[Official Course Name] [Official Course Tracking Number]
Instructor Name:Instructor Email:Instructor Office Phone:
Instructor Conference Period:
Course Credits:
Course Prerequisites :
Board and State Approved Instructional Materials
Course Overview:
This course is a survey of (insert course description) Content will include (overview of major content). This course prepares students to (insert description of what the course is designed to prepare students to do)
Course Goals:
List course goals.
This course is a core academic/elective requirement for graduation. This course will assist students in their continued development of reading, writing, and critical thinking skills that increase proficiency value in other academic disciplines and provide enduring skills for life beyond high school.
Course Standards or Objectives
List required state and local standards or objectives for the course
Lifelong Learning Standards
Self-directed learner
Contributing citizen
Knowledge worker
Complex thinker
Effective communicator
Course Outline
The instructor is to list all of the major topics, assignments, assessments, and the respective due dates. This is an exhaustive list of the activities and objectives that will be completed during the course. This is critical to the student as they are typically in 6-7 high school courses. The syllabus allows for the student to align their academic and personal calendar and prepare for the due dates of their assignments.
Parents as Partners
Note to Parents: Dear parent partners, please encourage your son or daughter to [ insert what support you need from parents for their student]. Go to www. [ ] and click on the High School library Online subscription for reading, research, and other educational opportunities.
Methods of Assessment
State the authentic formative and summative assessment measures that will be employed in your course. Copies of rubrics should be included. If individual and/or group participation will be included in the course assessment it should be outlined here. Final examinations should be cumulative with an emphasis on the most essential standards and objectives for the course. Many districts and schools administer a common final examination. For courses in which the content is assessed utilizing a major project, performance exhibition, etc., the project should be divided into modules and smaller assignments with a separate grade assigned to each. This will ensure that students are provided with frequent and specific feedback.
[District or Board Approved ] Grading Scale
Check your campus and district approved grading scale.
A=93-97 percent / C=73-75 percent
A-=90-92 percent / C-=70-72 percent
B+=86-89 percent / D+=66-69 percent
B=83-85 percent / D=63-65 percent
B-=80-82 percent / D-=60-62 percent
F=0-59 percent
Check your campus or district grading procedures for make-up work guidelines.