bore wells characteristics, demarcation of lithology etc.
11. / Analyst / Vacant / Attends to compilation of pre and post monsoon water levels and comparison with previous years for observation wells, preparation of monthly hydrographs correlating with rainfall, preparation of reports on rainfall data with discussions on seasonal conditions etc.
12. / Asst.Engineer ( C ) / Vacant / Compiles interprets the data pertaining to surface water resources, estimates ground water recharge, carries out field investigations , collects particulars of various command areas in each basins, conducts study of infiltration characteristics
13. / Drilling Supervisor / Vacant / Statutory / Attend to Drilling programme under all the schemes besides attending the mechanical section works, and maintenance of vehicles
14. / Asst.Drillers (2 Posts) / Vacant / Statutory / Assist the Drilling supervisor in drilling work and maintenance of vehicles etc
15. / Sri A.V.S.Raja Rao / Superintendent / Statutory / Exercises general supervision over Establishment and Accounts Sections in regard to dispatch business and in regard to discipline. Takes the necessary steps to ensure that no avoidable delay, occur and no paper is shelved, Advises the Senior Assistants/Junior Assistants working under his control on difficult or intricate questions and examines from time to time the actual files in the clerk's custody, Examines the Registers of fair copying and dispatch at frequent intervals and sees that these are regularly and properly maintained, Examines the distribution register and sees that the clerks invariably and promptly acknowledge the papers.
16. / Sri S.Srinivasa Rao / Senior Assistant / Statutory / Must deal with all the subjects allotted to his seat, Prepares different types of bills such as contingent, advance, pay bills, AC and DC bills, Maintains Cash Book, Increment Register and Service Registers, Prepares Budget Estimates, Revised Estimates, Reconciles Departmental Expenditure figures with those recorded in the Accountant General's Office, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad, Maintains and monitors head-wise and office wise monthly unreconciled expenditure figures and arranges to forward them to Government etc
17. / Typist ( 2Posts) / Vacant / Statutory / Types all drafts, UO notes, reports etc. and fair copies drafts and all communications. He types his initials on the fair copies, Is held incharge of the type writers and responsible for its care and upkeep, Notes, drafts and communications are typed on both sides of the paper
18. / Sri A.Bhargavkrishna / Junior Assistant / Statutory / Maintenance of Inward and outward Registers. Enters all the tappals received in the Tappal Registers every day and distributes them to concerned tapals through distribution register, stamp account and assist the establishments matters and submission of bills to PAO/Treasury and bank.
19. / Kum E.Sridevi / Junior Assistant / Statutory / Deals with correspondence of the Establishment section under the guidance of Asst.Director, Superintendent with required urgency, Attends any other work entrusted to her, including pay fixation, pension cases and cases of disciplinary proceedings, Maintains registers of Attendance, Casual Leave, Holiday Turn duty etc, Attends to dispatch and maintains stamp account
20. / Sri P.Kishorekumar / Junior Assistant / Statutory / Must deal with all the subjects allotted to his seat, Maintains periodical registers for the incoming and outgoing periodical returns, Maintains stock files of important orders and carefully keeps them upto date, Deals with all kinds of Technical matters
21. / Tracer / Vacant / Statutory / Tracing of geological and mineral maps on topographical base.
Colouring of all kinds of maps.
Tracing of hydro graphs of observation wells.
Tracing of geomorphologic maps.
22. / Driver ( 2 Posts) / Vacant / Statutory / He keeps driving of Departmental vehicles like jeeps, cars, matadors etc, Attends to the up keep of vehicles and the cleaning, servicing jobs regularly, attends to the proper maintenance of vehicles allotted, Maintains log books properly and inspects oil level check in engine, gear oil, differential oil, break oil etc. Coolant in radiator, belt tension, electrolyte in storage battery, wiring connection, dynamo charge, self starter and horns etc
23. / Sri B.Gopalakrishna / Driver / Statutory / He keeps driving of Departmental vehicles like jeeps, cars, matadors etc, Attends to the up keep of vehicles and the cleaning, servicing jobs regularly, attends to the proper maintenance of vehicles allotted, Maintains log books properly and inspects oil level check in engine, gear oil, differential oil, break oil etc. Coolant in radiator, belt tension, electrolyte in storage battery, wiring connection, dynamo charge, self starter and horns etc
24. / Sri. K.Ch.Appa Rao / Office Subordinate / Statutory / Attends to the Officers and Sections to carry files, tappals etc, Keeps the waste paper basket at convenient places and sees that waste paper is thrown into it and keeps stationary and records in almirahs without exposing to dust, Clears all rubbish and obsolete forms, publications and waste papers, Cleans and dusts the tables and chairs etc. of officers and staff. Brings drinking water to Officers and Staff, Maintains silence in sections and corridors keeping neatly and dealing with public courteously
25. / Sri.T.Ramagopal / Office Subordinate / Statutory / Attends to the Officers and Sections to carry files, tappals etc, Keeps the waste paper basket at convenient places and sees that waste paper is thrown into it and keeps stationary and records in almirahs without exposing to dust, Clears all rubbish and obsolete forms, publications and waste papers, Cleans and dusts the tables and chairs etc. of officers and staff. Brings drinking water to Officers and Staff, Maintains silence in sections and corridors keeping neatly and dealing with public courteously
26. / Sri.M.S.J.Ramachandra Rao / Office Subordinate / Statutory / Attends to the Officers and Sections to carry files, tappals etc, Keeps the waste paper basket at convenient places and sees that waste paper is thrown into it and keeps stationary and records in almirahs without exposing to dust, Clears all rubbish and obsolete forms, publications and waste papers, Cleans and dusts the tables and chairs etc. of officers and staff. Brings drinking water to Officers and Staff, Maintains silence in sections and corridors keeping neatly and dealing with public courteously
27 / Kum Shakeela Begum / Office Subordinate / Statutory / Attends to the Officers and Sections to carry files, tappals etc, Keeps the waste paper basket at convenient places and sees that waste paper is thrown into it and keeps stationary and records in almirahs without exposing to dust, Clears all rubbish and obsolete forms, publications and waste papers, Cleans and dusts the tables and chairs etc. of officers and staff. Brings drinking water to Officers and Staff, Maintains silence in sections and corridors keeping neatly and dealing with public courteously
28 / Helper / Vacant / Statutory / Assists Drillers and Asst. Drillers in drilling operations, attends to loading and unloading of drilling materials.
29 / Watchman / Vacant / Statutory / He will watch and ward of office, vehicles and other equipment
30 / Sri S.Suryanarayana / Work Inspector
(Work-Charged) / Statutory / He will watch and ward of office, vehicles and other equipment
Chapter 4
Procedure Followed in Decision-making Process
[Section 4(1 )(b)(iii)]
4.1 The procedure followed in decision-making by O/o the Deputy Director, Groundwater Department, Visakhapatnam
/ Description / Decision making process / Designation of final decision-making authorityGoal-setting & Planning / Yearly field program and annual targets are prepared and submitted to head office for approval. After obtaining approved field program from head office planning-out the achievement of field programme to complete minimum cent percent / The concerned officers and case workers are involved in preparing the field program and annual targets and concentrated to achieve the targets as per the instructions of the Deputy Director from time to time / Deputy Director
Budgeting / Annual budget for taking up investigations and drilling, salaries of the officers & employees, other budget required for running the office like stationery, fuels, rents, telephone, internet etc. / Account section superintendent, case workers sit together with the concerned officers and finalize the budget requirement / Deputy Director
Formulation of programmes, schemes and projects / Scientific & Research studies are proposed under departmental programme and major important programmes other than field programme referred by district administration / Preparation of field level programme for taking up the study by the technical section, Assistant Director & Deputy Director in turn submit to Director / Deputy Director in turn submits the detailed reports for approval of Director
Recruitment/ hiring of personnel / Only hiring of registered Geologists for conducting groundwater surveys as per APWALTA-2002 / Depending on the no.of sites referred under APWALTA-2002 / Deputy Director
Release of funds / Releasing funds under various heads by the Director, Groundwater Department, Hyderabad duly authorized by Director of Treasuries / Decided by the Directorate, Hyderabad / Director, Groundwater Department, Hyderabad.
Implementation/ delivery of service/utilization of funds / As per the field program & targets approved by the Directorate, Groundwater investigations & Drilling are taken up. Funds under various heads are drawn from the local Treasury and concerned officers & caseworkers will spend the amounts for achieving the targets of investigations, drilling etc. / The Technical Section looks after the implementation of the approved field programme in consultation with the Assistant Director and Deputy Director. Accounts Section looks after the drawl of funds from the local Treasury/ P.A.O in consultation with the Deputy Director. / Deputy Director
Monitoring & evaluation / The performance of individual officers and employees are evaluated monthly through the performance indicators / There are two indicators for officers and PR’s being maintained for the administrative staff for monitoring and evaluation. / Deputy Director
Gathering feedback from public / The cleared survey points for the benefit of SC, ST & BC beneficiaries etc., are implemented by the concerned agencies through drilling of bore wells/ tube wells are being utilized for concerned beneficiaries / - / -
Undertaking improvements / Improvements in carrying out investigations, improvement in methodology and instrumentation / Review meetings are held by the Deputy Director to assess the performance and to take necessary steps for improvement / Deputy Director
Flow chart: District office headed by Deputy Director with the following flow chart of the subordinate officers and staff.